Reminder that Irelia is 14 years old
Reminder that Irelia is 14 years old
Other urls found in this thread:
fluffy tails
xth for "promising" to pull out.
irelia op nice job fuck you lulufag
kek, that's actually pretty fucking good
i feel like something bad is happening to me
why does she have to be so lewd?
isn't she a queen of a kingdom in that skin
You're tending to the house in halloween when the doorbell rings and you see these outside. What do?
Yeah, kingdom of my DICK.
Compliment their costumes and give them some treats.
Give Poppy and Trist Snickers and Lulu one piece of licorice
open the door and drag my smelly unwashed dick across their faces
lewd but still comfy bfs~
Gigantor jugs
Just how the HELL do you find all of this art for your fujo crackship?
male nipples arent nsfw!
their love is astoundingly popular~
So /lolg/ are you the same bodytype as your main?
>tfw you're one more S from Mastery 7 Aurelion Sol
Thank god no one plays this sexlord of a space dragon.
Tfw learning how to draw for the sole purpose of drawing ezreal sona shipping
No. Yes.
>there are only males on that list
>be builtfat
>main graves
yeah, pretty much fit
It's so fucking annoying when your highest ranked player picks lee sin and he feeds, leaving the rest of your team to lose out of frustration because lee sin is not fun to play with or against
Make one for women
>only males
into the thrash
Sona would make an amazing cuckcake desu.
Rate and post if you want.
I main top, with a side of jungle.
>I main soraka
What does that mean?
>tfw you're Yi build
implying you're actually girls
shit took me a long time and females have different bodytyles
>its another episode of when I invade their entire team reacts the support roams and the top TPs but when I get invaded my laners with pressure stare at the ground waiting for the next wave edition
really makes me think why I bother with jungling anymore
>Yasuo in ottermode and not in athletic
>Zac in Chubbyfat and not in bodybuilder or built
>Aurelion and in builtfat and not in :thinking:
Old low plat support player here. I haven't touched the game in over a year, is the game in a good state to go back to? Whose meta? Are the allchat spergs still fun?
dont reply to ""attentionwhores""
please ty good night sir
4.25/5 fizz sux but everyone else is cool
that you have a feminine cock hidden inside your pants
I have a girly face.
But yeah, I'm in skinny.
>love Kennen and Gnar
>will never be fun sized
Give me one reason akali top isnt OP
you better run ignite whinny boy
There's your reason.
I'll make one quick chart for female champions: unless your champion is meta, you're probably a fucking faggot. You're welcome
I dont like fizz and singed.
I love kled.
>tfw you don't do anything but still get nice things said about you
How about I give you THIS instead *unzips dick*
>feminine cock
>not giant goatcock
>implying you're actually girls
I think they were being sarcastic
could Udyr work top?
I was struggling with yasuo since he doesnt have the abs for athletic but others agree for me to change it I will
Zac is like fat in the shape of muscle rather than actual muscle
aurelions body is humanoid enough for me to place him, I was thinking of putting malphite and maokai in chubbyfat before I made the :thinking: catagory
I also had to add geezermode after I was debating where singed and ryze would go
if I can find a proper woman bodytype chart Ill add the females to the image
yea probably
You can play
don't tell him you meanie
>they have lethality graves
>we have full as on hit tahm
>they have swain top
>we have a cho
>they have ali supp
>we have a full ap no ss velkoz
>they have an annie
>we have a mid laner with ranked anxiety
literally this whole week i've been getting all the shit picks. fucking why me. lost like 300 LP in the last week or so
*You can play it but there isn't much point to it. it's like playing a Yasuo/Tryndamere without the good scaling.
shitting out stuns seems good but I guess death is the best cc so trynd/yas could just kill
>assuming my gender
it's ok user
i'll never have the same bodytype as my main anyway
Trynd has his chicken which he can spam if he goes for CDR build
Yasuo has knockup which is almost always death if he hits it plus he can build a frozen mallet.
3/5 fuck fizz and shaco
i like ur champs. zac's a cool guy
taric is underrated. only champ i hate on your list is trist
You're a cute and feminine void monster in my heart user.
>Yasuo in Ottermode
Seems about right :^)
playing yas top has a certain stigma to it
Not if you are good.
Yasuo tops are basically the Yasuo mains who can't top as anything else.
Then again, you might get your typical yasuoshitter who will feed their ass off in lane.
just tell them that you'll change their experience if your teammates cry
Alpha male is my role.
"gg this team" says the yasuo 0/15/2 yasuo who has mastered his champion, yet cannot comprehend that fighting darius level 1 is a no go.
>submissive bottom graves
shit host posting results in wrong thread
>A bad player misusing a champion
Nothing new, it happens alot of Yasuo that's just because he is popular and people like flashy champions.
>darius level 1
>not going for the level 1 cheese by Q'ing him repetitively after he uses Q
>build up 8 fervor stacks
>proceed to shit on darius
Because by playing a high skill ceiling champion, they never learned the game, focusing only on mastering their champ, thus they lack game knowledge such as "don't fight Darius," etc.
Which is why people like LS tell bronzies to play Annie and easy stuff like that.
vg vs vg bets, very popular lobby edition
you got my with "shit host"
>top dies 1v1 and starts spam pinging me
>tell him to play safe
>he dies again this time he was overextended and got ganked
>spam pings me again
>tell him to ward
>doesnt ward
>have to walk my ass up to his lane and ward for him
>enemy jungler steps on ward
>im doing dragon at the time
>ping and say back
>he initiates on enemy top and dies 1v2
>spam pings me again
I fucking hate everyone in this game
>shitting on Darius
at what elo
is this a thing
I've literally never seen a Yasuo go even remotely even in a lane against Darius.
How do you solo carry a game? I know if a diamond player entered a silver game he'd shitstomp it hard as fuck even if everyone else on his team was doing poorly
how do they do it. how do i just win hard enough that my team mates don't matter and i can actually do something.
>TFW I am such an autist i need to make scenarios where a video game character is a transqueer so i can fantasize about them.
>TFW scared of vagina as I've never seen one in person so I do mental gymnastics to convince myself I like penis.
>TFW my parents plead with me to get a job but I self-diagnose myself with random disorders so my parents just cry themselves to sleep.
Who else here is /lolg/?
>Megu Wormie on Aatrox
easiest red bet of my life
>>TFW I am such an autist i need to make scenarios where a video game character is a transqueer so i can fantasize about them.
>>TFW scared of vagina as I've never seen one in person so I do mental gymnastics to convince myself I like penis.
>>TFW my parents plead with me to get a job but I self-diagnose myself with random disorders so my parents just cry themselves to sleep.
>Who else here is /lolg/?
is this the fresh new meme
>tfw Elise will never rappel into my arms
Generally every Darius matchup I play the Darius will immediately charge up q when I dash towards him once and then you have an opening to harass with eq whilst the most he can do is w for the slow but if you manage his wave well enough you will be able to escape relatively unharmed as his w will proc your passive and he won't get any healing off of his q because you dashed away from it.
By being better at, like, everything.
>playing pantheon into Jax
>he starts bitching about his jungler six minutes into the game
>his jungler came in for a gank on me after that
>1-shot Jax
>jungler peaces it out
>bitches more
>everybody, myself included explains how he is at fault
>we all report him
>get the punishment notification afterwards
I hate all those champs
Jinx players are either braindead or tumblrinas
Same with mf players
Go away gumi
Pretty good except for Fizz. Fuck Fizz.
Good choices except Darius.
Like your skin choices for Twitch and Miss Fortune but I don't like the fact that you main Vayne.
Anyways these are my mains for each role.
Who are those people !?
only recognize Kemo and Boodrum but only for beging cancer the last years
bunch of nonames
Whoops. I forgot to mention I had killed him three times in those six minutes.
Is this a meme?
If not then you'll probably have more fun hanging over at tumblr. Not even trying to be an ass about this; that's just my advice.
>guy playing like shit and bitching
>enemy team butts in and all chat and explains that his team is playing fine that he is the feeder
I love when this happens
That music blows.
His Enchanted skins is now his best one imo.
Gatekeeper just looks a little too over-designed for me, but to each their own.
>Ryze Win Rate: 37.70%
>"Oh hey, maybe that's because of those low elo shitters who just spam his spells"
>mfw i realize that's actually his high elo win rate
How do we fix the blue man of many hops?
debonair still the best
By removing him from the game.
It's clearly obvious that the machine gun mage who stacks mana champion identity they've been trying to push is cancer no matter how they've tried to push it and I'm tired of this blue nigger eating up the dev time for champs who've been rotting in the dumpster for far too long.