League of Legends General - /lolg/

Cute yordles edition


previously: Threadly topic: Why does Riot hate money?

xth for THE CHAMP

you're champ a shite

rate "3 Slavs and a trap" by Valery Gyorkin, 1867

You're on a date with Diana when suddenly she says that she got your league account permabanned. Would you still go out with her?

He's not 'a champ' he's THE champ'

where is the original version of this?

I only saw the BW one, please post

heres the oldest version

looks awful
>elise face
tries to be realistic when league's artstyle isn't realistic


Swain's face needs to be thinner

>mid dies 9x by 25 minutes
>has only 3 assists
>"bard we need better vision ffs and why you ks"
>they literally sweep all my wards and im the only buying pinks
>leesin insecing anyone within the same screen as him regardless if its 1v5 or not

really makes me want to fucking kill my midlaner

yeah that's what happens when swain's face is too fat

Whats her name again?

dead general

>like to play jinx
>she's not even in the top 10 best adc's right now

Feel bad

>tfw Ivern will never receive nerfs because autistic redditors only complain about champs when they can assassinate
>Despite Ivern being a fast clearing hyper oppressive disengage / engage / sieging / peeling / teamfighting monster

t. Ivern main

I feel sorry for any of you fucking retards who don't ban this cunt every fucking game.

But swain isnt old hes just a cripple

>like to play jinx
>she's probably top 3 worst jungler

feels bad indeed

dont talk about Ivern let me collect this freelo please

You also supprised by how well you can 1v1 most junglers by the way?
People even in plat underestimate daisys damage, and you usually have a level up on them/buffs/redemption

5/5 troll games, what do you expect?

and that twitch have tld...


I love it, sometimes I'm playing and a housemate comes home and peeps in my door and they're like

"wtf you doing? You can't 1v1 that guy in his own jungle with just lucidity boots at level 4"

watch me m8

Miles better than other adc. I'd rather have her than something like Twitch or Vayne.
I still don't know why we have so little adc champions, makes the role boring and unplayable because there's no fucking variety bot. If I have to play against a Jhin again I will off myself.

>Work your ass off your entire life to be worthy of your tribe
>Become the greatest warrior Targon has ever seen in the most extreme conditions known in Valoran
>Lose all your friends and family
>Give up your life, body and soul
>Become the unliving, untiring avatar of war in an unending fight against the coming darkness
>Some faggot who let his entire squad die because he was busy smelling flowers and writing poetry in a conflict zone comes and tells you everyone hates you

Tbqh that quote makes me hate Taric more than anything. Pantheon doesn't even need to recover, just staying silent and keep fighting would make him seem much better.

Shyv was never good since her inception. Why play her when even Olaf is better at her job?

>lira getting out jungled by wiggily
It's absolutely bewildering how bad some LCS players are.

I fap to that doujin every single day.
Loli vampires are the fucking best, specially when they dominate the main character.

she has no reliable cc, all she brings is tankyness, great clear speed/objective taking and near non existent ganking

Imo take away some of her damage and give her a root or some shit or more reliable slows because without CC she will always be useless/outclassed, especially since shes a bruiser

that's what you get for playing Lux support

the way she smirks in every fucking panel and doesn't break character ruined my dick unlike anything I've ever read since

post sauce

Is she secretly a shemale that's ashamed of their body and hates themselves for it? If so then yes.

Yeah, we have 16 ADC, but kalista and corki are unplayable, meanwhile Jhin and Ezreal are really good and caitlyn, lucian, vayne and draven are okay at best.

ADC in 2k17 is just being a big bait and tower destroyer.

Meh. Suzuka was better even though I disliked how rough it got, Yupiel is a straight up rehash with more vanilla and the exact same face and expression. And the guy has been disappointing since, his new Honoka was a fucking piece of shit.
Still not as bad as Kiyoshiro. Stop playing granblue you fuck and make new works.

look for "Yupiel sama" and you will easily find it.

i actually buy sighstone, zone, and use the vision to pick off enemy

implying i would trust the adc in this day and age

I mean, I would get angry since I would lose some cool skins that are difficult to get now, but it's not something enough to break up with someone if it's an accident.

you should be put down

>Mordekaiser is going to be reworked into a more damage oriented Poppy
>Urgot is going to be reworked into ranged Poppy
>Evelynn is going to be reworked into stealthed Poppy
>Swain is going to be reworked in ranged DoT based Poppy

Wow great design philosophy Riot.

You're missing the point, you do not do enough damage on a support budget unless your name is Zyra

Do not pick mid lane mages in support, this is not a difficult concept.

lux doesn't need damage
closest comparison would prob be bard

>Lux doesn't need damage

What did he mean by this?

>do not do enough damage on a support budget
I do well with vel koz and brand. Brand in particular has retarded damage which should be nerfed in exchange for better scales.


implying that
>yorick is fighter poppy
>warwick is auto-attack based poppy

Don't need to know your IGN to know you're hard stuck silver and have been for at least 2 seasons.

With mental gymnastics like that who needs macro?

Vel'Koz is questionable these days but Brand is a well known support mage

Other good one is Malz, wanna know why? Their damage is unique enough to work in bot lane.

Malz: Voidlings
Brand: Burn passive
Zyra: Unavoidable damage that needs to be removed

>double snare
>long duration aoe slow
>multitarget shield
it's definitely not ideal, but it works fine, even without damage

you're wrong but ok

Difference is Lux has a snare which is pretty shit in a 2v2 scenario when literally every relevant support has a knock up / stun on command

Post IGN then and prove me wrong

You won't

Keep going


fine my ign is imthem

the majority of supports don't have a "on command" knockup/stun

I said it's not ideal but it's not complete balls to the walls retarded, those numbers are probably skewed anyway because it's more likely mid mains who get autofilled play something like lux then do terrible

>Loli vampires
Muh boy.

Post pictures of Sarah "Miss" Fortune, preferably of the mildly suggestive variety

Any news on Galio?

Has Riot made him viable as a tank again yet?

Pls Riot make him viable as a tank, why would you give him such a hard engage champion and then not let him build tank.

i want jinx to call me a good boy


>There will never be a dedicated pet champion like dota Lone Druid or hots Rexxar because that shit would solo lanes unbearable
>Yorick isn't even allowed to have the most basic control of his maiden because of this

I wanna go cuteposting with Lulu!

how hard is silver 3 to gold

give it up user
they removed all but one of his tank scaling, and they significantly nerfed that one

I'm commissioning it as we speak

so if you have changes to suggest tell me

-pick faceroll and prepare for some tedious games.

-Don't be an assassinbab.

-kill turrets, splitpush, roam if you can

That's all, really.

you mean like mordekaiser
like 50 games

its great but like other said make elise better, her boobs slightly larger imo, and her face in general. Its great really looking forward to the end product

Looks awful

Like the artist care more about it looking unique and "in his/her style" but lacked good enough fundamentals to start thinking about having his/her own style
So it's all style and zero substance

>Alright, listen up guys.
>We're gonna make Galio a giant.
>Like, even bigger than Malphite.
>Also made of rock.
>We're gonna give him a full engage, hard all in kit.
>We're also gonna give him a lot of skills any tank would kill for, including an aoe taunt, the true trademark of tanks.
>We're even gonna make him talk like what you would expect a tank to talk.
>We're gonna release him to the pbe, check he works excellently as a tank.

How is Riot so goddamn incompetent.

I wanna go swimming with Lulu!

>try out vlad yesterday after 4 months
>farm like crazy and outscale everyone else
>get a S purely by farm even if i lost

wasnt this guy nerfed to the ground?

the worst part is we lost galio for it as well

Lulu is the cuddliest! THE CUDDLIEST!

>tfw get camped as nasus all game
>win because other lanes got farm
>dont get camped as nasus all game
>win because i get stacks
what stops this mad dog

Vlad is average counterpick tier
Does nothing until he has his core 3 items then he kinda just runs around being vlad

Nobody likes old Galio

I agree

At least they could still release classic skins. But nope, why make a skin for free, right?

xth for Cass



Is Sona ticklish?

people would probably buy it too but RIOT HATES MONEY

Literally no one fucking cares about Galio. Stop pulling this garbage and lying.

Classic skins are garbage. Traditonal Sej, Karma are horrible while Trundle was good, but locked for over 3 years from new players.

Do you like Bard

Why did Riot remove new Galio's armor scaling? Do they want him only to be an anti-magic tank or something? Why would they pigeonhole champs like this?

xth for Syndra

gp kinda sorta got a classic skin

why do people in my silver games refuse to ban graves

Oh well then no thank you, not interested.

I do, fuck you niggers
you faggots would play anything if the numbers were high enough
fuck right off

Screw it, just because of this line I'm reverting her to spider form.

I'm commissioning cool fanart not porn goddammit.
But I love his style

Would you say it's more effecient to be a utility support than an assassin for trying to get out of silver?

Xth for cuddling and positivity

Nah nigga, fuck you. Don't come crawling out of the woodwork now to bitch about "your" champ is being changed when you didn't play him.

>lose a smite by 1 (one) hp
>lose the game
nice FUCKIN game babs

youre that triggered? The only reason Im asking is because in her splash arts she has a pretty big cup and in your art is a lot smaller. consistency

but whatever man

>FOURTH game in a row where I didn't get my primary role (support)

is Riot trying to make me demote out of master again without needing me to forget about playing and letting me demote?

riot's design philosophy is that every champion must have an "unique nice" which implies that galio is the anti mage/tank for league. Since they want him to be played midlane filling that role they removed his armor scaling as it wouldnt hold true to his "unique" concept

They're gonna give it back, hopefully soon. They pulled the same shit with Maokai back in the day, it'd be weird they make him the only melee "tank" without scaling MR again.

competent enemies who know how to kite

champwise, darius, quinn, pantheon, jax, morde

anyone with good dps, mixed damage and sustain. also lanebullies who dont let nasus near the wave

>2 threads later no mention of the most lovable wife

>***PSA for everyone in lolg, and those who play League of Legends***

--If we are pinging you multiple times, and I mean ping until we can't ping anymore, RUN.
I can only imagine how autistic someone can be for you to not get the fucking message. There are people on your team, who take the time to type out "Hey, Gragas is coming top lane, run." to try to warn your fuckass about danger.

Pay attention to pings, and don't reply "you are tilting me" because if your dumbass was that susceptible to getting tilted when people are
trying to help you, you should either uninstall or cut off your fingers so you won't be a burden
to anyone in game, or to the human race.

>***This has been a PSA in the League of Legends General on the most famous Asian rice farming simulator, Veeky Forums***