Best ship edition
Best ship edition
First for Vlad takes Sion's cock in his ass.
Xth for Katarina
best girl
xth for I'm the cutest.
Breast waifu!
wtf he's Sion's dad and master
I keep seeing this image in the OP and thinking its illaoi because of the colors.
sorry kid.... kat's heart belongs to somebody else.............................
Exactly. He wanted a big, strong bara guy to ravage his boypussi.
>talked you think Sion gets LeBlanc and Elise matching mother's day cards?
>I love my mommies and being alive, with my blood all inside of me
xth for Nami is for cute!
Who even needs to explore the complexities of human existence and purpose and morals and values XD
STEM ftw!
People who think that are just salty the stuff they like will never come close to being as popular or widely or influential sold as The Book.
enjoys thick noxian milk on her tits
Tell me a secret
i fucking love splitpushing and my favourite is zz portal
xth for Syndra
Why don't people get upset at mid-lane ekko?
>vladfag makes the new thread at 755 posts, not at 700 like the lulufag
How do you guys eat ramen, it's disgusting.
>Encouraging vladfag.
Fuck you.
>Huhi shockwaves
>TFW I am such an autist i need to make scenarios where a video game character is a transqueer so i can fantasize about them.
>TFW scared of vagina as I've never seen one in person so I do mental gymnastics to convince myself I like penis.
>TFW my parents plead with me to get a job but I self-diagnose myself with random disorders so my parents just cry themselves to sleep.
Who else here is /lolg/?
Trying my hardest...
>lux is STILL not in this
>clg makes a fuckton of mistakes
>wins anyway
this is a reddit meme now
you're too late
>CLG just runs it down mid and win while Clown9 stand around like idiots.
>C9 thrashing
>CLG being clowns
>Still cheese the win
Mega kek.
I'm a C9 fan but they deserved to lose that game with the number of times CLG fucked up.
I don't. I live frugally in other areas of my life so that I can invest most of my money in either more permanent products like furniture and electronics, or in everyday costs like good food.
Learn to cook at home, it's infinitely cheaper than eating out or packaged food.
I make french omelettes with jalapeno cheddar almost every day unless I want pancakes
>C9 ahead all game
>loses to FreeLG
He did it by Swain and LB's orders so by your logic Swain and LB needed someone to spice up their sex life.
>its a north america league of legends championship series episode
>Literally base cucked
He only accepted because they promised him he could get a turn after.
Was zirene talking about raiding in WoW?
>Nerf Maokai
>Now everyone just plays Trundle instead
Bravo Rito.
your gf is like the square root of -1, imaginary :^)
>you're wrong I'm right else you're a [insert insult here]
Have been out of that indocrination machine for ages now, no plans to go back there.
#desperate headcanon
Quidalee is the best ship just btw.
>Replying to posts insulting your reddit intelligence from the last thread.
Go watch more DeGrasse Tyson youtube videos.
Still more believable than Vayne.
CLG was not supposed to win. It's not fair!
>hyper tank with multiple forms of CC gets nerfed
>everyone plays tanky DPS who turns their enemy's stats against them man instead
Honestly? Trundle being meta makes no sense. He's an inherently anti meta champion since he exists as a counterpick to tank cancer. His playrate shouldn't go up in response to Maokai's going down.
>A champion exists solely to counter meta tanks
>they pick meta tank
>they pick the counter
Trundle is fucking trash pick in a vacuum. Maokai is still god-tier with his brainless flash+root teamfighting.
Or Sona.
Or just about anyone.
Yeah user I totally agree with you.
there should be an item that fucks up shields
>more believable than the fact that a violent sadist will make a beautiful noblewoman his sex slave given the chance
Does anybody want to read my autistic and poorly thought out proposed Mordekaiser rework?
It's purely conceptual while actual numbers are absent.
>calling i imaginary
>Keith gets hooked 3 times by Nautilus in the same teamfight
Do it.
Yeah, glad you understood.
yes i'd like to hear it :3
Not this again ;w;
Oh the irony.
>needing to read books from people that will never know you to understand yourself
xDDD for you too, nice meem :^)
>A bird will never call you a slut
Why live?
How likely is it that Galio ends up being a meta top laner in pro play once he's released?
Seeing how you're not going to come up with a meaningful argument you can have the last word if that's what you're after :)
Yea kant don't tel me wut to do XD
Hey vladfag, we should fuck, seeing as sadism is your thing. I'll tear out your eyes and skullfuck you. I bet you're into that. I'll also keep yelling the word blood out loud to get you into the mood.
he's going ot be trundle 2.0
>55 Minute Game
>Froggen no Void
>Keith no IE
>youmuu's ghostblade new active: ingore shields and do 15% increased damage to shielded enemies for the next 3 seconds
How are you such a stupid bitch.
Like, did you get dropped on your head as a baby?
dont bother
lolg doesnt know balance.
they think Master Yi and Syndra are good design while Gangplank isn't
would need more damage nerfs. Too good of an active
I haven't worked out his ultimate yet, only his passive and basics. Let me put it into a paste bin.
will darshan poo in the loo again and continue to win?
>TFW I am such an autist i need to make scenarios where a video game character is a transqueer so i can fantasize about them.
>TFW scared of vagina as I've never seen one in person so I do mental gymnastics to convince myself I like penis.
>TFW my parents plead with me to get a job but I self-diagnose myself with random disorders so my parents just cry themselves to sleep.
Anyone else here /lolg/?
Is that Anivia?
All the people fantasizing about the Crimson Reaper who don't want his dick are like that lol.
Was this post meant to bait me?
Does someone here actually think Gangplank isn't a good design? It would be interesting to hear that autismo input.
Feel free to chime in.
>starting the season in Bronze V
i want old trundle back :(
Gangplank is a little too safe for a champion who inherently wins "even" lanes by virtue of his increased gold income but that's it.
Yeah except I'm cute as h*ck with a so it's all fine.
you're mentally diseased my friend, go see a doctor
I feel like he's going to be Taliyah 2.0
>Not posting a picture of the boy with breasts that was on Misfits. Remia or or something like that.
Somehow I didn't type bf in there, yes I am retarded.
Sneaky sissy.
you already posted this on the other thread, here's a pity (You) you attention whore :^)
>he doesn't know
I unironically like penis but men are ugly
>TFW I am such an autist i need to make scenarios where a video game character is a transqueer so i can fantasize about them.
>TFW scared of vagina as I've never seen one in person so I do mental gymnastics to convince myself I like penis.
>TFW my parents plead with me to get a job but I self-diagnose myself with random disorders so my parents just cry themselves to sleep.
Anyone else here /lolg/?