Flipping cars

Anyone else do it here? I often find cheap cars on Craigslist for $500 or less that I can flip for at least $1000 without too much effort. It's not much but it's still a profit. Dodge Neons are my favorite because they're really easy to work on with lots of parts in the junkyard.

How often do you flip cars? Like how many a year?

bumping for interest. Somewhat broke uni student that's always looking for ways to make/save money that don't involve buying cheaper beer and this sounds like it could potentially be promising.

Yep do this a handful of times a year for spare change. It's fun and gives me weekend projects to clean up and flip. Best advice I have for you is to not buy from color, cash only, and be ok saying no.

Bodywork is what bothers me. In order for that to happen, i need a compressor and spray gun. I also need to turn my carport into a dexter style kill room. Im worried sbout ruining paing jobs with an orbital sander

Hmm, there was a guy here a few years ago that flipped neons and tripped as NeonFlipper
Or are you back?

Either way, he said he usually flushed the auto trans and put in new fluid, vacuumed/cleaned the interior really well, and fixed anything else obviously wrong and made a decent profit according to him

Flipping cars is a shit way to make money. Get a real job.

Don't bother with cars that need bodywork, they don't make a profit

This is a interesting idea. There could definitely be profit made.

the saddest thing about this thread is that there will always be a market for these fucking things. As well as pontiac sunfires and chevy cobalts/cavaliers

buy em and burn em. you'd do a service to the world

You don't insure the cars you flip, right?

If so what do you do about test drives? Don't most people want to take it for a test drive before buying?

Its way to much work to flip cheap ass cars just for a few hundred bucks. Its far better to buy a wrecked car and part that bitch out.

Difficult part is getting on these deals ASAP. Cheap cars, especially easy flips barely last an hour on my local Craigslist.

Just be careful to not sell more than the yearly limit for your state. My state is 6 vehicles sold in within 365 days and not a calendar year. Big honking fines for going over without a dealer license.

I don't even register them in my name, just float the title to the next owner. They don't have a problem with it as long as the registration is still paid.

>part that bitch out
Been doing this for years. Not only do I get a monthly income, but by talking to the buyers (who do all the work), I can keep up with the car news in my area.

Aw man, I thought this thread was about actual car flipping, like what you do with friends when you're drunk and bored.


thinking about doing this
>state puts limits on flipping vehicles
do you sell on CL or eBay?
how it do?
what's your hauling rig like?

you took this picture? story?

How the fuck did it get up there? Did you roll it from that hill?

Does anyone else flip dirtbikes?

>triple parking

Any advice on this?

What kind of cars do you part out? Do you dismantle it or do you have people come to your driveway with their own tools and take what they want? How do you get the cars to part out to your home?

that random chair

not him but I've parted out cars before. It's only practical if you actually own your own place to store the cars in and have a pickup/trailer to get them there. And it won't take long until your place ends up looking like a junkyard and depending on your area you can get into trouble with the law for it.

I do, but if I sell it within a week I get most of what I paid for the insurance back. The government can't really do anything about the limit (which is technically 0) since I'm actually registering them in my name.