when the world stood still edition
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first for hatchling
>Trinkets before Legion
>Use: Increase x stat by y for z seconds
>Trinkets in Legion
>Interesting takes on boss abilities/appearances
>Unique effects
>get hated on
lmao what
The Shal'Aran theme is the best song in the game imo. Brings me close to tears like I'm listening to a world class violinist.
might as well be
Blizzard really is obsessed with their music, one good thing about them
where do I find the artist info even?
ok nvm found it
eventhough that might not be everything, the title list is lacking some songs
>buying the albums when you own their games
serious blizzard jewery
According to some youtube description that song was composed by by Russel Brower and Neal Acree.
One thing I don't like about WoW so much is that their boss themes don't feel as grandiose as they should, but the music as a whole is always good.
do you guys like elves
>that xylophone in the beginning
It's like he doesn't even remember the soul capacitor
>playback on other sites have been disabled by the video owner
I like Blood elves. Not this one though.
>Have had a Mage at 110 for a month
>Done my daily cache+heroic every day without missing one
>Did all LFR every week
>Zero legendaries
Pls Blizzard I don't want to commit a ton of time until I find out what my first legendary is, but you aren't making it easy
Why is warrior so boring to play?
" Only the fat ones will do "
Prince Farondis is such a misogynist
kys tard
posting ONLY THE BEST soundtracks in wow everything else is shit for fags
>Tfw I think I am just going to play a BM Hunter
>Amazing AoE
>Okish ST
>So easy I can read a book on my 2nd monitor
>Legendary parsing is as easy as knowing how to play the class and taking talents for the fight since 99% of the BM players are mouthbreathers who only picked it due to ez ness
>livers are women
and i don't know what the fuck that abomination is supposed to be but that's definitely not an elf
Isn't Fury literally like 3 buttons?
>Enrage at 100 enrage
>Bloodthirst on CD
>Raging Blow on CD
>Filler attack
>During Execute use Execute
>all these WoD tracks
take your UNGA CHUNGA UNGA CHUNGA music back to wherever the fuck you came from, faggot
>race change goes for 25 bucks
come on i just want to be cute nelf
I count 5
check mate atheists
where is your god now
It's very cool, user, but that's nothing. Look at this.
Inhuman degenerate.
Call me when you've got gear with an ilvl you can't buy
>He buys his gear
Whatever floats on your boat, Scrooge McDuck.
wow is all about UNGA CHUNGA now go fuck yourslf faggot!!!
how come there are people with so much gold they can afford to make 109 twinks with high ilvl boe gear, buy the spider mount and so on? extra smarts to dominate the auction house or what? i must be a dumb fucker if i havent figured it out and sit at 30k gold all the time
bloodthirst and raging blow is one since you put them on scroll up and down and you just scroll like mad
execute and rampage is same thing depending on hp %
furious slash
1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3
I played Legion for like 1-2 months and had 200k gold after starting with 2k. I didn't even play the AH or anything, it was all just questing/class hall/WQs/playing the damn game.
now if only they hadn't made dalaran's music shit
drives me fucking insane how bad it is and having to listen to it for hours
they play the game with paid sub and the gold just piles up because theres no gold sink
stop AFKing in Dal
it's not easy finding group even for a 910 rogue
and after you spend half of the gold for a token where did u get it again
farming for herbs is ez and very profitable
or you can just use sarg blood, it's worth 500g a pop and you drop them all the time
I bought 3 tokens 'cuz back then they only cost ~55k. :^)
Still, you can easily make a token's worth of gold on NA if you just play. I don't mean idling in Dalaran for 7 hours a day tho.
didnt look at your links but frostfire, arathi highlands, four winds, and the panda kazoo better be in there
Why Bloodthirst on Mouse wheel?
t. 100 Fury Warrior about to level
well too bad now the prices dropped to literal cents where you would need to spent 10hours doing that trivial shit
because this way you get two rage generating abilities under one finger and its easy?
nice game
10 hours a month ain't that bad
what did u get
>missing the point
>LFR Gul'dan
What do you mean to say by posting this?
ok guys this ones really makes me think, why do females feel so comfortable with characters representing them geting fucked by other character representing other artists
do you think she fucks rexx?
Should I stop using ElvUI?
valnoressa is a tranny
>fucks rexx
lmao no.
post rexx irl
Somehow we got it 2nd try
I had 75% of the damage done to the eyes at ilvl 840 with a weapon without it's 3rd relic slot
It was neat
gfycat com/OrneryEllipticalJenny
Why is Rexx obsessed with fel orcs.
He's Swedish
Of course.
>level 110
>doesn't have the third relic slot
why bother
if i feel the desire to be that slut does that make me gay? did the jews win?
>did the jews win?
Just your flawed DNA
i do! Elves are the best!
great now I'll only think about cock when I play my nelf thanks a lot user
>lying on the internet
>he actually thinks that valnoressa is a girl
What should I play if I want to see a lot of big crits?
Fury warr, Frost mage and fire mage i guess
Holy Paladin
demon hunter
I just played my DH a bit who was untouched since pre 7.1 and I have no fucking clue how the auto-attack with Demon Blades work.
Either I'm fucking stupid (which is more likely) or my DH does nothing when he is in front of an enemy. I also tried putting auto-attack in my skill bar, which does nothing.
frost DK
name another class that crits for 4 million damage
best melee dps?
frost DK
post proff she isint or fuck off
ass rogue
best race for ele shaman?
so says the SHADOW of Xavius
demon hunter
>carrying bm friend with 880 ilvl
>he does sub 400k in raids
what can I tell him to improve? I don't know bm, isn't it click everything on CD
what is most retarded looking race for mage?
for shadow priest?
draenei / dwarf
with one ability?
>what is most retarded looking race for mage?
male orc
>for shadow priest?
tauren anything
post skada to prove frost dk isnt the same
Fury of Sindragosa m8
so, one ability?
>wanting to be the elf slut
yes. It hits for a little over 2 million at 890, so crits for 4 million
so not different than dh
I just realized Basilisks are fucking stupid. What do they eat? Meat. How the fuck are you going to derive meat from stone, you shitass animal? Why don't these dumb motherfuckers die out in one generation?
yeah, but what ability does that on a dh
fury of the illidari
>6/12 characters are fem belves
>t. Lasan Skyhorn
>7/7 of my playable characters are fem belves