Fighting Games General /fgg/

whens tekken


nice job guys

What happened?

why'd the other one get deleted?

play kof pls ;_;

dead genre lol

Don't get left behind, fool

I hope the new sfv balance patch doesn't listen to whiny shitters who are always wrong about tiers

it seems fine now desu

except give akuma 1000hp and make kolin S+ so someone plays her

Play kof

Probably because of the OP pic.

>tfw not intelligent enough to understand killer instinct mechanics

Darkstalkers are dead

What the fuck you janitor cocksucker

play kof


>killing the thread instead of just deleting the OP image
good OP tho

fucking tekken never starts i dont want to watch MKX

ah, yeah that makes sense

seriously how the fuck do they memorize every character attack animation to break

It says it doesn't start until 6 EST and it's 5 in EST right now.

Play th tutorial.

Is Gang Beasts welcome here?

Will the patch be announced after Final Round? Place your bets, /fgg/.

KI on

no but makoto will be

No, no announcements for SFV today.

instead of memorizing frame data they memorize what moves are L M or H and what they look like

You can just look at your own characters hit animation. There are 3 different ones, one for light, one for medium and one for hard.

Special > normal > special > normal > special.
Just a very simplified example if you are coming from another fighter. It's really not that difficult to understand. The tutorial does a good job of having you gradually do more and more of this.

It'll kick off with Mika

frame data is super important in ki tho

Couldn't they have just deleted the OP image?

>tutorial asks me to do manuals and links before telling me what is a "manual"

anyone marvel pc eu?


Spooky succ vs spooky ghost

>command list tells you the frame data for each move and its properties

How nice of them

There are multiple tournaments going on right now you sperg.

I learned pretty early on to never expect nice things with capcom.

>i wish more people played it



In the stream they said that they're starting right after Mahvel
Basically DOA started an hour late and because of that they're pushing others up while MKX is on a seperate stream

no thanks

yeah but he's an angry autist


that's not what "review" means you dumb nignog

why are all these dark skinned people so difficult to understand when they talk?

>Waifushit """monsters"""

is tekken on yet?

play sniffcraft

I unironically root for sleep everytime, no matter how lame his playstyle is.

>watching bob get fucked

so beautiful

yes you just missed the first winners set

that damn time change

Lame playtsyles are the best. It exposes no patience shitters and shos you all their weak spots.

I just unlocked the classic annoucner in KI. How do I equip it?

Not him but thanks senpai, just tuned in and was worried I missed more

>he doesn't know what a southern accent is

Dumb yuropoors get off my fucking thread please

You go to options => Audio => Announcer


KI looks fun as fuck, why the fuck is still being wasted as a xbox poone exclusive? go buy the rights for it already Sony

What the fuck is Aria?

Not trying to be an esportsboar but how is a game that's pulling in about 2k views supposed to "save fighting games"?

A robot.

A robot with 3 different life-bars for each form that equal to around one character's life bar.

Baiken is pretty.
But not as pretty as Anji.

robot waifu

it's not out yet, casuals don't even know about it yet

Lore wise: An A.I.
Gameplay wise: The Mahvel Character of KI

You've gotta love dialects though. Can damn near sound like a new language

fighting games don't need saving and tekken will never have really big stream numbers (it will sell very well though). the competitive tekken community is growing nicely though.

>muh viewer umbers
Unironically kys my man.

I love Anji. I hope he comes back soon.

So except for Rash and Shadow Jago pretty much every other character was used today right?

Take notes Tekken and SFV

Who is the SFV character of Killer Instinct?

"She is literlly a like a marvel character" - James 'Oiled Hakan' Chen


Yes even General RAAM who everyone thought was shit got into top 32.

what are these autistic music combos?


Hope he show's up in her arcade mode so he has a stronger chance if Rev2 has more characters.

After you kill someone you can style on them for fun and it plays the music to it. I like it.

Also what is Aria's instinct move?

so is KI just gorilla warfare?

I'm actually baffled that i dont see many rashes, that character looks fucking solid on top of looking fun as hell.

>anything like SF

what's t.hawk doing in a snk game?

I really don't like how fast Tekken's round counter updates. Really confusing when watching

Raam is basically zangief.

You're not very bright are you sweetie?

Damn son you are dumb.

do crossups in KI work different from SF?

Even fucking Micro$oft managed to create a better fighting game than Capcom, the inventors of the genre. Sad!

KI needs more waifus and waifu apparel

??? what

it updates after the KO like every game on the planet

I just debunked your shitposts and you call ME stupid?

*sips tea*

Yeah, we're done here...

>gorilla warfare

What did he mean by this?

literally what

Capcom did not invent fighting games. They simply produced the most popular of the genre.