/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
Report and ignore it.

How fares your empire, /gsg/?

This day in history, March 14th:
44 BC – Casca and Cassius decide, on the night before the Assassination of Julius Caesar, that Mark Antony should live.
1590 – Battle of Ivry: Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots defeat the forces of the Catholic League under Charles, Duke of Mayenne during the French Wars of Religion.
1647 – Thirty Years' War: Bavaria, Cologne, France and Sweden sign the Truce of Ulm.
1943 – World War II: The Kraków Ghetto is "liquidated".

CK2 Monks and Mystics is out. Check the Veeky Forums archive.

EU4 - 28/02

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/da96uk7donu6gzs/Divergences of Darkness 0.87.2.rar?dl=0

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

This is going to cause a lot of butthurt here today.



Why doesn't anyone play Koei games

white men


based mandinka warriors

It always does, steamcordplaza love shitposting so this message is like a crucifix to a vampire for them.

How is the A House Divided start point?
Does it work well with HPM?

Also how possible would it be to make a mod inspired by book related?


What you're doing is a necessary service for which we are all thankful for.

When does heresy become official religion?

it has to have x counties more than the official religion, think it was around 5

t. demorat

You need a couple more of heretical provinces than orthodox ones.

Is this racism posting or ironic racism posting?

Also, on a side-note, did you know A.Wyatt Mann is actually jewish?

Thinly veiled unironic racism ironically pretending to be ironic racism.

>Is this racism posting or ironic racism posting?

>ironic racism posting
Fuck off reddit

Where's the homosexual trait? And where's the depressed trait?

>he thinks we're being le ironic
Back to >>>r/paradoxplaza, kiddah.

What does the "you must build one of each type of holding first" thing mean?

I have trouble understanding it, I can't build any of the three

Is it because my stupid vassal hasn't adopted feudalism yet? Or does it want me to build a city in a province owned by myself first?
I need a city here because of nomads

>>Is it because my stupid vassal hasn't adopted feudalism yet?
most likely, yeah

It's either ironic racism by a smart nu-male, or unironic racism by a dumb redpill-male since regardless of intention it benefits bluepill causes.

Alexander 2.0

>You are Reddit if you don't hate niggers

I think it's the former. It's very rare that people spam like this outside /pol/ and /tv/ plus I think someone got triggered by the post about white man's burden in the last thread

Ok, this one is a little over the top.

Did your new Alexander get lost and go south of the med instead of east?

And what if you are a normal person?

How do I force this stupid savage to become progressive like I am?



Normal people don't spam this shit either way.

cute dog

What's the most fitting Orthodox heresy for a secret satanist society member to support? Iconoclasm?

If you're feudal shouldn't you be able to revoke his titles with no cost?


that's not a dog

hail satan :DDDDD

They believe satan made the world so...

Greece starts with like 2% literacy, and the only literate pops are sephardic jews.

he's conquering africa, user

sadly no

if satanists want to defy god, wouldnt they just sin like crazy? if anything, destroying icons would make people more focused on god since old gods were recognized as demons in christianity

Colonies don't effect literacy. Have you even played this game?

Bogomilists or Paulicians?

I play RoTK and Nobunaga's ambition, but if I post it I do so in /eagg/

>Bogomilists believe that the world was create by an evil demiurge - the Devil.
Sounds neat.

Otherwise full on pagan.
Shame you can't create a religion called just Satanism.

Yeah but its supposed to be a SECRET society, kinda defeats the purpose otherwise.

ebin ::DDD

What goals?

fugging demiruge :D:DD

New Alexander is a fat bureaucrat looking who saw that the bountiful harvests of Africa could be used for liquor to feed the his people.
Greeks can't read see I think it started at 7%
Fuck off

How can I get the suez, I don't like having that cuck stamp on my empire. And the ottos allied the krauts can I break that up somehow?

If you want to take Hainan you might as well take Vietnam. I think those would be really comfy borders that would still give you some real power. You are going to have to take a fair amount of land from the British though, so good luck with that. Maybe Japan will ally you when you civilize and get GP.

we get it you go to /an/

>New Alexander is a fat bureaucrat looking who saw that the bountiful harvests of Africa could be used for liquor to feed the his people.

Good stuff m8. Always nice seeing an alternate rush for Africa. Keep posting.

>not having a puppet karen and philippines
captcha: florida solicitors

They need a Reinforced Hillfort (unless you are a republic) then they will become feodal in a year.

What's the status on HIP and Warhammer for the latest version of CK2?

You mean Stone?

Right now he just has a shitty earth hillfort, that pleb

Red minus vietnam. Puppet vietnam, phillipines and karen. Prepare for a boring game of getting cucked by the british and french. Take vietnam once you westernize and then release it so the french don't fuck you up.
The malay states can be taken even when sphered by the brits, in my siam game they didn't fuck with me, but it looks like you're in vanilla so i don't know what will happen.

Yes, my bad.

hecking lol

Anyone else in here hate the 4th Crusade? Wasn't fair at all.

What a fucking mess

So is Monks and Mystics worth buying?

Can you really become a satanist and sacrifice the Pope?

All development abandoned, this shit was too silly

never knew official heresies have their own icons. cute.

>buying parajew dlc

>So is Monks and Mystics worth buying?
no. pirate.

I guess most close heresy to satanism is messalianism:
"The Messalians, or Euchites ("Those who Pray"), are a heretical Christian sect that originated in Mesopotamia, influenced by dualistic faiths like Zoroastrianism. Messalians believe that God can be perceived by the carnal senses, and that this perception is necessary to reach perfection. Each person is born with an inner demon, and only intense prayer can drive it out. They also believe that Lucifer is the elder son of God and a force for good, and that incest is sacred since it was practised by the children of Adam and Eve. They have no formal rites and no strict church hierarchy."

Do I take ethiopia with the goal of grabbing eritrea as well? The italians are weak this game, even hungary recovered cores from them

>buying any paracucks dlc
read the op nigger

Just take CAR, Congo and Gabon t bh

You've gotta do something to beef up that snake. I would do what you said and also try to take a few more provinces around the Congo as soon as you have the techs. Make sure you are beefing up your naval bases now so that you will have enough hut mana!

Nah, this HPM senpai
Any other advice? For the moment I can't do much cause Vietnam and Burma are allied. When is the first Burma War when the Brits fuck them up?

I have no scramble for africa mana and I need to keep the colonies because my army is entirely african and arab since my core recovering strategy involved killing my male population every 5 years.
I'm broke as fuck
I don't think there's a scripted event for it.
Grab all the malay states now senpai they're weak and you have cores iirc

La Plata

And they want to say Argentina is white. Look all of those niggas there...

La Plata IS whire and based

I don't have cores so that would be 22bb per each. Better let the Brits (who already sphered them) take it and grab full states for cheap later.

Maybe he removed the cores idk what version you're on.
Gas the roaches race war now

Redpill me on Distant Worlds, is it better than Stellaris?
Somewhat like a EU in space?

Fucking nuke the turkshits.
>t. Nederland

Distant Worlds is so far ahead of any other space strategy game that it's not even comparable.

white and based
gay calvinists

Is it true or are you just trolling?

Yes, that's correct.

PRCanon, are you here?

Turco-kraut alliance

Justify protectorate on Persia before they civilise.

I'm working on pulling them out of the UK's sphere now, they may civilize before I get the chance though, but it's my priority right now to subjugate our ancient enemies

Actually you were right. I'm trying to take back land from the British while they're busy.

They're at 95% I'll just have to settle for dissapointingly puppetting them


I'm starting my first game ever in CK2. I'm not looking for help to make the game easier, just more fun.

I decided to go with a custom character (78% very hard though I do not care about "winning). I'm looking through the options right now and there's a few I'm wondering over and I'd appreaciate it if someone with more experience could answer.

Interfaith marriages: I want to set this to Open. Seems like it'd open up more options. If I enable this will the game completely ignore the faith in questions of marriage or does it simply allow them, even if unlikely?

Vassal Republics: Should this be restricted or unlimited? Does the game get too easy/hard with if they're unlimited or is it just to simplify the experience?

Vassal Theocracies: Same as above

Invitation to Court: Default or Open?

Diplomatic Range: Unrestricted or Default?

Grant Independence: Restricted or Unrestricted?

Other than these everthing seems fine on Default. The ones I pointed out are ones where the non-default seems like something I'd prefer but I don't want to break the game.

Sorry for the long post and thanks to anyone who can help.

The posts won't get that long if you don't use double spacing after every sentence like you're on reddit

I'm looking for a fuller list of actively developed and/or finished high quality victoria 2 mods.
My current list stands at:

1) Heirs of Aquitania

2) HPM

3) Napoleon's Legacy

4) New World Order

5) Divergences of Darkness
dropbox.com/s/da96uk7donu6gzs/Divergences of Darkness 0.87.2.rar?dl=0

6)The Concert of Europe

7) I found another 7 years as a mod linked back to here, but I can't find any recent mention of it. Is that mod dead?