League of Legends General - /lolg/


Azir edition

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>zyra (((support)))
>does the most damage in the entire fucking game
do i really have to start banning this plant nigger?
jesus christ

What is the best skin for new galio besides gatekeeper?

Will riot increase the price on hextech and enchanted since they're both basically 975 skins now?

xth for Syndra

Please tell me there is one for sub girls.

hey if you don't post cute league feet RIGHT NOW, I'll be a little disappointed


fluffy tails

does anyone know where the links went? im just curious


I really really really wish I was Nami!

Forgot to tag

xth for nerfs


>liking sub girls

Are you a homosexual?

where the hell is my classic galio skin. at least give us a chroma for his base skin with a different colour scheme. it can even be called noxus galio or some shit

why are you even surprised?

I want to cuddle with Skarner!

Enchanted is fucking golden IMO. Easily his best.

If I get around to it I'll get that skin instead.

Lulufag intentionally kept deleting them.

I like both

any anons willing to participate in MATING PRESS?


Because my winrate on my top 7 is above 55% for all

post mains and current lisenings

rumblebro ww8


bit of a cunt then isnt he?

>tfw no /lolg/ sissy to press

Xth for Katarina
best girl

Post butts

Okay guys, what if Urgot's rework gives him an ammo system, and he has a skill that expends ammo one by one and a skill that expends ammo all at once?

Can anyone give me a good name

If you think the stun/slow portions of Fiora's kit doesn't or hasn't upset people you're observing her kit at an extremely limited perspective

Most common headaches with Fiora tend to be(as in if you made a poll out of these options and said you would only remove 1 these are most likely to be the most votes)
1.% max hp true damage
2.Parry/Riposte nullification
3. AOE heal
4. mobility/sticking power through Q and hard to punish inlane Q poke
5. Mid-Lategame power considering her bruiser build and her lifesteal/healing capabilities
6. Critical strike on E
7. the Slow on E

basically every champion has a slow nowadays user.

I think people understand that slows on a kit are just par-course and so long as they dont get TOO out of hand (Nunu) nobody really minds. The main difference between Fiora and other "SLAYERS" like Master Yi,Riven and Yasuo is that Fiora really only needs bulk AD because her kit compensates her other stats such as lifesteal,Critical strike and attack speed.This allows Fiora to go pure HP/AD builds and be ridiculously hard to kill while simultaneously shredding and ripping through every target. She is deadly to ALL targets and not just tanks which makes her obnoxious as fuck all to deal with.

But another key aspect in this entire argument that I think your forgetting is that Fiora was a fairly recent update whereas Master Yi is a Beta-Season1 champion. Its really hard to compare and contrast the two when riots pillars of healthy champion design and balance grew in between those time frames.


Is Thresh black?



You're doing it wrong.

That's only for jews

everyone is allergic to post their ign so i will go ahead and do it anyways i feel lonely please



Of course he is.

He wears DreadLocks

Is there a point in sticking to the support role in the current year or should I just become a mid main? i just want to healslut ;_;

why can this beast be legal lolg`?

>Originally start posting about BEST HALF BREED and breeding the half breed out of my pure love for dragon girls and fathering monster girl children.
>Other anons join in
>Now anons are using it as a medium to express their whorish desires to have their boypussys filled

lulufag cannot be allowed to win

He's been posting in any threads that aren't his to kill them faster, anything from copy-pasted imagery to just spamming lulu altogether.

>I think your forgetting is that Fiora was a fairly recent update whereas Master Yi is a Beta-Season1 champion.

Yi as we know him today was released in 2013, and Fiora was reworked in 2015. You can't really claim that Riot had some big design epiphany between Yi and Fiora's releases because they were released in the same relative era.

mage support, or play nu galio and fuck mage supports in their tender but pliable ass

>STILL no Gravelord Illaoi with skeleton hands rising out of graves




I'm always a yes

soraka is still obscenely good/noninteractive/nofunallowed as long as your teammates don't die immediately and just let you heal them back up.

note that no one buys executioner's calling before 4th item or ever for who knows what fucking reason.

Oh how lovely, I'm EUW


Probably because exe only builds into Mortal Rem and that's a late game oriented item that's only good on ADCs.

League isn't designed to be balanced. There will always be a greater amount of hilariously broken champs than there will be bans, and there's nothing you can do about it

Motherfuckers, y'all need to cool down with your paranoia and conspiracy theories.

Like, what the hell?

i just need more people to talk with, doesnt need to be on the client necessarely

i am too afraid to post my discord


bond of stone on mundo.


Reminder that if some idiot in your champion select says "We need [x]", x being anything, do not listen to them.

You will lose 100% because they will never know what they're talking about.


What they did to Master Yi was the same thing that they did to old Katarina(the Sinister steel version) and Evelynn .

They merely adapted his kit slightly for his updated VGU.

It was a rushed project that didnt fix any of his actual problems. It simply added more power to his kit and made him look cleaner.

NOW what we are waiting for is for the same treatment Katarina got in the assassin update.

an nearly entirely new kit with new abilities that retain his identity and core skills while adding room for counterplay.

Lulu is the strongest! THE STRONGEST!

>top lane last pick
>says we need a tank
>locks in yasuo/ribbon/zed/talon


>an nearly entirely new kit with new abilities that retain his identity and core skills while adding room for counterplay.

which he doesn't need and only you seem to want

Same desu, I'd love to talk but posting that shit in lolg is probably a bad idea.

Tfw no one to just have a relaxing chat with whenever we both feel like it.


post name
or twitch other info

>champions don't need kits that reflect their identity and have counterplay

lol okay buddy.

You never follow anything anybody in solo queue says or does nigga I think that's clear to everyone.

> No Channels Live
what the fuck did I miss

I want you to know that this is a general thread about a video game, on an image board, on the internet.
I hope you realize how insignificant that makes this problem.

Velkoz best void

Just reinforcing it after I made the mistake of being the good guy and picking an AP mid because someone asked for it only to get camped and dove all game with no rotations to punish it.

ADCs are such idiots. Not that all roles can't be criticized for being inflexible but adcs are king of static builds.

You know what happens when I fight a swain top? I drop 800g for an early exe.

You know what happens when I fight a swain mid and morellos isn't "core" ? I rush morellos.

Adcs can be facing a raka, ez, voli, swain, and renekton and they still can't justify spending 800 fucking gold out of their normal path.

Lulu is a lot of things but shes not the strongest

it's 800g (eight hundred gold) that reduces all healing from all sources by 40%. this is incredibly useful and should be bought at some point in every game. and in the right context (swain/mundo/voli/whatever), it should be bought much earlier, like as a second item after you finish your first half-item.

why wouldn't you delay your build by 800g to completely shut down an aspect of the other team's game? do people also not buy an early 720g negatron or chainvest and sit on it against high damage enemies? boggles my mind why people insist on building THEIR ONE TRUE BUILD every game instead of situationally.

Excuse me?

Being one trick pony is suffering

>hard CC doesn't count as counterplay because "all champs are countered by hard CC"


>TSM STILL doesn't have Haunzter merch in their store

when should i vary from Zac's core build? (randuins, cdr boots, cinderhulk, visage)

Vel'koz is cute but Koggles is best


>playing viktor into new fizz
>viktor has a pretty strong level 1 and I have minion advantage, hm I can trade with him
>he chunks me to 20% with his W only while i get him to 60%
>he all ins me when were level 2 and Im at 80% hp after pots
>anytime im in the same screen as him now I die instantly unless he throws a long range ult and I flash away

which genius came up with these fizz buffs?

I know humans are creatures opposed to change and naturally stubborn but this is ridculous.

to imply that there is no room for improvement in masters Yi's kit is hilariously asinine.

when you're not playing zac

Of course it counts but only to the champs that are effected by it the most, namely champions which are squishy, lack good speed boost or high distance/second gapclosers and which lack ways to deal with CC naturally

>reflect their identity
Yi is a swordsman who uses his heightened senses and supernatural speed to overcome opponents with more brute strength than him

>and have counterplay
Ball up
Build armor
Flash after he alphas
and that's just general terms, there's tons of individual kits that are super bad news for him

I am sorry what?

Not that guy but Master Yi isn't nearly on the top of the "champions that should be reworked" list

hmm makes sense

I wanna cuddle and protect Lulu!

hey jinxfag where do you get your images?

I've heard his arguments over and over and he offers no good solutions beyond "make him bad" and "make him worse" because he can't bring himself to accept that Yi is fine and has counterplay options.

champions need kits that are built with the current meta in mind
they also need skins

>flash after he alphas
>300 second spell to counter a 14 second spell

>get a pedophile on the team
>he's playing veigar
>on the next game
>he's on the enemy team
>dirty pedo plays lulu

what's with pedo-yordle-players feeding.

I-is it bad if i recognize like a dozen of those characters?

let me paint you a picture so that maybe you will understand why its a shoddy argument.

the argument "just CC them implys one of two things"

Either Scenerio A:
You have enough crowd controls to keep your target from taking any action until he is dead. You took out your target but HE did not get to interact with anything or anybody at all. this results in the person playing the dead champion extremely frustrated not having any fun.

OR Scenario B.

You have no Hard crowd controls that can be used and Champion A runs train on you. (lets say he had Master Yi and you had Jhin)

Now the player who did not get to protect himself in any reasonable way shape or form is left stressed and angry that he didnt get to play the game.


lets look Riots favorite scenario. scenario C

Champion A does a ton of damage BUT its on a skillshot with a Windup time. Champion B has an ability that allows him blink a short distance allowing him to potential dodge the skill. NOW the fight has become a reactive/ mindgame style duel where either side can claim victory.

>champion is forced to go into melee to kill you
>save your cc for defense
>melee champion is now useless and deals no damage
>this isn't an effective counter to him because he's not dead or something



the idea isnt to nullify the alpha, the idea is that you put some squishy weeb cosplayer in the middle of your entire team