>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
Tharja a best and canon.
Azura a shit
>tfw no Klein-sama
is making early threads the only thing tharjacuck even does anymore
i wish we could go back to how things were when that spic was gone
How's my Rebecca looking?
Factually proven in the last thread that she is not, much to egg-faced dismay of kneejerk bandwagoners who thought this focus would actually be worth anything. Enjoy your Shitnian.
Peter Griffin OPs when
awful lot of salt over some bot making copypasta
>Disliking Azura means you're a Ninianfag
This is how retarded you are.
>tfw shitposters are going to try to force this meme for the next month regardless
If dance can be transferred, Nowi and f corrin will be getting it
Definitely not a complete loss.
Not Takumi so it's shit.
Not that useless and I like her
>using a Dancer to fight
>not using the Dancer for it's main purpose which is to dance for another unit
>most recent criticism of Azura was last thread by people who hadn't even analyzed Ninian automatically assuming she was better than Azura because ?
>that discussion is still very fresh and is actually still going on in the previous thread
>it's my fault for assuming it wouldn't realistically continue into the current thread as most typical discussions do
She is useful as a woman
>Ja, ja, ja
God why did that have to be the way Spanish speakers type out laughter.
So who's gonna be our green dancer
Fucking Levin?
She has the same stat total as Azura besides Azura's +3 spd passive, and her escape route skill is going to be amazing for mobility with other dragons and dance.
>wasting a slot on an extra blue melee in a game with 4 deployable units when Azura solos the entire red cast while taking minimal damage
play the game grandpa
What does Ninian have to do with any of this you cuck? Quite the kneejerk reaction from you as well.
Lalum or Tethys maybe
Do I do as the dragon loli says?
That art style really is the best yet
First meme arrow in and you're already wrong lol
Should I do it?
I got Ninian, Nowi and Tiki to make a mini meme team while I wait to 5* Gunter for an Eliwood, Gunter, Reinhardt and Olwen team.
It's just proper punctuation in Spanish.
Huh, Olwen is pretty fun. No wonder people wanted Reinhardt.
Literally nobody gives a fuck. When is FE Switch?
What do the numbers next to some weapons mean?
>She has the same stat total as the dancer without the falchion and Julia weakness and passive boost that isn't situational and restricted to other dragon units
Not really doing a good job of selling her.
Who /DRAGONS/ here
>+atk/-res loli tiki
>+spd/-res nowi
>+spd/-res (f) corrin
>+atl/-def fae
>+res/-spd Ninian
The voices are pretty good. I'm excited to play it.
These voices are fucking terrible. Dead game.
it looks great
Who was in the wrong here?
Google Play refused my refund request. Oh well. No more spending on this game. I'm genuinely hurt, I really wanted her
Doesn't Ninian being a blue dragon mean she can get Nowi's ranged counter breath?
>Tharjafag comes back
>spams his shitty Tharja threads and first post
However long he was banned for wasn't enough.
>People naturally wonder whether or not Ninian would be better or worse than Azura.
>This makes them all Ninianfags apparently.
Please never breed.
Mila's Divine Protection doesn't sound as hype as I was hoping. Soundtrack is looking to be a real winner though.
Xander will be better. Give him Eliwood's sacred cowl and you have a red Hector with 3 movement
Only Fae and FCorrin
I feel like they will make a GHB banner when they've had 4 of them that will have a 5* version of each.
A boatload of them sure crawled out of the woodwork the minute Ninian was revealed.
Ironically, as soon as the BST dropped, they all just disappeared.
Oh sure, give the low combat prowess Dragon a Weapon meant to tank hits.
I hope you aren't American, doing your rolls at this time and refunding asap is quite a dumb thing if you contacted jewgle.
What's a good B slot skill for Jaffar?
Other than Vantage probably.
Why's that? Just because the time is suspicious?
It means Nowi can ditch rally def for dance now
Did they ban him? (lol
Honk if you have pulled less than 3 5* since release
Is kinda weird that your kid nephews are awake at this hour
>playing PoR hard
>feel like I'm playing FE6 with all these fucking 1 stat level ups
What the fuck is going on
>next banner starts on April 1st
Call your credit card, I got $400 back in 5 mins and they asked no questions.
He was banned for a while and gone but for the past few days you could blatantly tell he was phoneposting and doing a poor job at hiding it. He came back today with trip and all
Of course. Unless you formed a good "false advertising" complaint or something, which in this case would be probably ignored by jewgle either way. They only seem to care about "kids" purchasing stuff without permission.
does anyone have the comic of takumi adn robin telling roy to backoff from hector and roy catches hectors axe
>focus is 8 different Lucina costumes
>Ike is sneakily put into the rolling pool without any announcement
>removed on 2nd
how mad?
>+Spd/Res +1 Loli Tiki
>+HP/-Def Hag Tiki
>+Res/-Def 5* Nowi
>+Spd/-Res Femui
>+Atk/-Res Femui
>+HP/-Spd Femui
>+HP/-Spd Fae
>+Res/-Spd Ninian
Reroll when? This -Spd Ninian hurts my soul.
What is the purpose of the dancer to you? If you answered as a combat unit you would be wrong. Dancers are first and foremost support units. They shouldn't see combat if you are wise enough to use your team composition wisely as well as spacing. You plan around the strengths/weaknesses of the entire team. Ninian and Azura do different things altogether despite them doing the same job and sharing the same color. Azura targets DEF while Ninian targets RES and Azura shits on most reds hard while Ninian takes out RES weak targets. Azura works better with mages while Ninian works better with the phys damage dealers.
I don't think that dance is inheritable because that would be abusable. Alongside weapons such as the Wo Dao/the various Falchions/Aura/Excalibur/Cymbeline/Incest twin weapons.
Special banner featuring Brom, Meg, Oliver and Candace
Perfect time to add Rhajat.
You mean the numbers next to spells? That's their hp cost per cast
>one costume is Lucina in Ike's clothes
>they actually make animations for both Ike and Ikecina
>you think you get Ike but it's just Ikecina
It's Oliver time.
Oh, well. I guess I didn't think it through too much, so my bad.
Ninian makes Nowi a big fat tank.
When is skill inheritance coming anyways? If Nowi really is able to get dance, I'll probably roll for Ninian to get a bonus unit for arena then feed her to Nowi after that.
Wo Dao seems inheritable, considering it doesn't have 16MT and has a + version of it.
>A tier
shit list
but really it's john cena with an axe
ayo hol up
Que? It cost HP to cast spells?
Holy shit, Karel is a monster. Activating his special in 2 and the +10 damage from his weapon is fucking ridiculous.
I know the sword market is oversaturated, but I really think he has something going for him that nobody else has.
Good night /feg/
Nippons always overrate brand new units for whatever reason. She'll drop when usage rises.
>150+ orbs gone
>the only 5* I pulled was Olwen
What do I do with her outside of cry
You going to ruin every /feg/ thread with your spam?
>Young tiki
Why is everyone so salty about this? It's a fucking a gacha game, you just roll on the pools that have the characters you want/like. Why is there all this pretension around which blue dancer is better? If you're not an idiot they both pull around the same arena points as long as you're not dying to rando teams. They even have entirely different niches.
Soon user... soon
At least ninian won't really be on the frontlines attacking or tanking, and 30 spd down from 33 spd isn't really a big deal, since most dragons are in that spd range anyway.
>muh falchion
Why is Azura's fanbase so shitty? Every time I come on here they're always shitposting about this or autistically screeching about that.
That actually doesn't seem so bad, especially if the magic is powerful to compensate. Realistically, your mages shouldn't be taking physical hits anyway, unless you're Canas, Rhys Nostanking or from Awakening.
>+Def/-HP loli tiki
>+atk/-res Fae
>+Def-res Nowi
4* F Corrin and two 4* Big Tiki
No fucking Ninian after 40 blue orbs.
>gives out 36 free stats to already high stat dragons
>lets them take an extra turn
1-3: roll red
4-6: roll blue
7-9, 0: roll grey
Oh boy, archers sure don't look very good.
There's loads of ways to regen hp, its fine. At around that stage there's a ring that heals 5hp a turn, offsetting magic costs, and all healers have nosferatu that costs 0hp
what do you mean? Camilla can't be that high when Minerva and Nino exist