
Other urls found in this thread:

i dont have a license or a car so i have to ride my bike everywhere

mine doesnt i just carry it in the bag

>you dont have a car

so my point is
liquor is expensive as fuck and you have no problem that youre on a bike to go and buy it?

thats insane you should be saving up your money

this thread is not for niggers


i only pay $11.99 for a bottle of vodka it lasts me 3-4 days


carnorms need to leave

wonder how many scvs had a heart attack and died before being able to complete the captcha to tell us


wonder how many scvees i could bench press

we're fairly big boys here...

i dont give a shit about my general health

*teeth fall out in a dream*
*starts caring*

*has to go to dentist for rotten teeth*
*mom has to do all the talking*
*everyone treats you like a baby*
I cared about my teeth for a couple of weeks because the experience was fresh in my mind
I'm only 26 years old
I can still change
my life isn't over yet
I'm not done

word one day ill escape neetdom just not now :)

i had a dream this morning that i let a woman in her late 40s and a young girl clean my house after they knocked on my door offering their cleaning services
they were doing a good job but they were stealing some of my things
in particular they were taking my guitar apart and replacing it with less expensive parts so i wouldn't notice
i searched their bag and found my actual guitar in parts that they were going to take home with them
i learnt a valuable lesson that you shouldn't let random strangers into your house, even if they seem nice
and to also not trust everyone and to second guess their intentions
if i had this dream i think it's a sign and i should be wary of something similar happening soon

holy frick that cold shower was so invigorating

nah dreams are just meaningless subconscious expression not omens or signs with prophetic properties

u sound like an edgy athiest

*takes 20mg of valium*


is that jontron debate worth watching?


i was thinking about it too but i said fuck it i had enough entertainment with that alabama guy last night


First for anime

>Joe Rogan Experience #931 - Jim Norton
*googles jim norton*
yeah yet another episode of low brow trash

gook post desu


he was based as FUCK

why am I always tired?

you dont sleep well

how the fuck would we know? are you fat?

>drinks beer and eats zah every night

>wonders why he feels like shit

we dont judge here!!

oh my god i had a dream that was kinda must be a prognostication!!

wow what is this lol the vegan congregation

za isn't a stomach killer like diet soda so it's perfectly healthy

word zah is healthy *eats a whole pie*


*kisses you on the cheek*

strong word

do we believe in omens here?

word we lease teslas here

*leases a tesla* its that easy

lester city...





bitcoin was on npr today

sjw speculators


the blue graph is going up though...

oh henrys are like, ten times better than snickers

someone just called me a neckbeard virgin on another thread lol

back from my nap what did i miss

you can't say "hungry? grab a henry's"
it just doesn't work

take a cold shower

I stumbled into this thread and got confused at what I saw, but then I remembered my friend back in college who played SC2 semi-professionally. He was constantly high or drunk in his down time, watched the Funday Monday guy every day, and always had something going on. One day he came back to his room with a cactus hanging off his leg. One day it looked like he had shattered an entire bottle of red wine on the wall. One day he spent 12 hours doing nothing but practicing clicking. You guys are alright.

imagine being a cager in 2017 lmao

whats a good idea for a food item i can eat


eat this

what is that like a pancake or some shit

is a pedophobe someone who is scared of kids or scared of pedophiles

the first one

i dont get it

i posted on Veeky Forums back when it was .net so if you dont pay obeisance to me ill rape you every single one of you


anyone wanna come over to my house and bring zelda and their switch and then we pretend to be traps and put girly long socks on and then when were done we accidentally scratch the screen as you place it down back on the dock and you say nice design ninetendo

and then we go to get it fixed because you payed 12$ a month for insurance for it


considering getting one tho since they already found an exploit for it

maybe it could be a nice emulator handheld

because you're the shitbrain himaposter prolly rofl

that fantasy started to get really specific towards the end

nah i got banned from hima in 3 posts

posted there like 5 times and they didnt even notice
what did you do to get banned





jah bless

idk what to eat ;[
im gna kms ms


I wish I had someone to talk to
my brain hurts

stop drinking

stop masturbating

stop watching porn

start taking cold showers

get your shit together

>start taking cold showers

awful advice and its sad some people actually think this way
so shallow

i dropped it at stop drinking lol

cold showers are excellent regardless of your basic Veeky Forums "meme" post


start exercising

eat healthy

drink in moderation

that is all

we drinking again tonight?

and shower coldly

imagine if you could go back in time and never visit these threads...

*pours a glass of whiskey*
*drinks it*

drinkin a cold one in a cold shower

make an ice soup when youre done

maximum benefits

if you think about it

it doesn't make sense to let everyone vote
it should only be white land owning males
wow did things get so fucked up and backwards?

*goes back in time*
.......*logs in to scv anyways*

*buys lots of bitcoins*