>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Other urls found in this thread:
Nino a best!
Lucina a shit
Ryoma is my handsome husband
>not using the new banner as the OP image
Veronica just wants to be friends!
>FE6 units weren't supposed to get HM bonuses, and it was actually a result of sloppy coding
huh, this is actually really fucking interesting
who cares the game prints money
Giving my +spd Julia Darting Blow!
This kinda stuff still should be in the OP.
Ever hear of El Nino
Well, this is El Negro.
Now come over here and let me tap dat ass
>36 speed
>Julia up to S tier
Ninofags BTFO
just as good as nino!!!
>prints money
What? Did it sell really well in Japland or something?
>all light mages are healsluts in heroes
good, fuck them
Rebecca looks like she's drawn by Lily Hoshino, the face is kinda recognisable.
Not with that Rebecca it isn't.
Nin a cute though.
which of the new units will have summoner sexual lines
Which Sully should I keep, /feg/?
> +Atk -Def
> +Spd -Res
>memed Ninian and Priscilla into happening
it's a neutral feel
>tfw people believe in the tier list
>Not realising Nino loses out on 3 atk but can also actually double enemies meaning she effectively outdamages Julia by a lot
>Hone Atk > Breath of Life
Is that second one 50k retweets? It's really sad we're not going to make it when it was so easy before. Shows how many people stopped playing already.
Predictions for this banner? Also, what is that second tweet? Something about retweeting for 5 orbs?
I want Ninian, Lucius Jaffar and Karel !
will we be able to inherit cooldown skills
I was reading up on why Raigh didn't get HM bonuses and came upon this post. Basically, a list is generated whenever a map starts, and units within the list have set bases. However, this list isn't read when additional reinforcements appear, which is why Perceval doesn't get HM bonuses in 13 as he spawns in the opening map but he does get it in 15 as he spawns as a turn 1 reinforcement
>No Karla
FE7 remake with playable Chris and dragonstone Ninian when?
you won't be able to cuck Bartre so what's the point
The atk helps her a lot but -def for a anti sword isn't good
Go away Soft
Nino and Jaffar sitting in the tree
First comes love.
Then comes marriage.
Then comes Lught and Raigh in the baby carriage,
Sucking his thumb,
Wetting his pants,
Doing the hula, hula dance!
Alright +Spd it is. Thanks guys.
Why are you being so weird for lack of better words. It's at 29.400~ after 6 hours. Once the rest of the world wakes up it'll reach it.
Is Eldigan salvageable with skill inheritance
Should I just fucking kill cath
her recruitment is so damn annoying
FEH vs Lucina as the final part of the Gauntlet, 50k retweets gives everyone 5 orbs.
>tweet's been up for only a few hours
>already at 30k
>deadline is in several days
Yeah man I'm really worried we won't make it.
Go away SOREN
>170 BST without Fury
I still don't get how pure Nino gave birth to shitty Raigh.
So I decided to give the Siblings Bonds focus one last try before it was gone...
...can't really complain. I really don't have any blue tome units besides Ursula.
A fucking owl beating Lushitter would be the ultimate insult. I want it to happen.
>see someone in arena using 2 dancers on defence
>Julia and Subaki clean them up without help from other half of team
i don't understand this young peoples meta
>+spd -def
the one unit where +spd doesn't matter because he gets doubled by everything anyway
I'm sorry user
Severa is a cutie! And my wife! I hope we can go on more adventures together!
I really want Eldigan but I don't want to get burned.
Grats though.
>only one there I even remotely want is ninian
shit banner. Ike when?
Severa is a slut!
She services at least 5 large black men per day!
My luck is terrible anyway. I'm just glad I pulled a 5* at all.
Julia can OHKO any Dragon, Nino can't do that to Tiki.
Based grandpa making my Olwen not suck
Are druids the coolest looking units in FE?
This was a great idea
For my defence team I've got Hector, Takumi, Lucina and Tharja. Shoud I replace one of the latter two with my -Def +Res Linde? Lucina is -HP and +Spd and Tharja is -Hp and +Atk
Replace Tharja
After Oliver and Mist, of course.
>Around 40 orbs spent on Sibling Bonds
>Eldigan and nothing else to show for it, just a bunch of 3* reds
At least I tried, Sanaki, my wife.
Is calculator broken or something this doesnt make sense?
I want Palla to step on my balls with her pegasus!
Ninian is a must for me. Jaffar would be cool to have. The rest? Meh.
Will I need a 5* Lon'qu for my Lyn to get Vantage
>spend 5 orbs for effie
>get effie
You just arent worthy of your waifu
You poke her and she dies.
>Being proud of anything
Also you've got shitty taste in waifus.
Okie dokie
Use this calculator fireemblem.gamewith.jp
He's full neutral.
Don't use calculators. Just look off the stat sheets on the wiki and match them.
hes all medium
>Nino can't oneshot this one particular character
And yet she is better in every other situation is she not?
For me personally, I have a Lucina so Tiki is dealt with easily enough. In fact any decent blue unit would probably be enough.
Took a look at the comments cause I'm bored
>I don't need orbs, just give me Ike please
>Do something about the hackers first
>Did the promised 20 orbs disappear?
+more complaints
>Give me Lucina and the orb on Feh's head
>I didn't even know the owl was named Feh. Do your best Lucina
>We'll get the feathers Feh's gonna lose in the battle right?
>If you give me 50000 feathers I won't turn you into yakitori
Heh, nips really like bullying Feh.
Most of these characters should have been 3/4* fodder, not a focus 5*. Those goddamn jews.
Pump and dump Nino!
>implying Ninian will be yet another blue manekete
She is a green unit, just like in her game
>read new update
>daily awards
>ONE (1) orb on Sundays
Nils when
Where are the 20 orbs
Thanks yeah a full medium is still better than the - speed + res 5 star one i have so ill upgrade this one and merge ,my shit one to it.
Also yeah ill use jap calculator instead since the info there seems more accurate
You get the 2 orbs from arena quests now
was wondering the same.
waifu2x'd it
If it makes you feel better, his best stat isn't compromised.
thats ontop of what we are getting with login bonus and the actual quests for daily orbs doesnt come out until the 14th
Learn to reading comprehension
the voting hasnt finished Now there is one last voting phase on jap twitter between the mailbox bird and lucina
Lets hope the daily arena quests give a good amount of orbs and feathers.
>tfw out of orbs but at 4.5% pity rate for Ursula banner that ends tonight
>I just want my meme mage, but I keep getting no Greens
>I also want the units from the next banner too
lucius looks like a fucking girl
That's the point yeh
Pay up, goy.
You can't miss out on this.
You know what to do
R8 my Femui tank build.
>Reposition for protecting teammates that need to retreat.
>Pavise for even more tanking.
>Armoured Blow 3 for applying the debuffs safer.
>Seal Attack 3 for even more debuffing.
>Savage Blow 3 for AOE damage on everyone that's getting debuffed.
Going to set her up with a dancer behind so she can do a double attack.
First attack will put her attack puts her at 40 Def
Second attack is 40 Def - another 7 damage thanks to seal attack.
inflicts -5 Atk and Spd + 14 damage on everything within 2 spaces of the target.
Pavise is ready for the follow up attack on their turn.
He's prettier than a girl.
How good are we expecting next banner's units to be?