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TERA Online - /terag/
Other urls found in this thread:
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>Useful/Misc Links, Modding Info, loadse mods, use at your own risk due to most being outdated
>Free, open sourced DPS Meter,
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>Endgame Guides/Info
Elin album: imgur.com
Castanic album: imgur.com
>Elin lewd SFM
stop dying!
Who's the best elin at succ
You can also add omgsfm and Laosduude to the lewd sfm guys.
Just let it die
Daily reminder that Choa is now the official Redgrave buttslut.
>terag dies constantly if choa doesn't shitpost
im not!
What a fucking slut.
>you can actually enter the mansion
>it's empty inside
>these are the type of people who post in /terag/
better off ded tbqh
Stay mad, shitter.
But what he's saying is true.
hi samefag
Hey (You)
Are castanics fantasy Jews?
>agree to betray archdevans in exchange for Federation shekels
>infiltrate all Federation structures
>do anything for money
I haven't drawn in ages, so give me elins to draw
im already drawing you go away
oh okay then
Something bad about you.
I think you're okay
Elins are so cute, their cuteness transcend their race and even make non-elin cute.
Can Aman be cute
lf morally lax cutie to stand around for me ingame
lf big amani futa mama
Close but not quite.
What for?
fapping to
Can you make brown girls in this?
yeah. depending on the race they can go from caramel to chocolate.
C-can you produce some examples? Especially of the Elin or generally not amazoness variety.
Who is this semen demon?
ign: cengin
this is about as dark as elins get
So how are Berserkers in PvP? I've heard they're pretty bad at Tanking, but good at DPS.
Can they compete in PvP? i've heard most classes aside from Archer and Lancer are basically rock-paper-scissors.
Zerk = knock him down and then keep him knocked down.
this is the max, you can be purple if you want too lmao
dude it doesnt matter
youre 500 years too late if youre coming in expecting pvp to be worth a damn
Seriously /terag/, if this thread dies, which it probably will, then just let it go, at least until valkyrie is added. I like this thread probably more than most of you do but there's no point forcing it if it's just going to keep dying.
Thats not brown enough! What about the other races?
If you're going to be an annoying whore and beg for art every single time, at least use a proper reference. Your face is hidden and I can barely even tell what you're wearing.
well u got the horny castanics, they can be all the cocos, posting the darkest one now
Take a hint, she wants you to draw her being fucked by red
i didnt want anything lewd but i did want the whole thing drawn, though i guess he doesnt do that
I might be interested in that.
Is that guild not dead?
you want everything lewd
no i dont!
It's very dead. I'm also in Vigil. Best CH guild.
Just let it die until the new class comes out.
Just move to till the new class comes out and its actually active again.
Unfortunately this is true, /terag/s time has come and to keep bumping it without any discussion is pointless.
On that note, if you really like /terag/ and the people here, you should find your way into a discord if you haven't already.
You will get nuked for just posting butts.
It should died when it was like 95% lewd posting.
I don't know, lewd posting is silly but at least people are still using the general for a form of discussion at that point, and finding new people to meet, even if it is for lewd. At that point the general still has a use despite it being something you don't like. The past few days though discussion happens so sporadically that the thread is being kept alive by just a few people, and when they can't it dies. That is less opinion based and actually dead, so it's time to go.
Then don't post butts? Just shows how there's nothing to discuss in the game that isn't done in game/other boards so this gen is almost completely pointless.
Hey is CS power hour still up? I want land shart.
Some people still do play this, but 90% of it is just Elin's lewd posting. Hell, some new players might be turned off just by that.
Personally I don't mind the lewd, in fact I'd love to find a partner to play out that one Elin Pero-Pero manga with the Aman and Elin on one of my alts, but it's something that's a bit rare. Most people just want someone to /dance and encourage them to beat off instead of actual RP
Nvm just got in one.
I recently just got back into it and I'm with you on pretty much everything. I don't mind the lewdness of it all, but I do worry that the game is just going to slowly dissolve. And that's a cute idea of a RP user, Good luck~!
Is this the end of /terag/, after all?
Yes, stop bumping it, it's useless.
It can't be helped. Everyone's already got their circles and the avatarfags are pretty much all gone, so there's no drama, discussion, or anything. Plus the existence of discord ruins things.
Some of us avatarfags are still here, but even we can agree it's just ded. When the conversation points dry up so much even avatars can't really keep it alive anymore it's just pointless. I'd argue discord is great because when it does die I can still talk to a lot of my friends from here, and I don't feel like it's stealing discussion from /terag/, there just really isn't any.
Who wants to come cheat on EU with me
So, with slayer buffs/changes, I've done some toying around, I'm considering glyphing startling kick for the 25% cast speed on Rakelith, since the 25% dmg on backhand is irrelevant now that I rarely even use it(Favoring the KDS dmg reduc over it, saved my ass quite a few times). Any opinions? It's mostly for a LITTLE extra movement in case she turns towards me, roll/backstab is on cd and I need to MOVE back behind her asap. I tried it a couple times, seemed pretty solid.
Then fuck off.
Explain this
Catering to SJWs and loser by making them believe women are relevant.
Any brawlers on that wanna met up?
Yeah, if you want to get fisted and stretched out by a fat shemale dick
Oh, no thanks then,
Catering to losers yes, SJWs no. I was suprised Brawlers were gender locked, since the NPC was a male I thought we'd get to make Hokuto ripoffs.
On the topic of Brawlers, I heard they're getting buffs in KTera. How do you think they stack up against Lancers? I'm guessing there's still a preference for Lancers.
I'm gona hold you down and eat that butt!
Depends from the job.
Brawlers are good at clearing a room, but Lancers are cooler-looking.
qt Lemme fap to you in game?
Least boring and fastest way to do 60-65?
No questing, obviously.
Sabex Armory.
Lemme get at those thighs, girl
You should also do the Kumas BG vanguard request for the 100% XP boost.
How about against bosses? I like playing my Brawler over my Lancer, but the Lancer feels more solid in comparison.
Be Gentle..~
In a party, lancer will always be the most wanted due to their utility.
Absolutely, you got a name?
Raio bby~
>No questing
But that IS the fastest way.
Have a friend kill ruin guardians for you outside of highwatch, 60-65 in about an hour.
>implying user has (geared) friends