Stop asking stupid questions
>2.6: Legacy
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Skilltree Planner
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
Stop asking stupid questions
>2.6: Legacy
>3.0: the Fall of Oriath
>Offline Skilltree Planner
>Offline Build Planner
>Helpful links
Other urls found in this thread:
medium core is the true enlightened way
miss him
HAHAHHA here we GO again, another round of stale memes and shitposting.
another round of ethical, meme builds, muh ssf, muh hardcuckery, le ebin shitcore, and etcetera.
I'm fucking tired of this general, you autists are the absolute bane of this board, holy shit I would stomp every single one of you meme spouting neckbeards in a second with my bare hands.
For the love of god stop posting these memes, I'm tired, I just want to discuss Path of Exile and not have to scroll trough a wall of memes.
Enough is enough.
Best map to use a diviners box prohpecy in?
if youre going to use reddit content in the OC dont bother at all next time.
Jungle Valley
despise sh*tbirds
>oh wait lol
Whats the best type of weapon for blade flurry?
I wanna just do a SSF blade flurry but all the builds are just fuckin crammed full of bullshit uniques.
How to do a retard poor blade flurry? Preferrably raider but not fully necessary.
do not spoonfeed retards
how to spot reddits:
they complain about "reddit content" here
try using your brain moron
What are some fun melee based Ranger builds?
I_NO best spoiled cute grill
Alkaiser best streamer
ProjectPT gayest faggot ever
Mathil dunno
Consuming Dark RF
the only "people" who hate pt are brainlets
Reddit is over there --->
>Project PeePee
stop shilling your shit here any time
hello to the next thread. free. the person who quoted this is gay
>stop shilling highlights of yourself on that separate account you made to shill yourself along with others on youtube
>you will never have a meaty girthy long juicer
>game playing like im at 200 ping
>says im at 33
Good shit.
got an actual juicer that's good at least
mathil a shit
>game playing like shit
>mom using the microwave again
>it's fucking 3 am
good shit
>yfw you realize the Dominus saying "this world is a illusion exile" is relating to the game world being a simulacra existing only with a tempestuous thread to the exile's reality
is detonate dead a viable-ish build still?
of course it's viable, it's just slow as shit
sounds like packet loss, fampai
hey /poeg/
if there are any standard shitcrows in here, I'm giving away some good shit every night at 10pm-ish est in global 1
tomorrow is 983% facebreakers, be there or not idc
are you honestly going to sit there and tell me that there aren't bots in poe? fucking bullshit there are bots there are shit loads of bots 100% with a doubt there is a botting epidemic don't pretend other wise. just accept it and move on
gz on 90 SSFHC
>standard giveaways
dude I'd give you Veeky Forums premium gold if I could
let's hear it for overrated belts and poor players
you need to go back
GGG even admitted there were botting
its okay buddy i appreciate the sentiment
Is there a good HoWa CI Spectral throw raider build?
The spectral throw build I was following was ABSOLUTE GARBAGE
Reposting from last thread
So how do I single target on a vspark build?
>Use spark
Single target DPS is ass
>Use vspark
Does some good DPS but then runs out when the boss isn't dead yet
Fuck off shitcrow, I'm not gonna lock myself in with the boss just for memes
what can i afford for a marauder build
you're the garbage if you need a guide and also manage to fuck up a howa build
Lightning Tendies
Is it worth it spending 60 chaos unshaping four red maps right now for shaped strand meta?
>a marauder build
what did he mean by this
It wasn't, it was life leech build with daggers. I saw that the HoWa builds were overall just better.
>tfw elemental hit will be good before lightning tendrils ever will be again
Yes. If, like, that's what you wanna run until beta.
How is Cleave with the new threshold jewels?
lightning tendrils has no reason to exist
here we go again
last time was shit, 2 garbo 5 links
why cant we vendor 5 links for at least a jeweller yet
more popular than reave, but that's not saying much.
>americans start waking up
>shitposting in world chat intensifies, spam fills the screen, nonstop memes and shitposting
how do i join chinese poe?
I have no reason to exist
>americans start waking up at 10pm on a sunday
none of us do
you need to reach into the void between form and emptiness and find that reason
you need to make the reason
you're trading one hell for another. maybe stop being a faggot and turn global chat off like any normal human would
you can live anywhere if you think people wake up at this time in the US and believe it's China. try that.
I'm thoroughly enjoying my current sword and board Raider. I'm using Ahn's Heritage and 2 Fragility jewels combined with Quartz Infusion and Avatar of the Veil for permanent Onslaught and Phasing. This lets me abuse things like Three-Step Assault, which combined with Iron Reflexes produces a substantial amount of armor. And of course all the usual raider perks like immunity to elemental status ailments are now active 100% of the time instead of being dependent on on-kill procs, frenzy charges, or whatever. Stacking dodge and block chance makes for a pretty tanky setup. Overall, it's nice and comfy, although I wish Frost Blades had better single target damage. Great for packs, not so much for bosses (the new threshold jewel helps, but it's by no means a game changer). I'm really tired of Ice Crash and Blade Flurry, and I don't want to use them again.
really made me thinkerino
post deaths
wow, so this is how you make game textures
shit how much do they get paid for that?
this sounds great
>not either clicking the tab off or switching to 820
it's really fucking nice
although i've only done up to T8 with it on my duelist
i mean exactly what i said
a marauder build
>judging if a build is good
>has only done up to t8
how many mystery boxes you buy?
which is why i said although you fucking autist
>indirect replying
>indirect replying
really excited for the next 4 months you guys
reminder that will does not exist and your mind is simply a rationalization engine
will yeah if you want to be a blackpill cuck I guess
reminder that you're a fucking babby-philosophy-tier moron
i just hit 61 and can use this Kondos pride
i have resolute technique though
do i just refund the RT and use the bleed part or just keep it for the consistency
My dps went up by like 40% just because of the phys roll anyway so its all good
just get a kaoms primacy bud
I've traveled inland
>this is what people with no self/impulse control ACTUALLY BELIEVE
ive already got this kondos thoooooooooooooooooooooughhhhhhh
yeah but kondos is shit
based on what? particle physics?
threadly reminder you're just some bacteria in some faggot alien kid's science project for dimensional micro-biogenetics 101
just so you know, that wont fly in court
>mfw quantum physics already disproves his theory of mind
now this i actually believe
I mean
who the fuck made kangaroos?
they sure as fuck didnt make themselves
ok but where did that alien kid come from retard?
depends on the quality of your attorney
Has anyone tried Edge of Madness viper strike? Is it fun?
The Builders you fucking idiot
sure is spooky in here
>Defendant, you are being accused of raping these three women, all three have been found to have your semen in and on them. There were also traces of your hairs on them. How do you detest?
>lol that's just ur opinion lamo
my diccccccc
who are you quoting
i'm playing ssf hc with only four tabs and i have to use mules to store everything
i'm up to 8 mules so far... i'll be at 24 by the end of the league and i might have to make a 2nd account
and people say this game isn't p2w kek
out of the jail cell, into mental institution
>ok but where did that alien kid come from retard?
he's just a simulation running on some girl gamers computer playting The Sims 35
You'd have even more mules and even more accounts to store your shit in D2
and you had to buy that game
Is there a huge difference when using Primordial Might with flame golems?