/fhg/ For Honor general


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Just let it die.

Joke's on you, I have full revenge set. I can't die.


2nd, for Orochi isn't even a problem.

Get a job and a girlfriend you fucking faggots.

What food do you think Nobushi likes

9/11, try making it say "Deuces Vault" or something else that sounds off, like the original how do you do fellow kids

Valk is cute! CUTE!

chili dogs

This isn't fine

What do you do to stop a Valk as a shugoki? I feel like it's a literal guessing game til she sweeps you got a fuckload of damage

Look at those meaty as fuck arms, that's not cute

Randomly swing your insanely fast lights like every other shugoki

better hugs

babby fingers

Shugoki is the easiest to play character with a low skill cap. He's meant to be a noob character for people who can't git gud at the game / young kids.

Switch to someone else is my advice.


You are salty as fuck about that character, aren't you?

desu makes him instantly identifiable as a weeb and that's the point.

>actually believes shugoki is ez mode

I'm sorry, I'm pretty sure you mean PK and Valk you turbo autist

And now again in human language

Did they reduce the rare drops? I leveled LB and got rares every game. Now that im Shugoki om getting nothing but greys even when rep 1

No? Can't someone give advice without being salty?


Sure you can give advice without sounding salty but you did not

Do I have to talk like a timid lamb to not sound salty?

i don't speak arabic

Show me on the puppet where the Demon hugged you, user

>this general
Can you faggots only complain about the things you are to bad to counter or what?

That's what these threads are for, is it not?

I hate Valkyrie

We could talk about the game Veeky Forums is only cancer if people make it like that

why talk about the game when we can spend the thread shittalking classes we can't counter and talking about having relationships with nonexistent characters

Alright, then. What do you want to talk about?

The non existent lore and how Ubisoft fucked up with this new IP

Is it possible that Valkyrie is overpowered?
I've never played Valkyrie since buying this game, but I picked her up last night, and have been doing amazing since.
The problem that I'm having is that I'm beating Rep 8 Wardens, Rep 3 PKs, a Rep 17 Warlord even.
This shouldn't be the case if I was only level 1-5 beating these guys.

nothing. I consider valt a tier 1 pick right now, and she has all the tools to hard counter shugoki as well. She can 100-0 a Lawbringer in a single stamina bar if you block poorly too.

Yes she is but a rep 8 warden and rep 17 warlord should have been able to defeat you

>Play rep 0 Warlord
>Perfect a rep 5 Warlord in duel mode
AFK farmers are the worst.

Some shitters play Warlord exclusively for the throws. They don't even know his moveset

She went from bottom tier to tier 1 in a single patch. People havent adapted to countergrab changes yet. Don't think people have learned to play against her.

But yeah, I think she's pretty busted. Her combos and stamina efficiency are fucking retarded.

I've fought Warlords like that before. They'll use the shield charge and try to GB exclusively. It's pretty funny.

>People havent adapted to countergrab changes yet
didn't they just made the window bigger?

Nope, people just aren't used to her yet, but it's pretty easy to counter her combos.

They moved it back a bit and made it a bit bigger if my understanding is correct. My countergrabs have been absolutely abysmally bad since the patch hit.

>Playing Kensei against a high level player who can tech, feint, parry and block everything

to truly outplay these people you need to not think at all

>they block top and don't fall for faints
Kensei is absolutely terrible

There is no greater feeling than flipping a Warlord burger while my Raider bro pounds him with unblockables.

Would /fhg/ consider me shit if I as Orochi had my main way of dealing damage was parry -> GB -> Top heavy and using zone / Heavy feint into light attacks mixups for chip damage?

Met some dude who called me shit for not using the entirety of my moveset, outside of feinting it.

He played PK, i rekt him and he told me to stay for a rematch in brawl so he could 'teach' me how to play Orochi. I rekt him then to.

You did make sure to cook the meat first, right? Nobody wants a raw hamburger.

Kensei is terrible if they never fall for feints

People getting down Counter guard never helps either

Shugoki is really not that easy to play. He's certainly more difficult to play than warlord and conqueror (I'm prestige 6 warlord, prestige 3 conq, prestige 2 shugoki) because he doesn't have the all block crutch versus fast classes like PK and valk

Additionally all his attacks are so easily parried that you have to play a lot of mind games kensei style to get a hit in, assuming your opponent is smart enough to GB your dauntless.

Is this bait? Or have you just never played shugoki?

he honestly feels like a character that they made early in development and just forgot about

Are we gonna have to redo this pic but with shugoki instead

Orochi just had a shit moveset. The problem isn't with you, it's that the class does not have very many good options. If he lost then it's because he's bad.

Kensei was pretty shitty in the alpha actually. They redid it to put it where it is now so they were at least paying attention.

What exactly do you mean people never fall for feints?

My problem with Orochi is that he does way too much fucking damage on his GB top heavy. It's so fucking much

>Kensei was even worse than he already is

game is dead thanks to ubisoft and reddit


lets hope bethseda doesn't fuck up quake champions

>Playing Valk against a player who knows where the dodge button is

I haven't played in a week. What happened?

nothing, just /v/ shitposting

Rep 17 is a decent giveaway that they're exploiters without skill.
That or they've ascended beyond my level of neet and I can no longer recognize their form as a derivative of my own.

Seriously, matchmaking takes forever.

Also last night I fought a match, left, went and got something to easy, came back and queued, and LITERALLY got the SAME EXACT 7 PEOPLE and EXACT SAME TEAM COMP.

How fucking dead is this gamethat this can happen?

matchmaking is broken and has been since start and don't you for a fuckin second think it will get fixed.

it was same shit in r6 since the open beta and they have not yet fixed it. ubisoft just can't to multiplayer

All they need to do with PK is increase the recovery of the second light in the chain so they can't spam lights as fast.

I dunno, I've had similar occurrences when playing late at night in Dominion versus AI.

Twice or thrice in a row I'd get the same AFK bot game, until I ALT + F4 to crash their game (after reporting them, of course. Fuck those niggers), then reboot and get fresh, different games with different people each time.

>Last guy alive fighting 2 or more
>Fighting on top of a teammates corpse while defending against guardbreaks/strikes from both enemies
>Teammate keeps spamming the revive chat commands like it's a fucking option at this point in time

Fucker I can see that your bitch ass is dead, you don't need to remind me.

Yet their multiplayer for Assassin's Creed won awards way back when it was so good.

>(after reporting them, of course.

lol who actually reports people?

>teammates spamming revive command while you're fightning 1v4
Are they braindead ?

I do. Every time I do Dominion (AI) orders, I report about a dozen people.

>Me, a decent conq main
>Try out PK because of orders
>I destroy PvP even though I'm Rep 0 and just started learning

I need to go deeper... I must become the ultimate tier whore tryhard...

I feel bad, /fhg/. Tell me it's okay to like good characters.

Maybe they think the enemy team will back off and let you revive them to make it fair and honorable.

Playing Orochi was actually kind of shitty

>enemy gets exhausted
>get them to attack
>their attack comes out so slow and I get hit before their animation even finishes

why are all exhausted attacks like this?

You've gone this far. It's too late for you. Might as well stack revenge gear on your way down the rabbit hole.

I report every single AFK fucker I see.

Either fuck off to matchmaking off game modes, or play the game yourself. Stop ruining games for everyone else.

I'ts ok, people only complain about PK because they are bad.
But don't complain when you see your HP going away out of one parry.

M-my conq is a revenge build. With max gear level.

>Warden and Orochi rep 3

Fuck yo-

>kensei rep 3

your a good dude

It's perfectly acceptable to play Peacecute. Ignore the bads.

To ironically make parrying it easier. Funny how that turned out.

Of course my friend. I cook with only the finest flames.

So I apparently have 100 hours in the game already and like probably 30 hours from the beta

Fuck ubisoft for making me enjoy this game

I main PK, but I don't light spam. People actually expect it. I've found what REALLY mines the salt yesterday because I changed up my tactics. Dodging their attacks and following with the R2 while they're recovering from the attack and learning to deflect gets people ABSURDLY mad. I've never seen the level of salt it's got. Ever, in any game, in my life.

Maybe it's something about being able to with without cheese and being untouchable and countering peoples' play. Plus any game with poke attacks automatically pisses people off.

Good thing the savage comes salted.

>they stand back and let me duel their teammate
>knock me out of execution and revive the dead guy
why even bother just gangbang me if you're going to do that

>Fighting against a defensive Warden


>Be "high" rep
>Doing pretty good most of the time
>One off game where you're doing badly
>"lmao ur so trash"

What ornament, if any, would go well with golden armor?

I assume it's to give you a fun fight, but to ensure they don't actually lose

Is Kensei's zone attack the ultimate ''Nothing personal kid'' attack?

>be within the top 40 globally across all platforms at berserker in most stats
>klyka still makes a video with one of the worst regarded berserkers out there who plays nothing but 4v4 because he has viewers on his stream
>wildbill didn't even want to do it, because he knows he's 4v4 trash

Is this accurate?

>I know how to press tab in packet tracer

>Defensive Warden

No, this is much more accurate


Just kicked his ass last night on what I assume is live stream because he and another dude had .tv in their names.