/srg/ - speedrunningxgeneral
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General more dead than cosmos limp dick.
I gotta word this post.
It's time to let go.
In case u missed it
Holy shit. It will take that video down soon.
>not wiping on the underside of your scrote to save it for a flavorful treat
how fast is too fast
Ludicrous speed
where's the south park tattoo
>someone reported the RWhiteGoose dick size post
The God Gamer Stigma
cronikeys? more like trannykeys
What whacky tweet has aulthorbulge posted on Twitter today, haha!
stay mad you arent funny
You aren't funny, you pander to the lowest common denominator. The people who barely speedrun and stream monsters.
so who's HOYP for some Zelda BoTW at the next big marathon?
Don't let this doggy die
t. pathetic stream monsters with nothing else other than /srg/ in his life
croni is a trap not a tranny, stupid
I'm not a returning runner, girl, """girl""", streamer, but I have a couple of WRs, what are my chances of getting to a GDQ?
Imagine being so beta and insecure that you have to report apollo legend for posting videos where you act like a cringey faggot under the guise of "he was profiting off my content."
>Imagine being so beta and insecure
the goblin said, curled over his keyboard.
meanwhile, bounceyboy is smashing cute mexican ass.
>pretty girl
Is there anyone more bitter and jealous that serg stream monsters?
what ever happened to miles?
>I-I'm not exposed! I-I know! I'll call him a goblin! Kappa LUL Kappa LUL
Go back to /r/speedrun faggot. Also she's a 4 at best. She couldn't even compete with the 'Bean's epic mammaries.
>she's a 4 at best
said the virgin.
>she'll never be as pure as my loli waifus
>I am your queen, 2017
it has a nice ring to it desu
>*rubs hand down my ass crack*
>*sniffs fingers*
>that bounceyboy sure is a faggot loser cuck
>samandtolki reposting my post
all me
Narcissa yesterday vs DSP today
Who doesn't do that?
t. stream monster trying to be funny
t. glenn doing it for free
>when your post is so shit and unfunny it just gets deleted
Since /srg/ hates carcinogen, what are some /srg/ approved Resident Evil 7 runners?
they said runners, not people who did a run & quit it
>people who did a run & quit it
RE7 speedrunning in a nutshell.
Who is that one streamer you want to return to speedrunning?
retro megabyte
Holy fuck how is that not viral
free bitch
Remember when Cosmo had like 5k viewers or close to 10k on weekends constantly when speedrunning OoT or MM? those were the days. I remember getting up in the morning and seeing Cosmo stream was a feel good moment in the mornings when I woke up back when Twitch or JustinTV was a brand new thing to me.
Now everything is so dull. I'm searching for a new website that will give me those feels again
not happening
let go & move on
>janny deleting posts about cosmo
can we talk about chibi then
I like his penis
I like his jump
its not chibi anymore guys please respect the name change
what's his new name?
wow, that's even gayer lmao
>anyone who uses the internet is a virgin and has no girlfriend! XD XD XD XD
end your life, nuthugger
This is the Speedrunning General. This is a safe place for virgins. Normie sluts need to get out NOW.
nice height slice
You have to be pretty edgy to pretend that the usage of Any% annoys you.
*is injured*
*suddenly shrinks back*
I've been found out!
>tfw puncay is more of a normie than you
>there will never be comfy MHC stream in your lifetime
>MHC was stopped
Is Narcissa our girl?
>samandtolki making a huge fucking deal out of my post
I'm having a productive day:
post about me
Try achieving something in speedrunning.
Dugongue is NOT our boy. He is a wannabe normie faggot sellout with no games skills. DELET him
You have to go back.
i have tho
Being tied for 1st place in Barney's Hide & Seek Game with 11 other people doesn't count
>he thinks being 2nd in Medievil is an achievement
>zewing retweeting /pol/ content
Is he, dare I say it, our lad?
>retweeting /pol/ content when you have no idea about /pol/
STOP hurting our queen's feelings
*is injured*
*suddenly shrinks back*
I've been found out!
*flies high above it all and bird laughs*
fucking CUTE!
what the FUCK is wrong with her? does she even read what she types? complaining about "get gud" while "learning". guess what you stupid cunt: "learning" is the fucking definition of "getting gud".
god damn people are fucking retarded. she just wants to be included in shit but sucks at games. bitch, if you want to hang with the best you have to be the best. otherwise go do your lets plays elsewhere and lurk.
putting work into playing games is toxic and you should feel bad for shaming
speedrunning is sexist. women and women (men) should get a handicapable bonus like -30 sec for every 15 mins of game play. sort of like how women golfers get to tee off closer to the hole. this would allow greater competition since the gender gap wouldn't be as large.
People like this need to take their tumblr-tier whining to the trash. She is shit at games and will never, ever be competitive. Why is she even forcing her irrelevant opinion? For one, she's female, which is already a laugh, second, she is fucking trash and needs to get good and accept that.
Watch out for AuthorBulge whiteknighting these posts.
He's not a speedrunner either.
Cosmo the Man with a Penis is a middle ages MAN who smells like a man, has a thinlet, skeleton build with broad shoulders, a chinless face that has his mouth connecting directly to his collarbone, absolutely abysmal roots (dye that shit you freaky dead ass nigga) and an overwhelming fear of competing in a speedgame.
Cosmo the Man
With a penis
Man smell
Man build
Cosmo the Man.
I think I found a gap in the internet for Narcissa movie memes. Can you guys watch it. I think I might be a prodigy
do you like my pretty shoulders user?