World of Warcraft general - /wowg/
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Hey Lore, it's Gigabear
>third boss of mythic nighthold requires about 450k dps
>fouth boss of mythic nighthold requires 650k no matter what, bare minimum
Someone give me a quick rundown on this guy
Biggest panda ever
>Babby's first wall
redpil me on gigabear
stick to heroic, bud :)
>trying to make a DK my new main
>every time I settle on a race for him, I find a massive flaw
This is vexing me greatly
Try Blood elf female? Their animation are the best. And the armor on them look Veeky Forums as fuck.
im not gay to play females
I don't play female characters. I'm all about male power fantasy.
tell me about gigabear
For her fans out there, another picture of our dog
She is missing a toe because she had a rough past
But she's gonna be good now
dude do you fuck your dog you sick fuck
why is his asshole gaping
I think thats a vagina, since thats a girl
But Im no expert on female dog genitalia
Im sure someone here is though
the nigger fucks his dog
Why did he post this? Was it autism?
Gigabear here.
a dog's vag isn't directly underneath his tail, that would be the butthole
it's called having a high IQ, try it sometime you brainlet
Humans are boring as fuck but they probly are best for dk
If horde only maybe Tauren
>6TH battleground loss in a row
Why don't blizzard just force 50% win rate like they do in their other games i can't spend 4 fucking hours for a daily reward.
where my fellow Tichondrious bros at?
Humans are boring as fuck, you are right. Plus DKs are fucking evil, playing an Alliance DK is like a fucking contradiction, it's retarded.
>Lore bows to Gigabear
>In contact with community managers
>Possess panda-like abilities
>Controls the forums with an iron but fair fist
>Will bankroll the first guilds on Mars (will be be the first guild)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer pandas will in all likelihood be the BIGGEST PANDAS EVER
>Gigabear said to weigh 400+ pounds
>He owns pug raids around the world
>You likely have Pandas in your guild right now
>All races entrust their fat reserves with the panda. There’s no fat on blood elves, only Gigabear
meet me in front of khadgar faggot
>server named after a "nathrezim lord" who got KO'd by a walking moose using a spear
Troll, dwarf are the best dks by leaps and bounds
Why do mods hate dogs but love shitposting?
>want to play tauren dk
>afraid i'll get mistaken for a bot and gangrape reported in suramar
stay mad you colossal faggot
>meme races are the best
you must be 18+ to post on this website
>banishes deathwing from azeroth
>impresses cenarius and starts tauren druidism
>kills tichondrius in under a minute
huln the new medan or something?
Neither of those races are meme, they're the coolest though
You're allowed to have a different opinion though
>want to play Unholy DK
>Frostmeme shit will stay top because Blizzard are colossal faggots and have hated Unholy since Wrath launched
Frost or Unholy DK and why wowg
Brewmaster is boring
Blood vs vengeance vs guardian?
anyone else lisnin to anime osts
frost because it has superior numbers
literally no other reason matters for dps classes
I play dps for fun, trying to compete as a dps is only for the lowest common denominator
redpill me on silixi
>2am monday LFR
then don't listen to that autist and roll unholy
>Want to level alts
>Feels like it's an even bigger waste of time as opposed to having one good character
Fuck this game makes me depressed for the weirdest reasons.
Hey Lore, it's Gigabear.
>he plays zoomed out when he isn't raiding
Honest to god the most fun I've had with this game in the past month is when I quit raiding and started grinding alts
Getting one of everything to 110 then deciding at the onset of 7.2 what to play, then going full autism with AK27 to catchup
unholy is more engaging and imo more fun, frost breath build isn't nearly as fun as breath used to be in WoD because there's little to do outside of AMS soaking and using hungering rune wep, it also means you drop frost strike from your rotation for 50% of a fight making it exclusively obliterate spamming and hitting rime procs when its up.
>have heroic lockout at helya
>no one wants to kill it
what the fuck
what's the best class to boost to 100 after hitting 60?
i don't have a warlock, warrior or priest yet.
Stop criticizing gods chosen people on our forum, goy!
Also stop implying we deliberately made CRZ FUCKED so retards would feel pressured to pay 30 shekels per char to get out of that 50 to 1 horde to alliance ratio hellhole!
>hidding you're name
pussy a$$ niqqa
You sound like an idiot, like, genuinely less intelligent than average
fuck off /pol/
WoW forums are beyond cucked
>Talks like /v/ outside of /v/
>"Wow what a bunch of retards!"
Also, what's stopping you from paying less for just a race change if humans aren't working out? You don't have to completely change faction, or even race. Racials aren't that big of a deal.
its harder than its worth in a pug
Holy shit are you for real dude?
wow... this... is the power.... of autism
>dude posting his dog gets deleted
>people posting about wanting pandas to shit in their mouth doesn't get deleted
Everything after 3/10 is designed around the majority of the raid being 54 traits.
Damn dude all that insecurity sure paid off. Too bad it doesn't change the fact you're just a massive faggot and your little hugbox on Veeky Forums isn't here to take your side.
I think he only played alliance for the human racial like a really clever gamer
the dog was an ugly rat anyway
>Ask for advice
>Gets advice
>Doesn't listen to advice says advice is stupid
Did he not realize the forsaken racial is just as good?
>dps check boss is a dps check
no way, surely you're joking. Also its non-linear, people only do Krosus because its literally a gear check and nothing more, if your half decent you can do Alluriel and then botanist.
kek that was entertaining, classic autismo bants
Is a /wowg/ guild?
> gets criticized for acting like an idiot
> makes up a bogeyman to hide his shame
> looks even more stupid
I love this, keep posting
Large chest ahead.
No, the only official /WoWG/ guild is
ye, whisper superpanda for an invite
>look im so wicked with my internet knowledge
>*sucks ecelebs cock*
>*plays some nintenyearold handheld game*
>nothing personel kid
which one of you autistic faggots was this
tfw r9k has the best memes and is the best board
Also its a Fifth Element reference, pleb
tfw found a traditional conservative 18yo virgin gf on r9k
tfw she won't play wow with me because she likes gw2 more
my guild is the 5/10 one. will we become server 3rd if we kill mythic upskirts?
is she trans?
Raiding is currently the best it's ever been.
>exceptional players only
Damn, what happened to your old members to make you decide this now?
Literally why do you care
no and she hates tr*ns """"""people""""""
no. hyjal/BT was the true elder god tier pinnacle
Probably views himself as lesser than other men so the idea of competing or even being compared to them is intimidating
Does she live in a trailer
lmao found the triggered roastie
What greater male power fantasy than to completely control a woman?
>he doesn't dehumanize others regularly
do you even psychology
that means u werent a robot to begin with and i dont care
fuck off
Hyjals constant waves of trash before each boss was so fun huh
>not caring whether or not someone's a virgin means I'm a slut roastie
You can have sex and not be a cock hungry slut
It's only fun to dehumanize yourself