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Do you guys think that Smoke smokes smokes?
I want to smell IQ's butt
Second for newfriend hours on the TS
he inhales his own farts
Why are there so many French Canadians on this game.
>Wine cask literally doesn't exist from thatcher's perspective
People get paid to play this game?
kpop soon!!! :3
>keeps shooting same spot
>doesn't move
>bitches when he does
what are you complaining about exactly
I love Frost
Is Pulse's black ice headgear still bugged to give him black face?
Still don't see what you're bitching about
Patience you silly fuck. Look that this shit. That wine cask is is plain gone.
Why didn't you move anyway you clearly saw him shooting.
yeah that's bs but I've never seen it before
Because I looked and thought he was trying to spook me into moving so he ACTUALLY WOULD have LoS because he sure as fuck shouldn't have been able to see me.
>trying to spook me
He was clearly trying to hit you you dumb ass bronze.
>Moving away from the corner would have put me in LoS of the door to my left and all the holes in the wall infront of me
>Moving away from the corner was a death sentence so they have vested interest in making it happen
You put yourself in that corner only chance was to risk moving instead you stayed put, even without that glitch he would've killed you.
Need inspiration for Xing with Yoperator. also if you are an artist that can recreate them, that would be super cool.
Kapkan's uniform is ruined by the blue and white things. Thermite's uniform is ruined by not fitting with the game. Sledge's is too out there and stands out.
Rook's is fine had it not been for the fuck ugly helmet.
All in all every single uniform is "LOOK AT ME!" with how out there they all make you seem in-game and character screen.
1/10 Ubisoft
>Staying put when someone is (assumedly) spraying in your direction hoping to get lucky is really risky
>Sprinting past angles you know are being held is also really risky
>But because I'm in an argument with you about this buggy shit I'm going to say that the former is actually way way riskier solely because I need an ad hominem
Why are all of Rook's headgear all shit?
Or option 3 don't put yourself in a shit spot and stop being a bronze shit
*operator idea*
ammo box that can give you one more gadget use
Bronzies will never learn.
Would be useless for characters like Rook but for Doc or Jaeger that'd be pretty good.
For defenders?
What would happen in the cases of Pulse, Rook, Tachanka, Caveira, and Echo?
Please stop
Is that supposed to be Blackbeard or something?
Nice playing with you guys. Pretty cool first experience with the TS
Any cool strats I can fuck around with? I finally think I got the hang of shields and I am bored.
>Pulse, Rook, Caveira
another impact granade
extra drone
LMAO! 2DP!!1
>tfw challenge to win rounds as gusg 9
Since I hate myself I've been playing Blitz in casual and whenever you die you can't tell if you actually got shot or the bullets just went through your shield
I got knifed through my shield yesterday, it's ridiculous.
I've got 600 r6 credits, what do i do with them?
>i want that Scottish sledge
>Kapkan's uniform is ruined by the blue and white things.
Are you talking shit about telnyashka?
just play IQ
>dat commando
>dem grenades
>dat speed
I need two operators that need to get along.
dat ass
Ash and Mira
>that useless gadget
because he is shit too
t. silver
They also changed him to look like shit. Everything about aestethics in this game sucks donkey dick as of late. Emberrassing.
>implying her gadget is useful at all
You might as well just pick a different operator.
Getting in solo queue casual and ending up in a team of newbies can be both the cutest and most puzzling experience in the world, once you've played the game for hundreds of hours.
I get that everyone starts somewhere, so I don't berate them or anything, but it's really funny to watch some of the things they do
Like conga lining while crouch walking thinking they're being sneaky beaky
Okay random blitz buff ideia that i just thought, he keeps his shield up while sprinting and can still hipfire and flahs people
how about a buff where his hitbox doesn't clip through his shield? I'd be fine with that and just a tiny little meme buff to be honest, I'm doing pretty good with blitz (have been since launch) just the bullshit deaths annoy me.
It also bothers me when shitters that never play blitz try to fix him.
I think making him the only 2 speed shield and fixing his hitbox would put him in a perfectly fine spot. Having a shitty flash range isn't too bad when you have the tools to properly rush.
blitz's hitbox wont be fixed anytime soon
>make his earmuffs smaller and make the headbox fit that
>fix the shield clipping with fucking knees and shit
>make the upper part of the shield not grow smaller, why did it do that in the first place?
Would it then make him overpowered by upping his speed? Is it true that armour 3 operators are faster than armour 3 ops with shield? Because Blitz could be the only operator who is not slowed down by carrying a shield, instead of making him straight-up two speed.
that's fucking retarded, how hard is it to fix something that shouldn't even be in the game to begin with??
>making him the only 2 speed shield
*flashbacks to FBI shield recruit*
>Black Eyes
>Batteries/Jammers on breakable floors
WeW lad might aswell stay in copper
Yeah Blitz with speed 2 would be fucking awful
Flash > Muzzle > Comp
>snipe someone with the m45 meusoc
>how hard is it to fix something that shouldn't even be in the game to begin with??
Their earmuffs being part of their hitbox is intentional design, that's why they're not fixing it. It's not that they can't, it's just that they won't.
>shoot at wall with pistol to destroy a breach charge I think may or may not have been placed
>get a headshot
posting a literal couple webms I have
Flash/Muzzle > Comp
Muzzle is borderline necessary on some ARs. Saying it's worse than Muzzle is ignoring that different guns have different base recoil patterns and fire-rates to account for.
Comp is shit on pretty much every gun though, I can only think of literally 2 guns where it's even worth considering over the other options.
How many times have you posted this now?
>stop sign captcha
Can you post more console webms?
That shit is hillarious.
>make his shield slightly bigger to compensate
oh boy, don't want to do that.
Literally once
Now twice however.
Don't most headgear, skin, and charm items get added during mid-season reinforcements? What items do you think we're going to see on Wednesday?
This is what bothers me, because if it was unintentional, or something they couldn't fix, fine, they're incompetent, so's everyone else who makes games. But at this point it is very clearly intentional, which is so much worse, why the fuck are they intentionally making blitz the worst operator in the game? Is the guy who came up with Blitz a dick to whoever is in charge of balance changes?
It really does make u fink about what the fuck is going on in that shitty office of theirs. This fucking game man.
>Don't most headgear, skin, and charm items get added during mid-season reinforcements
honestly i've never seen them drop a lot of shit specifically during mid-season reinforcements. mostly it's just bug fixes/map fixes/ general tweaks. i have seen things like new attachments and gadgets added but that's it. they tend to space out the content that they're going to release in order to keep people constantly coming back for new stuff as oppose to releasing all at once.
Where did they say they weren't going to change his shield? And where did you get the idea I was saying they shouldn't? They've already changed it once before, they can do it again. I'm just pointing out that they only said they would never change his earmuffs to not be a part of his hitbox.
Blitz isn't the only operator whose earmuffs are part of their head hitbox, it's not a decision made intentionally to held him down, it just inadvertently affects him the most since he's slow, and uses a fucking shield. The real solution, since they obviously want to keep hitboxes accurate to the base models for most operators (except for Mira for some reason) is to make his shield bigger, as everyone else is suggesting.
Uniforms were initially added as part of the Skull Rain mid-season reinforcements. Because of that people still tend to think that's when most of the shit drops, despite Red Crow reinforcements giving us next to no cosmetics.
no you said they wouldnt change the hitbox caused by the earmuffs being a problem, not the earmuffs themselves.
>chillin at the piano bar after a hard day's operatin
>It really does make u fink about what the fuck is going on in that shitty office of theirs.
a clusterfuck. they not only have to make fixes to the current bugs and shit but they also have to work on upcoming content too, which splits their workload. the map designer could focus on how to fix current maps (hint: 3F packaging) or they could spend their time working on the new map. the coders could focus on current bugs our they could focus on making sure everything on the new map/ops/game flows together alright. the people who probably have the lightest load are the artists, since once a models has been made and textured there's not a whole lot to do past that (except for maybe the occasional texture glitches/mess ups). don't forget that they only have 3 months, which may seem like a long time but it really isn't.
keep in mind that this game was started by a skeleton crew of 25 people after patriots got canned. they probably got more people working on it during it's development but now that the projects shipped the team has dwindled to 15-20 (by my estimates, which honestly aren't that reliable).
I just hope we can get some simple recolor uniforms for characters who don't have any yet.
Buck, the SEALs, and the Spetznas ops, in particular.
Also, something for Mute that actually fits together. It's like his hats/uniforms were purpose built to clash in every possible combination. It's really kind of absurd.
>no you said they wouldnt change the hitbox caused by the earmuffs being a problem, not the earmuffs themselves.
What are you trying to say? Yeah, I never said they would or would not remove or change the earmuffs themselves, but since when was that a part of the conversation? The orignal plebbit post mentioned nothing about changing or getting rid of his earmuffs entirely.
Why is Sledge so fun
>Uniforms were initially added as part of the Skull Rain mid-season reinforcements
You mean with Red Crow's release
Oh hell you're right, I just remembered wrong.
And, lest we forget, any work they do is very likely hampered by having to dance around a really shitty code base, if completely unrelated shit breaking with every update is any indication.
That whole "we might not be able to make this dead-simple challenge track correctly/award more points than standard" thing was a pretty big red light too.
Remove all newfriends
how do I get out of copper
git gud_____