League of Legends General - /lolg/

New Annie skin when its been almost a year - edition


Last session: Waifu below me a shite

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xth for THE CHAMP

i want to fuck annie

A-any tips for jax? i am trying to learn him top and jungle but i always do badly

what do i rush first?

Finally /lolg/ realizes Annie is best girl


connect to game

7 Afks

xth for Syndra

Most lanes, rush trinity. If you are rich and can afford Sheen on first back, buy that, otherwise buy Phage components. Against AP babbies on toplane, generally speaking hexdrinker/treads rush is good. If you want to be more teamfight-oriented, go titanic + trinity, for 1v1 splitpush go gunblade + trinity. Tabis are good if enemy team doesnt have CC, Sterak can be okay third item if you are snowballing really hard, otherwise go either Randuins or Spirit Vis depending on enemy composition. Jungle Jax is mostly a meme due it being super feast or famine, and Jax is mostly skill-based champion as he doesnt really get any free passes for lanes in the current meta.

I wish I was Nami!

I want to marry Galio!


I wonder what kinda foods they would have around their home~

god I wish I were tibbers

How long have the servers been more fucked than usual?

Is Vel'Koz best girl?

erm wait, i am not supposed to rush gunblade?


t-thanks for the tips

I wish I could hug Nami!

did anyone here play dawngate

Nice client rito

Hey lolg, remember Annie?
This is her now. Feel old yet?

Imagine Sona jumped on you and started trying to suffocate you with her sonas

Do you think you would be strong enough to push her off?
Bear in mind she is surprisingly heavy

Gunblade rush can be good but its mostly done for the mad sustain after trading so you can win a war of attrition. Its not a bad rush, but trinity generally speaking gives you way smoother spike in terms of building components. Also viable tactic if you really want to sustain is to get early vamp scepter and then make trinity.

No problemo, have fun with your mating press

going to go pour hot water on my asshole, let me know when ranked is back up.

ill try, thanks

>with her sonas
hang yourself

Feel free to holla if you need more advice.

FACT: Lulu is the CUTEST!

How do I sucessfully make the switch from support to mid lane?

I'd tickle her. 0% of chicks are resistant to tickling.
i'd keep my face glued to her sonas, though

Tell me how autistic I am


I have 9 fucking remakes in my match history

Pick Brand/Annie support and instead of not cs'ing minions, you actually have to hit them

>80 reduced damage from autoattacks

sorry but I cant take you seriously I stopped reading after that

big pure waifu

Its 8% if I read it right

Sona's purity is more of a purity of motivation. As in, there's nothing selfish about her willingness to be pumped vigorously in any hole by any needy adc, tank, midlaner, or jungler.

oh fuck
I really need to sleep

Ehh not bad but the E seems kinda OP still
Always felt he should be more tanky/ad based imo.
But in general alot of morde mains like his AP playstyle and wish he were an AP bruiser, sort of like a AP darius
which is rather unique

I cant even load into the game......

reworks arent just buffs

Instead of waifuposting, I have an actual Sona question. When should she be played? I have had succes with her but I don't entirely understand the matchups yet.

Ah its all cool, just trying to learn duelists champs to only dedicate myself in playing top/jg (And some mid) instead of branching all 5 lanes like i used to

What are the eternally meta champions?

Lee Sin

As long as you dont play Yasuo or Jayce were cool.

Does cumming inside sona make you play better?

Nice fucking server you billion dollar company

how are you so retarded you played a second game

>can hear sona moaning from getting pounded in her dj sona skin music
slut sona is best and most canon

i fed 1/14 on my first try as yasuo and jayce is boring to me, no worries

waifufags should be gassed

nami wasnt meta for a minute

hang yourself

or cucked

Fact: Lulu enjoys being mating pressed by large men

A fed Hecarim is a happy Hecarim : )

these are just autists.

someone who is happily married doesn't go around screaming about his wife.

These posts are just idiots.

Im a huge waitufag but have never shitted up the thread because of it.

She's a generalist and can be picked into any matchup. Good vs melee - braum, allistar. not that great in lane vs hard engage like Leona, Blitz and thresh. Okay vs other poke/sustain supports like Soraka, Janna, and Lulu (Bard is harder but a skill matchup). Sona can do okay vs the support mages if you max heal first and forget about trying to out damage the other team in short trades.

Her ulti is her only hard CC, so best to pick her with a safe adc like EZ and Trist and Kalista .

This is actually helpful, thanks user! Relearning the game is proving harder than I thought it was.

FACT: You made a spelling mistake.

It's "her large man", not "large men".

And I am that man. Sorry, cuckfag. Remember, plenty of fish in the sea. You can also drown yourself in that sea. That also works.

How long could you handle being milked by horny half-breeds?

I honestly can't tell if this guy is continuing a joke far after it was ever funny, or if he's really trying to feel mad about someone else calling lulu a slut.

Either way it's /sad!/

implying anyone who posts here is actually married

I want Hecarim to mount you

I'm married!

Good thing I suck pretty bad at league, but I play it from 10-11:30 after everyone's asleep.

>Typing speeds up as Rengar walks closer

Maokai has been damn near since he was released.

Karma is pretty close

>people who don't know you can rebuy the black spear mid match and switch your oathsworn on Kalista
Pro-tip, when laning phase ends you probably want to be tossing Illaoi into the enemy team, not Soraka.

I dont know but would like to try.
>Also that hour:33:33 post time.

Lulu is the cutest! THE CUTEST!

please go on.

Oi you dont decide how much i milk you!

Lulu is the spookiest! THE SPOOKIEST!

It just works.

Would it be worth 1150 RP to buy Huntress Sivir + Corki? Hes basically the only chimp I dont own and its a nice skin once sivir comes back into meta

I thought you couldnt rebind after 3 minutes.

someone I met online wants an offline meeting to talk about league

Should I go?

Does Shyvana want to be a mommy dragon?

I wanna carry Lulu on my shoulders and show her the world!

Do not buy champs with RP, particularly when they only cost 3150 IP.

Anyone got a good EUW club tag for a cute loli?


r they cute?

There's only so much a human male can ejaculate before it's just not gonna fire any more

i just played until they actually shut off ranked queues i got nothing to do this early in the morning when im just waiting on calls

Lulu is my STAR!

and there is only so much she can take inside

There's not really a limit to how much a girl can take inside. She just gets messy and gooshy and it squishes out and runs down her legs/makes a wet spot in the sheets

Is that a yes?

Is dragon mating a complicated process?
Could a mere human endure it, even from a half dragon?

>implying she wont leglock you and keep it inside

Best girl.
Best belly.
Best wife.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

How tightly do her legs grip you when you start to cum?

Enough to break your bones. See how fast she can run?

Strong enough to crush your hips, but she's so nice she's happy with just making you entirely unable to move.

Luckily enough her dragonpussy does all the work


do you decay if you are in promos?

Thats great man. I hope you have a fun time.

That's completely beside the point.

Happily married people don't run around screaming "LOOK AT MY WIFE"

the brand of "waifufags" you have in lolgen are just autists.

your attention whores are worse than a lot of other boards/threads too, but that's another conversation.

isn't bandle married

>alot of other boards

Compared to most boards the cancer here is extremely mild. I dont know about the other general but I do know about other boards.