/smtg/ - 真・女神転生/Shin Megami Tensei General

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another day another demon summoning thread

Vote for best mainline game here
Vote for best spinoff game here

HA� � � VE � � vA N� � IC�� E D� Y

don't you get tired of this user? people have probably voted more than once but now.

I love this guy

>SMT I that low
>SMT IV/IVF that high
What the fuck I hate /smtg/ - 真・女神転生/Shin Megami Tensei General now.

Not really.
I don't know why someone would vote multiple times, nocturnes never gonna get overtaken by SJ.

Japan thanks

I vote every thread

>strange journey that high

Reminder I started posting that around the time FINAL released outside japan. So the newfags voted for the first game they played.

Also most of /SMTG/ are a bunch of casuals who won't play SMT1 and 2 because they're old.

SMT1 and 2 are objectively shit games though.

im on daichi route, day 7. just beat yamato. are my skills good so far?

They haven't aged well, but 'shit'?

You realize that new humans will be born right? Gods don't only draw power from people pre-knowing about that god with each universe totally cut off from eachother. Which is why the old gods like krishna still exist in yhvh's universe. Switching the universe has nothing to do with yhvh. It has to do with dagda's ideological idea about what humans should be like.

Hasn't this been in every thread for months? What is even the point.

>The idea comparison is always retarded Beadman

Not sure if this is a meme, but the game is explicitly clear about the gods / ideas connection. And there's an interview where they straight up say it for anyone too stupid to understand it from the game alone.

The point is me fucking your mom kid.

I still think the ending is vague enough so you don't have to do what Dagda is saying.

IIRC I was around that when I neared the end of the game

you might need a solid 6-8 more level ups to have a chance against the final boss sad to say

I mean, yeah. I guess saying "they haven't aged well" is a nice way of saying it but the games aren't fun. The mechanics are painful to deal with and they're imbalanced making them easy to cheese through. There are plenty of games that came out in that era that still hold up today but SMT I and II do not. Besides, most people complaining haven't even played the actual first Megaten


we will never get a cute chibi crossover game.
it hurts bros

Good, fuck that poorman's EO-clone shit.

best dungeon crawler smt game since strange journey. stay salty, chump

>best dungeon crawler smt game since strange journey
More like boring generic animoo pandering garbage aimed at dirty-ass otakus from /pg/.

>smt game
That's where you're wrong, Kid.
I'll free you from those dying misconceptions.

Dagda's idea of the new humanity means that they will be strong enough to stand on their own and won't be weak enough to will YHVH back into existence. YHVH preys on humanity's weakness which is why he is permanently kill in the new universe. Well, that is unless there's a messiah that can topple Nanashi's universe.

Yeah, SJ isn't a SMT game, he should get his facts straight.

>being this autistic



Whens Buer comin' back?


It bothers me that most demons in games don't have recurring roles in them. I loved how Mastema was written in SJ's story, I feel it's a waste to see most demons only for their fights.

Preparing for DDS2 Hard Mode NG+
I know that mantras and normal rings don't carry over like they would in normal mode
I know I DO still get the Human Form skill and the Berserker Ring
but do all of the DDS1 import bonuses still apply?

so for DDS1 -> DDS2 Hard -> DDS2 NG+ Hard
do I still get the skills, side content, special boss rings, and potentially Heat from the initial DDS1 import?
do I still get the stat and money bonuses from the initial DDS1 import?

I kinda dislike seeing bosses from other games show up as random encounters. Feels vaguely disrespectful, in a way.

I don't mind as long as they are not that story relevant. And there's barely any story relevant demons that can be found as random enemies.

Did you have an aneurysm in the last brane of YHVH's deep dark dungeon?

YHVH's dungeon was just a clusterfuck of bad decisions all around.

Fits that fuckhead

Doesn't make it fun to play.

it's metatextual..

Should I go for Nanashi, No-name or a real name for the nickname in IV:A?


Your real name.




It was the most fun dungeon though, actually made you think a bit instead of it being just advancing with some Jade Dagger segments.

>It was the most fun dungeon

What could even compete with it? I'm not considering battles, only the dungeon itself. It was the only one that required exploring, with only the Cosmic Egg and Tsukiji Konganji coming close, but Cosmic Egg was very easy and Tsukiji was ridiculously annoying.

>it makes you think a bit

this desu. i play the music when i fap now

This. My only complaint is how THICK everything was aside from that was a fine dungeon.

I feel like I'm missing a joke here.

>Raidou 1
>amazing story
>shitty gameplay

>Raidou 2
>shitty story
>amazing gameplay

Raidou 3 with amazing story and amazing gameplay when?

>Daichi gets excited over drinking same water bottle as Io
>No option to laugh at him

the amount of rage i almost felt is indescribable

What are you hoping for out of this game guys?

how is this fair

Nocturne Overclocked
No overworld map, so you adventure through the desert.

Are you asking how the first MegaTen game was fair? I thought it was pretty fair, until the Sea of Flames at least.

A good game. SMT hasn't seen one of those since 2009.

>implying Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Hunter Zero isn't the height of the series.

I have no hopes for it. I already know it's going to be some personaized garbage

no mt2 no vote

Just because the latest entry in the series is like that, that doesn't mean that every game from now on will be like that. I'm guessing they got a lot of fan complaints after FINAL released in Japan. And Atlus does listen to fan feedback, after all, a lot of changes made to FINAL were explicitly based on fan feedback. I wouldn't worry too much until we see the game's story for ourselves.

Is that Xenoblade's theme?

more dark snyth

Fuck Tiamat, this boss is bullshit. This game is bullshit. Fuck this shit.

that'll teach you to listen to the SJWs

In Soul Hackers, what does it mean when you get an item after battle and it glows orange? There was a "FK" icon next to the item I got as well.

You need to FK the item

it's showing you the benefits of using that item app on your comp

Strange Journey was shit, though.

he was talking about devil survivor

they mean DeSu

>one week remaining
What did he mean by this?
Will 3DS project actually be Strange Journey remake?


No pandering shit. I won't care if it'll be as simple as original IV in terms of gameplay, just remove fucking pandering. IV was good, I believe that Final was shit only because of new director, therefore Yamai won't let filthy waifufags ruin his original vision for V.

If the HD project doesn't have 3d battles I will stream my suicide

>/smtg/ can't tell who directed their beloved SJ
You're cuck.

3D battles are pretty much confirmed. What's the point of HD models if there's no 3D battles?

Screencaped. Provide address beforehand so we can spill some goat urine all over your body and try to actually summon some deemons afterwards.

I honestly don't give a shit about developers outside musicians and illustrators.

Will do.

>I honestly don't give a shit about developers outside musicians and illustrators.
Why you asked about who he is then, autismo?

Who's going to bring the COMPS?


No one likes weird neck horns.

>died to Luci like a bitch
>unironically using Freikugel

Daily reminder that apocalypsebabies will defend THIS and call it a canon.

SMT is just a spin off series of Persona, right? How is it popular enough to warrant a general?

It isn't popular. We survive off chaos bros and endless reincarnation.

Epic fucking epic haven't heard that one before very original congrats man xD


It's like Rick and Morty. There are infinite universes where every possibility has happened. So everything is canon.

Someone seems pretty assblasted, I was just asking a genuine question.
