/vn/ - lewd edition

Visual Novel General #1377

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread:
This general is for the discussion of English translated Japanese visual novels.
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

Other urls found in this thread:



Good thread.


Could you not fuck with the OP? Retard.

Stop reading moege.



nopan goddess.

But I refuse.

Thank you for fixing the OP, but you linked the wrong previous thread.

I firmly refuse.

>Thank you for fixing the OP, but you linked the wrong previous thread.
I had noticed that after I linked on the old thread. I was kinda hoping we would use that other user's thread who did it at the same time as I did.

puffy vulva


Lolis are for loving and marrying


>tfw too intelligent to read translated visual novels



Old and busted.
New hotness.


MG is the only company worth supporting.

patch never,

i want to rape that runa

She would love it.


man face

Stop this, guys. Runa is for hand holding. She tries very hard to please her senpai, and she is a good girl.

Mostly by sucking less than everyone else. We need JAST to get up off its ass and Frontwing to get over thinking people want all ages/episodic shit and then there may be some competition. I don't think it is fully possible to fix Sekai unless they started from scratch with different management, though.

>Not wanting to rape earnest and hard-working dere-dere girl

Post impure girls incapable of loyalty.

T-t-that's Irru's waifu you're talking about!


Fuck off, she is a good girl.

that's the best kind of rape

>ywn be the Emperor of Virgins


So terrible that even Taiga won't willingly fuck her.



He likes taking it up the ass.

Worst girl. Best is Lily.

gave up
thanks for trying to help friends

you literally just had to click on the 32bit exe for it to work

Which one did you run then? cmvs32 or cmvs64? Run the one you haven't ran.

unironically best dude

Why did you need to fuck up with the OP, retard?
Learn Russian, comrade.

Lily a shit, your taste is shit, go and fuck yourself in the ass, faggot.

This entire sequence is hilarious though

>alright children, take it easy, don't go overboard
>picture of ume-sensei
>outbids everyone immediately

its fine i got a new torrent this one works
idk i did both in jap locale and the y gave me errors

You haven't explained what is happening when you run it. If it is crashing check the windows event logs by opening the start menu and tying "event log" and opening the search result. You should be able to see all the crashes under administrator events.


You woud be one of those who she would kill when she didn't get his brother's dick.

the new one works because it doesnt have to be in japanese locale

i accept im retared, im not trying to better myself anymore




I am her Onii-chan though.

ngl its shit like this that makes me love majikoi. Funny as fuck.


What makes it better is that it's Jouji fucking Nakata

>Learn Russian
Even Japanese is easier to learn.

what vn is this?


ill figure it out eventually

Duel Savior

Duel Saviour.
Last route(picrelated girl) is shit but you can still complete routes up to Lily.

Duel Lad.

Douzo Saviour

As a Russian I can tell you that you are right

Please Bang My Wife

Dont listen to this tsunderetard. Lily is a whore who love being raoped by tentacles.

>the more innocent they look the more pervert they are

>worst girl
>has best scenes
Are there more games like this?


What VN?

And which VN can I read that isn't edited MTL or already translated in English if I already know Russian?

Death God's Smooch Has a Goodbye Flavor

>worst girl
opinion discarded.

Which version should i read?

Thank you.

Angel Beats

The steam Version with 18+ patch

Nah. The alphabet is simular, there are quite a lot of adopted words from latin languages.
vndb.org/v13774 Angels Beats soon.


Steam version with director's cut patch. I'd say wait for alt to get released on steam first though, so you can read it all in one sitting.


shit > chinks > SP > your taste



what did he mean by this?

But, зapыгaн Sakura Wars has very bad translation and only UshiMira has somewhat decent translation among these

Well that isn't so bad.


Second to last route, actually. There's still Crea/Harem depending on the version you're playing.

But yeah Mia is fucking awful.

I really wish it would be translated

She wasn't actually that bad in harem route.But in her route... Oh god...
inb4 Miafag starts autistically insult us.

No one would date translate it with the TLwiki mafia giving it their backing.

How about Sweet Pool?