/ywg/ - Yo-kai Watch General #76

Previous thread: Early Spring Edition


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Yo-kai Watch 3 is out in Japan! Details here!

The Third version of YW3 (Sukiyaki) is out! Go spelunking with friends and kill each other's heads over those goddamn traps!

Yo-kai Watch Wibble Wobble:
WibWob medal registration: yo-kai-wibblewobble.com/medal/index.nhn

>Is this actually good?
Yes it's good, just don't go in expecting the hyped up "Pokemon killer" aspect. Kotaku started the phrase for clickbait and it worked. They aren't the same game at all, just two games in the monster catching genre. If you want an explanation on the battle system, someone can fill you in, don't worry the demo for the first game was indeed shit and not a good representation of how you'll go through the game. The demo for 2 was slightly better.
It's heavily recommended to skip the first game and go straight for Yo-kai Watch 2.

>Is there a list of all the yokai?

>I'm too lazy to look for i-

Here's a resource document for all your Yo-kai Watch 1+2 FAQ needs:

Here's a Pastebin for all your Yo-kai Watch 2 FAQ needs:
pastebin.com/JVBgWF8s (embed)
We're working on an FAQ for Yo-kai Watch 2 now! This includes event passwords and QR codes, Poking tips, Door locations, and other good shit.

Tags: Yokai, Youkai

Other urls found in this thread:


I think I've played enough Wib Wob this weekend for an entire lifetime. Strangely enough, I'm actually not bored with the Event. I'm just tired and have a headache from looking down at my phone for most of my waking hours these past few days.

Now that is some dedication. I'm terribly behind in the game missing a lot of the event yo-kai and Elder Bloom. I just recently befriended Beelzebold and both Venocts. Right now I am debating on whether I should continue on the event or grind Y-money to catch up for future ones.

how much contribution do you get per round to get that much? I've only gotten up to the 19k mark.

It all depends on your placement in this period. The next two periods are ones you'll want to place high in; Komajiro A and Komajiro S are both really strong.

If they had done the Select-a-Coin Event before I pulled Peppillon in August, I would've bought it in a heart beat. You might want to grind Y-Money during this period in case they add more Yo-Kai to the Event Crank-a-Kai on Tuesday.

Anywhere from less than a hundred to over a thousand. It's all RNG, so pick a god and pray. Use Kirin and Komajiro S for an 80% boost.

is 3 getting brought over to the west?

Refer to this video:
TL;DW Its not officially confirmed but Wibble Wobble confirms we will get pretty much every Yo-kai Watch game on 3DS

Yo-kai Specs is up to chapter 14 now, with 15 in the works.

I finished the "Inaho In Heat" story last week.

Hanako-san's now in Wibble Wobble during the Yo-cake Scramble event.


God i love Dodzilla

There's a decent chance of it happening. USApyon has been seen in Hasbro's 2017 Toyfair, and Pintocorn's name has bee comfirmed to be Cornfused.
In wibwob, all the buster bosses, save for Hino-shin, have appeared, including Captain Thunder

There's some more evidence but it gets redundant and boring pretty fast, so I avoided referencing it.

USApyon and Pintocorn were both featured in a promotion with a Californian sushi bar. USApyon's name is the same, while Pintocorn will be called Cornfused.

Nintendo will be supporting the 3DS through 2018, and YW is exceeding expectations. Them dropping the series would be a pretty surprising move.

Inaho's friends have localized names in Wib Wob. NHN doesn't do any localization themselves.

LEVEL-5 is pretty into their multimedia thing. If they're localizing one aspect, they'll localize all the others. Hino has stated in the past that it doesn't really matter how well each aspect does, but rather, the franchise's general success. Anime season 3 is coming later this year, so we're definitely getting YW3 as well.

The company who did the localization for Ni No Kuni and some (not all) of the name localizations for YW stated back in December that they have been working on names for YW3 Yo-Kai. They didn't mention YW3 by name, but they mentioned the car dude.

I'll be extremely surprised if we don't get Shin'uchi and Busters by the end of the year.

Good to hear
Most of my favorite bosses become recruitable in 3
Hi no Shin is recruitable in 3 yeah? I know his awakened form is, at least in Sukiyaki

The update has him as a recruitable in 3, yeah.


Love this artstyle. Keep on doing what you're doing.

>tfw you don't have Komajro S, but managed to get Kyryn from the Crank this time around.

Well, at least Komasan S & Archania are helping me pop those cake balls for extra points.

Don't worry about it. Komajiro A is a contribution reward for the next two periods, so compete then rather than now. You can snag him at 20,000 points I think, then fuse him into Komajiro S. Save up money in case they introduce Izanami, who you'll need for her extra 50% increase (same as Kyryn's). You really lucked out with pulling both of the Event cranks so far.

>Try crank this event
>Contrarioni,Bruff, timidevil
God fucking dammit

Well, most of my crank is max out. I got rid of all my B ranks a while ago & the only A ranks that are the left are the mascots & Insomni.

But yeah, will probably end up trying to save some Y-Money for the crank if they do give us Uber Geeko & Mermother on Tuesday. That and as long as I keep on trucking in the event to get Komajiro A, cause a part of me hopes that he's one of the rewards for collecting points like Jiba A and Koma A were these past two waves.

>a part of me hopes that he's one of the rewards for collecting points like Jiba A and Koma A were these past two waves.
He should be available during at least one of the next periods as a contribution reward. I won't be fusing him since Komajiro A + S + Swelterrier is much more powerful than Komashura, believe it or not.

>fusable komajiro A+S+Swelterrier
It's the tribe bonus isn't it. Does Komajiro A do the same score up boost as S?

Komajiro A and S are both Attack Uppers, not Score. And yeah, the Tribe Unity does it. Soultimate pt is actually all lies for Direct Attackers, in case you missed Robbett's video on it. The only thing that matters is the LEVEL of the Soultimate.

To clarify, Swelterrier's Soultimate at Level 7 applies the same multiplier onto his Attack as Komashura's does, so all that matters is the Attack stat. Swelterrier gets 605 * 1.2 = 726 Attack with the triple Unity from the two Komajiro, which is significantly more than Komashura's 630 Attack.

Komashura's Seal is stronger than him until Edison and Otonakai release. This is also why Saotome Ranma S is so strong as a 685 Attack, Charming All Attacker.

If you hack, can you put in a nickname longer than the character limit without anything bad happening?

I think it is possible, considering the whole 'tip of dick' thing that happened in some stream. I don't think there are any drawbacks, although of course fucking around with save data runs the risk of corrupting your save.


I picked up Sukiyaki a few weeks ago and I'm really enjoying the Treasure Busters Mode. It almost feels like its own game. But how do I unlock more dungeons? I assume I have to beat all the ones I have but theres one with an Orcanos who I just can't beat.

Me irl

Thinking of doing a giveaway in 2, anyone have any requests?

Where'd you get that picture of me?

does Tbusters have an online mode for party searching/dungeoning? Try that to get past Orcanos.

looks like a scan of one of the corocoro pages

I wasn't really asking where he got the Hino pic, but thanks. I actually have the issue that picture is in.

Sailornyan or Pandanoko, or if those are too overdone, I would choose Skranny or Beelzebold.

This Jiba is cute

I love Noko

fuck it I'll take requests
first come first serve

Gleam for me then.
FC: 2406-5246-5028

IGN: Mothimas

I wish I could get Slurpent without killing myself

Looking forward to more as always


I'd like a Beelzebold please

sweet. Thanks man.

Do you think the top 5 only for event like this is the nerf needed for slurpent in wibwob?


Who here has completed the medallium in 2? I did both of the first games and I feel tempted to do it in 3 too.

>somehow getting pandanoko
You lucky bastard. He is literally the only thing getting in my way from completing it in 1. Was he any easier to get in 2?

It's not even a nerf; it's making the problem worse. Everyone having a game breaking Yo-Kai makes the playing field even. 60 people having it means everyone else can only compete for 61st place and below. I say this as someone who will be getting Slurpent on Tuesday.

best nature for beelzebold?

Logical, or Twisted



What a nightmare



60 people at most, since who knows if other players that ranked high last round will pass up a chance to level up Unikirin's Soultimate instead of spending their SS on him.

Still, it's another case of the rich getting richer.

>USApyon's name is the same
No it isn't, it's "Usapyon"

They got rid of the joke.

Ugh, that's right. I forgot about that.



I want to see the face of someone's boss that gets this.


She's cute when she's flustered though
...Reminds me of the guy who was working pic related actually before thread went to sleep. Wonder if he's still there...




Wonder how the pronunciation will be like

>Wibbly Bo


Probably Ooh-sahh-pyawn.

They won't get it right, we're in season 2 and they still fucking said "Jibonion" in the movie.







Good morning thread

He's not /ss/ tier powerful though

Did the story get removed from FFN?

friendly reminder that whisper got an SS rank before jibanyan