>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Nino vs Julia, pros and cons? Which one is better for which situation?
Lucina is shit also stop making early threads
Lyn a best
I want to FUCK Joshua!
Azura my waifu
Worst lord.
Redpill me on Joshuaa
I love Azura
nino is better at everything except dragon killing
Ninos better if you can stick buffs on her which requires at least 2 team members to prop her up. Julias better on her own and Naga gives her wider coverage of units.
Hey come on now, Ike does have SOME redeeming features. ;^)
Who hates war in FE outside of Eirika (who has to be in order to remotely balance out Ephraim's love of charging into battles to do reckless but awesome things)?
Pull a cinnamon waifu and loli tiki today.
-spd +def Elise
-atkv+def Loli Tiki.
I-it's okay, I'll still love you two. At least Elise doesn't need the speed as much as a combat unit would.
Why do you autistic faggots have to post in early threads instead of reporting and ignoring them? Pieces of shit like you are why they don't get deleted.
wahhhhh stop killing people
>All these assblasted people complaining about an early thread
Today's the last day for Special Map Orbs, take advantage of the reroll accounts before it's gone.
Why is it a big deal to you?
Ephraim BTFO
Despise this new design.
if you don't like it go back to your old thread
t. Tharjacuckold
No, Corrin hates killing people from glorious Hoshido. And his family on either side, to be fair.
He doesn't give even a quarter of a fuck about killing anyone else.
What happened to his mustache?
>btfo by autists
It's okay, Lucinafags and ISIS needed something to validate their existence.
Because fuck you that's why
There is always autism related to fucking threads, if its not early then its two to three autists fighting over who's waifu will be cover girl.
Goodnight /feg/, i hope you have a nice evening with your waifu! She loves you very much! Stay happy and healthy!
you're welcome to try and take it back
Literally diarrhea-tier taste.
It reminds me of Walhart which is pretty neat
Also the Ice tribe
This girl right here.
I have now ruined Nephenee by revealing her dislike of war. Thank me later.
He also hated having to kill the wolf people and kitsunes.
nino is better if you're a pedophile and want to fuck a girl before she becomes a woman and unfuckable and unlovable and not pure.
julia is for if you want that plus incest
How do you guys normally play FE games? I used to do ironman runs, but now I never have time and I'm always tired so I can't concentrate on strategy and I get stressed at the thought of losing 30+ hours of progress from a dumb mistake.
But I don't want to do a savescum-type run where I reset whenever something goes wrong, since that type of playthrough barely treats FE as a dynamic strategy game. (For example, warping to a boss and risking a 50% chance of failure is not fun because you just reset until the RNG goes your way rather than thinking harder).
So I'm not really sure how I should approach FE to maximize my fun. What do you suggest? How do you guys play?
>can't even type out words properly he's this triggered
Fuck Narcian
Nice try, boyo, but Neph still a best.
>163 Stat Total
Why is Nino S Tier?
She even sucks on defense.
I think Nino is the same age as Julia.
You would, Clarine.
Finally beat Ursula. What a day this was! I rolled a Nino(3) and a Effie(5) and trained them up. When I upgraded my Nino I saw that she was -Spd and wouldnt be able to counter Ursula so I trained her for nothing. I then had to promote my Thatja to 5 stars and also substitute Nino with F.Robin (3). I trained them all to Level 40 and togetjer with my Olivia (3) Level 32 it was very easy to do it. But I am so relieved. Training them was exhaisting and I used some Stamina Potions and Blessing of Lights as well just because I wanted to get over with it.
reminder that ike is gay
>julia is for if you want that plus incest
what about that did you not understand, you mongoloid
Play safely enough to a point where I don't have to worry about reseting. :^)
>the BST meme again
Takumi has a 162 total yet he's everywhere. Where's your argument now?
Excuse me, but Clarine is faithful to Rutger.
Huh, somebody actually bothered coloring a page of Hasha for some reason or another.
Falco Knight vs Wyvern Knight for Tana? My only fliers are her and Cormag. Conversely, Wyvern Lord or Wyvern Knight for Cormag?
As a unit Nino is better. Nino kills things a lot better, while the only thing Julia can do a bit better is 1 shot Nowi, who Nino 1 rounds so it's not a huge difference. Nino can also get pretty crazy OP thanks to gronnblade.
As a character Nino is better as well.
Well you need discipline so you wont save abuse the game. I often have two categories: Safely recruited the guys I want and before the boss fight. I haze to lose units even though I dont need them all.
Why is her ass so fat?
>implying that in any way "ruins" her
It's one of the many great things about her, user.
Lord, don't sink to Valter's level
Emulate and abuse savestates. It's how I've always played Fire Emblem.
Rutger is gay for the Dick
>Another siblings
Clarine is for Klein only though in some FE6 runs he kills her.
Turtle and grind exp the fuck out of everyone. Okay not really, but I calculate damage and hit rates for my units for their enemy phase, always have a back up plan if rng screws me over, and have everyone healed up as much as possible.
they're the only fliers you need
give tana a wyvern and give cormag the class that she doesn't have access to so they can ride their dragons together
Die, monster. You don't belong in this general.
Wyvern Knight for Tana, Lord for Cormag. Make Vanessa into a falcoknight.
>Become Halberdier
>Wear less leg armor
Did she really ask Ephraim to bone his sister?
No that's Klein.
Did you manage to get through FE12 or Conquest Lunatic mode that way without resetting?
im glad this meme is dying down. it was annoying and stale. like most memes. and like erikia's vag.
Sex isn't how you prove your love.
No, but that's how Ephraim interpreted it.
What's a smrk?
I haven't played either of those on the hardest difficulty so I can't say.
Nino is less likely to be doubled, though both get one shot by a lot of the same things or close to it. Julia can one shot dragons and has a special to do some extra damage, Nino can double a huge variety of things and gets a lot of damage out of buffs so she's almost always used in conjunction with attack and speed buffing.
Julia can heal allies by small amounts when attacking, Nino can buff their attack and drag them to safety if killing the immediate threat is not an option.
Nino's biggest advantage is being a common, since that means she'll be easier to get multiples of for a better chance at good IVs, and possibly some merges down the line.
What skill do I give him to make him usable?
Wyvern Knight for some reason has worse promotional bonuses than Falco Knight in the defenses (???) even though Wyvern Riders tend to be tankier. And her Con is pretty shaky so I think she'd appreciate Swords.
go back to /r/fagheros/
ambidexterity so he can give two handies at once
The blowjob skill
What is this shit, Berserk 2016? God, these cutscenes look like fucking ass.
While I agree to an extent, it looks way too reminiscent of Garon—the villain that came from the direct previous entry in the series.
I like Hana
What are you on about? the only change for her legs was her boots changing to leggings with armored shoes, and she got some armor at her hips.
My wife
Which fanboy is worse¿Anti Post-Awakening fags or Anti Pre-Awakening fags?
him and all the other slow lords need wary fighter really badly
>implying that isn't a good thing
Oh, I don't belong here, that's for sure. Surrounded by people jerking off to fictional characters and dickwaving about a fucking mobile game is not the kind of company I would want on a website.
user its not about what you want for your run, its about who the characters are as people. they have a lovely life to lead after the game, its your DUTY to get them there.
The former