/dbt/ - Daily Bike Thread

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stale old /dbt/ map:

Noob? Git gud
→ # → # → →

webems with sounds:
# #

old busted thread → #

I just got home.
new thread just in time

me too fellow working user

t. feather pajeet

How to make a motorcycle quieter? My bike is an underpowered turd and while its faster than 70% of the vehicles on the road, it has an aftermarket exhaust liberating 0.24 horses and sounds absolutely pathetic, loud and struggling when at wot.

Would rather the bike be quiet instead of everyone noticing me giving everything to pass a car at 65mph or just trying to get to 45mph from a green light.

It's called a mufflar

It has a mufflar but it is not mufflayed enough. Its an older bike so stock mufflars are not particularly quiet.

I'm also cheap as fuck and was wondering if there was an easy way to make a bike quieter without replacing the muffalar.

Could you repack it with something to quiet it up?

Sup dbt

Supermoto is life


whoa there buddy watch out with those wheelies or that one user might start sperging about how supermotos are memes and you should have just put dualsport tires on your 18/21 wheelset

I was pulling my bike into the garage, and I scraped the tank decal on my trailer. Anyone have a good place to get new stickers for a KTM Duke?

nevermind he already did


Just Jap bikes. Thanks anyway, breh.

Supermoto is love

Oh hey there

oh woops i missed the duke part

your chain is too tight

there was this site I remember a while back that measured fuel economy by inputting every time you fueled up
can't remember what it was called



Found showa r&d


this is bretty bad for your kickstand

fuelly. Or you could simply do it yourself. Miles travelled/ gallons of fuel consumed. It's that easy

no it's not, most of your weight is over the wheels. in fact, it probably takes weight OFF of your kickstand compared to when the bike is resting on it

The kickstands on DR-Zs are amazingly strong. You can put the entire weight of the bike on it, or hang off the bike on the stand letting all your weight transfer to the stand. They just won't break.

yeah but I only tend to remember price, not the fuel amount itself

You're retarded lmao
It isn't bad for it, but you're so wrong lol


just do it at the pump?
>fill up
>calculate mpg on phone
>keep riding

Thinking of buying a motorcycle when I am of legal age (19 in the US, one year away) what is a good beginner bike? I don't want a crazy naked bike. I was thinking maybe a dual sport of something of the like

What the fuck where do u live that it's 19? I'm 18 and have had my license for over a year

What state? In my state it's 16 with parental permission, or 18 without.



looks like your kickstand is too long

>putting road tyres on a dirt bike

should i move on to a liter bike after my GS500 or get this SV650?

Uncle gave me his old jacket, what do you guys think?

>sit on bike
>suspension compresses, bike is more vertical
>weight shifts towards wheels, off kickstand

Man hands, man ass, you aint foolin anyone there tiger

Also we can't even see the jacket properly

think you should suckstart a shotgun faggot

oi you managed to put some meat on your bones you trap faggot

did kit kat get his ass waxed?

SV650 is breddy gud

definitely a lot faster than GS500 even if it doesn't sound like it on paper

in Virginia you have to be at least 19

might be working this out wrong but my little yammy did 120mpg...?

and it's in dire need of a tune up
I don't even think the tyres are inflated properly

>implying the gs500 is faster than any bike

Lol move down a state you cuckold
Virginia traffic laws are so fucked

(((Also I need a roommate in NC)))

You worked it out wrong.
thats like 1.5 litres/100km which just is not doable on any bike.

It's faster than a GROM

goddamnit Veeky Forums stop trying to make me gay

you're wrong. some of that weight goes onto the kickstand. quite a bit of it actually. unless you're leaning way to the right side I don't know how you think pressing down would put less weight on the kickstand.

Either your doors are made for giants or you are both a manlet and weak faggot. Unlucky

point is it's not much

>he can't divide

i bet but I want to take a look at some liter bikes too.
that desire of wanting ''''more''' is always there.

who cares?
its not a shitty wr250r that has a kickstand mount made of plasticine

I know. I'm but you're wrong

>or you are both a manlet and weak faggot
I'm average height, no bully

whats wrong with wr250r kickstand?

only bikes you can't stand on and lean on the kickstand like that are ducatis

>I'm average height, no bully
>I'm average height
>average height
I'm 1.87 Metres, whats your average?

From what i have heard the mount that holds the kick stand on the wr250r bends any time the bike hits the ground on that side.

Also KTMs.
>kickstand breaks. replace kickstand
>kickstand mount bolt breaks. replace bolt
>mounting tab breaks. give up

>From what i have heard
stopped reading there, kill yourself

open genitals bb

>having a kick stand on a ktm
who even does that?
that is just added weight

ok fine I'm 1 inch under average

So i have to buy a wr250r and bend the kick stand mount before i can have a valid opinion on the topic right?
can't read the dozens of reviews where they mention it or anything..

thats above average

subtract 2-3 in. thats average

looking for baiku buttbuddies in montreal anyone?

mine also has a battery electric starter, lights, cam, and valves. Gay, right?


>So i have to buy a wr250r and bend the kick stand mount before i can have a valid opinion on the topic right?

nobody gives a shit about what you read online about a bike you don't own, faggot

>mfw i have a wr250r
>mfw i stand on the peg to mount it literally every time
>mfw it's a 2009 and kickstand is just fine

imagine having a street bike without a side stand
>cars/people can't knock it over in the parking lot
>it gets run over instead

Should I do it?

Why/Why not?

I took the stand, battery and electric start off and put the SX side cover on, dropped the weight to about 105kg with a full tank of fuel

>no title
pass. not worth the hassle

>steering fluid

basically trash without a title

>steering fluid
>i lost the title

It is stolen and he is trying to convince people it is not stolen

>Not at-least giving me your country so I can google it and more or less determine your heights based on that. Now I have to type this extra long green text shit post because I am triggered, but you forced my hand. Reply to this post or you bike will tern into a scooter while you sleep. Yet we find ourselves in this predicament, of my shit post, caused by your vague answers. The only way to fix this, and save your bikes, is to either give me your heights or allow me to determine them by intelligence gathering.
tldr; Give me your heights so I can laugh.

The 450/525 is allegedly 118kg stock. I assume that's wet but not sure. I wish I could weigh mine.

>being a lanklet on daily bike thread
You realise that is not an advantage here right?

>no title
Nah senpai just get something else.

Maybe he means that it needs steering fluid in the forks?

I'm not into bikes so I don't know what kind of fluid goes in there but there are only so many weights of oil and petroleum products you can buy

Who cares about height. What's that waist and chest size. That's what matters

>steering fluid in the forks?
>I'm not into bikes
I can tell

Nah 113kg dry with a 9 litre fuel capacity, i have an 08 450exc-r as well it just doesnt run atm

Fork oil goes in forks.

He probably checked the brake fluid and thinks its power steering fluid because he is tarded.


>adjusting chain
>wheel won't go back any further
wat do

Get a new chain assuming you haven't yet.

chains fucked, get a new one.
or cut a link out of it if you are really cheap or something.

That's one edgy cruiser

Victory Las Vegas Jackpot It rides like shit and makes you want to get off of it as quickly as possible.

is it?