Sleepover edition! Theres only one large bed.
Sleepover edition! Theres only one large bed.
This shit gets me so fucking wet but alas, wrong thread for now
vg vs vg results
>Top laner picks Nasus into Quinn intentionally
>goes 0/6 in lane
>after getting an early gank
>less than 80 stacks at 10 minutes
>Victim complex the whole game
>blames jungler for everything
> him afterwards
>20% winrate on Nasus
I should've dodged the game, for sure. But why do people intentionally gimp themselves, and why do they play champions they're absolutely horrid at?
Because he doesn't have any other top laners. Play top yourself to climb.
I did, but I got my secondary role.
Honestly, when I play any of my top laners I do pretty well, and my team seems less retarded. Should I just start dodging any game I don't get my preferred role then?
I feel like I'm just in a bat spot as of late, every single team I've been on has the one person who single-handedly loses the game for everyone else. I literally can't be everywhere at once, and despite the fact that I'm definitely the best player on at least 3/4 of my teams, I'm not good enough to carry when two lanes lose hard every time, and silver players being as pig headed shitters as they've always been, not even counting dumb shit like afk's/DCs
>demoted from G3 for the 9th time at least
im going to end it all i swear it
xth for Rumble
xth for /lolg/ all-stars is dead and all the good namefags have left forever
comfiest bfs~
>TFW I am such an autist i need to make scenarios where a video game character is a transqueer so i can fantasize about them.
>TFW scared of vagina as I've never seen one in person so I do mental gymnastics to convince myself I like penis.
>TFW my parents plead with me to get a job but I self-diagnose myself with random disorders so my parents just cry themselves to sleep.
Who else here is /lolg/?
>I will never get to hear Riven's pathetic pleas for mercy as I raise my axe above her exposed neck, ready to send her wretched soul back to Hell
Feels bad man.
tfw okay with being alone
tfw "just get a gf!"
ye it's so easy : )))
it is you just got to lower your standards till you accept fucking fucking easy, misformed land whales who thrist for cock
Why do ducks have to look so cute
It might be that easy for uglies, but I can do better than that.
If I can't, then I don't want to anyway.
someone post good jhin concepts I know theyre out there but I cant find them on google
vg vs vg is up on na the password is vidya come and feed with us
xth for Syndra
And now we can finally shut this thread down. Good riddance.
Fuck yourself.
vg vs vg is up on NA
needs a few
password is vidya
Hello local folks of /lolg/
Have you seen my wife Riven?
What part of go fuck yourself do you not understand?
Anybody got an NA account I can dick around on
t. euw trash
Yes, her decapitated corpse was being ground up for the pig trough.
yeah ive got a spare named ImThem
user, I've got some bad news for you.
Well guess what? You were unworthy. So fuck yourself.
is edging okay while nofapping?
what did he MEAN BY THIS!?!?!?
Who the fuck is Colin?
Don't do jewish shit like that
that's ImThem's name
vg vs vg bets
>incapable of producing a single line of interesting dialogue
>the moment ImAutist opens his fetid mouth he goes KEK!!! NICE ONE COLIN
you're so disgusting in every aspect
>this new
did he and Sally get married and live happily ever after?
dont be gay mang, dont be gay.
are we having another stupid comic thread
I can not count the number of times I have gotten fed as this champion just to lose
Please, if you have a decent twitch on your team, build defensive and stop feeding
not him but ive been here sense kha release and i had no idea
>lethality graves
>play bot
>winning lane hard
>murdering their team
>fed yasuos starts getting involved in teamfights
>one ability nullifies my entire kit for 5 seconds
>has a free dash and knock up that even janna cant peel
literally 1v5d that game
I guess hecas ults helped too but the rest of his team was getting slaughtered
vg vs vg, 3v5 edition
>Surreending in a Veeky Forums
Glad I didn't fuck up too many ults as Graggy in that game, though.
Warwick support is actually pretty fun.
Post your waifu and what kind of underwear she wears
I'll start
Miss fortune
Fine lace black lingerie
whatever i WANT
no they broke up awhile ago
>tfw top jung and ad let you down one last time before you get buried in the earth
Supporting Imthem is hard but worth it
Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!
You need to be around him more often, I know he has a habit of jumping in full retard, but some of his deaths could have been avoided in laning if you stuck with him.
Lulu is for ________
I'll keep that in mind, thanks!
fuck you welding
why do you have to ruin everything
Why are the chromas for skins so much fucking better than chromas for bases?
How long until Riot goes full Jew and I have to get pulsefire and DJ chromas?
why do you hate welding so much?
Why was everyone so angry that match? Was Wiggums really that angry over those ganks?
>2v3 a bot lane we woulda steamrolled if it was even
>welding going even with a mid eve
>welding and sid just doing nothing in general all game
it was not fun
worht it??!
Yeah I mean gragas came bot a bunch of times it felt like but me and him still had a good laning phase I thought.
v3 a bot lane we woulda steamrolled if it was even
That's kind of why I kept going bot. They need help, Panthe was always too deep into his tower to gank, and Illaoi was already at a disadvantage and had no CC.
u were not going to steamroll my lane
the only reason i died was ebcause I was too cocky
you arent good you paly like a bot to me
>retard jump in whenever you can
>nami was gold 3 MAX
you arent good lol, at least not at trist
>running from Kemo
>see Welding in a bush
>run to it expecting to stun then fear and smother eve
>get one shot as Welding spams laugh and flashes mastery
Almost got mad but then I just laughed
Think it was mostly frustrating because I didn't really have enough peel to stop ganks.
Laning against a Tristana was fun don't think I ever q'd at the right time to ride a rocket jump though.
it was just an autoloss game to be honest, varus and jungle died too much for me to offset the spillover they presented with me. cant do much with negative attitude AND negative k/d players
>3 deaths with 13 kills
>1 dragon and 1 turret taken
The entire point of killing people is to TAKE OBJECTIVES.
You rode the Rocket Jump at least once, though I can't remember if I was there as Gragas to stop you.
You did pretty well too, I was actually surprised at WW support.
Wish me luck nuggets, im going solo
LULU IS FOR >filter>image MD5
Level 1 is like hellish but all Warwick does late game is peel and guard carries anyways so it kind of works. It's disgusting against immobile adcs though because wick can just get tabi and then run them down.
Feels good to not be in the lolg discord
Any other Veeky Forumss going on? That last one was pretty fun and I'm not a fan of going alone in normals.
>[Twisted Fate]: Lulu is winning you the game
>More damage than Warwick and Ashe
>Ult Ryze when he gets 3 manned to win
I always feel proud of these games I do well until I remember the game was basically free because the entire enemy team shitpicked
Pre-30s are a mess
no everyone ragequit
I gotta sleep it's 6am looks like everybody else shoved on too.
First time I've seen someone brag about a pre30 game. You called yourself out, but come on.
I like to feel good about my wins, only real way I can do that is by sharing them and having a little discussion and laugh at eachother. Y'know?
A lot of the game is I won, meh and then I lost, fuck I'm mad. I want to enjoy the wins more for my mental health, so I figure I'd share a little.