League of Lolis General - /lolg/

Annie panties Edition



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I wish I was Nami!

>svenskeren isn't that bad




.I once played against this Fiora top lane that kept flashing mastery when she killed me and spamming /all. Anyway, I decided that I wasn't going to settle for this so I added her after the game with the long-term goal of getting revenge. Over the next few weeks we played a lot of games together and became 'friends', adding eachother on skype etc. Then, when Jhin came out, they bought the Jhin bundle and I asked if I could log on to play a few games. We traded account details as insurance, then I logged into her account (whilst logged in I changed my pass through the website so they couldn't get in mine). I then proceeded to buy a shitload of RP because their card was stupidly presaved and started playing a few games, gifting everybody on my team 975/legendary skins for whatever champ they wanted. After blasting through nearly $1000, I logged out and blocked/deleted her on all mediums, but only after leaving a note in a PM saying 'flash your mastery now idiot'.

Colossal Smash (Passive)

Now scales off BONUS MR instead of total MR.
Bonus MR Ratio lowered from 40/50/60% to 40%
Base damage lowered from 10-160 to 15-100
[new] 40% AP ratio added

How would you like your Galio, sir
Oh... You want him tanky?
I'm sorry we don't serve him that way

>TFW I am such an autist i need to make scenarios where a video game character is a transqueer so i can fantasize about them.
>TFW scared of vagina as I've never seen one in person so I do mental gymnastics to convince myself I like penis.
>TFW my parents plead with me to get a job but I self-diagnose myself with random disorders so my parents just cry themselves to sleep.

Who else here is /lolg/?

He's had a bad couple of weeks but we were literally saying the exact same thing about Dardoch at the beginning of the split.

yeah no you didn't

This is the people who think my husbando prefers their sweaty small dicks to the sweet vaginas of their waifus

You didn't play him before the nerf, right? His passive was doing stupid amounts of damage if you have 1~2 MR items into full tank, but null damage if you were building AP

time to die

>/lolg/ overreacting to changes on a champion who hasn't officially been released yet

>Zed/Yasuo midlane
o boy its time to push r for siqq outplays

the casters and players have no idea why players actually play the way they do. that's why everytime they do a post-game interview for someone on a team that hasn't been doing well, they say stuff like "Well, I think our team is fnally coming together, we've been working real hard, blah blah blah" and then they get shit on next match again. It's like that xmithie interview earlier: "We've been blaming the meta and blaming communication and blaming poor synergy". In reality, they pulled out a win because C9 was retards, nothing fundamental has changed with the team in the last week.

hey I remember when this was posted

>AntiMagic tank can't shit on enemies when he can actually get to build MR

What the fuck is the point then even. I'd rather have other metacancer like Poppy or Naut in my team

>LCK casters flipping out about Faker's FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND ELO SHOCKWAVE
whoa i know what cringe means now

he's gotten a TON of really big nerfs

So can someone tell me what the fuck Svenskeren thought he was doing?

Flashes in on Rengar at level 3 when there's an isolated fucking Orianna right next to his Ekko that they can instagib.

Then he walks into his jungle and tries to duel the Rengar he just died to, goes bot and baits his entire team into dying.

Holy fuck what the fuck was he doing.

Also, why the fuck didn't Bjergsen rotate bot when they went for the dive and saw that they called Flame in for a TP?


>start baron
>kill piglet
>rinse repeat

he lost his weight and so lost his skill

Leaving League Of Legends, and by extension /lolg/ for a long time.

I'm sick of the community's inherent hostility. On any LoL community page other than this one, any amount of (even constructive) criticism results in an absurd amount of hostility from hormonal 12 year olds.

I don't find the game fun anymore. I started as a jungle main. Found clearing repeatedly to be unfun. Switched to mid, then top. Eventually top got boring. Decided to try support. Fell in love with Bard. I'll miss him.

But unfortunately dealing with ADC mains, and autofilled bot lanes got tiring too. Went back to top and my old main. Yorick. I'm Mastery 7 on both him and Bard. I regret putting so much time into them, though I love both characters greatly.

Not finding the most recent round of ARURF fun was the last straw. I have fond memories of the very first URF with highschool friends, but I just couldn't find it fun anymore. Even when I rolled characters that are strong in the gamemode.

Point being. I love you faggots here at /lolg/ and you'll always have a place in my heart, but I'm moving on. You'll probably find me on /owg/, /g/, and /co/.

Best of luck in the fields of justice, summoners.

it's called throwing a match for money

see you next week user, tell owg i told them to git gud

>noob jungler gg report pls

doublelift is a fucking god

Even those who've tried to flee to NA aren't safe from the decay of the EU scene.

He's playing K6

K6's playstyle is "I'm gonna be a gigantic pussy and just last hit kills until I get lethality/arpen and then I become a cancerous champion"

He's on the PBE though not live. He is literally in testing right now it isn't like he's in the current game and they nerfed him.

All part of Reginald's master plan. He is playing 4D chess after all



I remember how they kept being smug as fuck when they took over the 1# spot in Korea but haven't said anything since going back to 2nd place and losing half of their player base from them going back to league again.

>doublelift shoots plant
>literally kills matt

how is being killed by his adc his fault

a ship doesnt have to be canon for you to enjoy it my dude

comfy bfs~

>Dardoch the Israeli thinks he's a good jungler

Sort of want IMT to go to some international event so he can be humbled by actually good junglers like Score.

Even Blank would run rings around this shit skin.

patch in two days tho user

>in my last 20 games as ADC i've had 8 supports who trolled/griefed with their picks

technically, it's only 6 games. but i've had 2 bards that both were straight up autistic while being autofilled and i actually consider him a shittier pick than the pantheon support i had.

He still gets pretty much the same damage when he builds MR and if he decides to buy some AP like Abyssal he will be doing more damage.

if you build abyssal + something else AP as core, he actually deals more damage with the change

>play Karma
>W is worthless in lane because you have to stand still to cast it, everyone bot Lane is ranged so you are always casting it at max range, and that combined with the fact you have to stop to cast it means it's always instantly broken

Am I just turbo bad? This skill feels worthless against anyone who isn't melee.

just shows that a washed up halo player can hit masters in overwatch in less than 20 games =) I think i got to 3.7 before end of season but quit caring since no one would let me dps

game got boring quick. i enjoy it but like most blizzard games, just enjoy their games in short spurts and not over long periods of constant play.

Game just doesn't have the depth. Also much easier to see a team fight in an isometric view.

you have a fat slow on your RQ, and a decent slow on your regular Q along with a speed up on your E. It's fine, it's just not meant to be a standalone ability.

I'm sorry user that was mean of me, that's actually kind of impressive.

...I feel like a huge retard, I was trying to land Ws first so that I could hit enemies with the entire RQ.

>NA copying chinks with gragas top
>it's gonna become a meme and get nerfed

as if gutting shen with his 47% solo queue win rate wasn't enough

It's good for tanking when empowered. Can win trades pretty easily with it.

I wish I could hug Nami tenderly!


All on TSM

>Play jax top
>using warlord mastery and rushing sheen
>yorick still manages to 1v1 me and push like crazy
>eventually lose

i am so shit at this game

y-you can hug me instead

>No Rengar ban again.
Press F for TSM.

Gragas top was a thing before and it was as much turbo cancer then as it is now

Literally fucking unkillable while doing retarded damage, it's probably stronger now that tanks just don't fucking die anymore.



>It's a tsm gets slaughtered only for the opposing to choke and give them the win episode

I dont think I can supply hugs to NA, and I need to stay dedicated to Nami.

that and no more aegis

100% Throwing

>sven feeds firstblood for the 2nd game in a row

really makes me think



where was sven going?




What elo can I switch back to supp main and not be stuck?



But I'm EUW, are you OCE user?

Would you play this Mordekaiser?


shush user, let me have this :~)


That's like 90% of TSM games
>shitting the bed
>mysterious meme picks at game 3 seal the deal for TSM

>Sven feeding Dardoch two kills before 4 minutes AGAIN.

Post Bad webms

Not NA, not OCE. And I thought EUW people were asleep.

Gragas is one of those champions that has never really been bad. He gets really strong, they nerf him, he shows up in another role and the cycle repeats.



>shield and a heal and resists on the same ability
>refreshable DoT and a persistent damage AoE

SVEN (GRAVES): report this fking noob mid
SVEN (GRAVES): fk u im feed
BJER (RYZE): Please don't...
SVEN (GRAVES): report me idgaf

This NA LCS split is just so fucking whack

Remember when his q was easy to spam and did 1000+ damage?




>it's a rengar gets fed off of bot episode
The NALCS needs better writers desu

>Remember when mid lane was Gragas vs Soraka every game as they shoved in each others wave and poked everything to death

I know but fact that they murdered it like that is still fucking sad

Oops I thought you were someone else, sorry. It's like half past midnight.

this usually happens in spring

problem is I don't think it's ever looked this bad, especially this late in the season.

C9 are faltering, TSM are faltering, Fly, which was expected to falter, is faltering.

I also can't tell if bottom teams are playing better or if the top teams are just having a really bad week.

im learning to draw for my waifu!

>18 ppl


shit like this is why i wont finish

why would i do something nice for a bunch of inbred shitstains like u fucks

kill you r self

btw its been done i just wont release it until you people fuck off

C9 at least just had a really bad draft vs clg
They would have almost certainly won with ziggs adc

>people still talk about Pobelter like he's a good mid

He's always been average at best and this season he's just fucking bad

This is making me erect

who is doing that

at all

meanwhile he is holding his own against the "best na" so idk wtf u r towlkin bout scrub git gud

Best of luck user



> 10 wins in a row as tf

This champ is retarded. No other champ makes me feel like I have total control of the game at all times

What are the odds he gets nerfed soon? Everytime LCS rolls around he tends to get popular and subsequently nerfed