/domg/ - Dominions general

Loss edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.

The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 2800 units, 800 spells and 300 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.

It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.

Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

Join the steamgroup for multiplayer

>Group chatroom

>Our work-in-"""progress""" wiki

pastebin.com/uTZnjYwm (embed)

>Dom4 Manual

>Dom4 Inspector
This is a community resource that has every unit, spell, and item in the game in an accessible database.

>Play by email guide:

>Debug Mod:
For testing battle formations and spells

>Where do I get it?
It is available on Gamersgate and Steam. Desura is kill.

>Read the manual
>Read the wiki
>Read the pastebin
>Watch some LPs by Sy, Maerlande, or Nuclearmonkee
>Jump into MP feet first; ask for pretender advice in the thread

Submit completed games here:

Results Here:

Previous Pankoman

Other urls found in this thread:


is there any non meme game recruiting?

I need a Niefel version of that image.

Also repeating from the previous thread, regarding indie provinces:

Going (19), you can have (14).

Going (134), you are already too close to my cap for my liking.

as someone whos trying to get into this game. what would /domg/ recommend

Reading the manual and watching videos

and 800 hours of single player. have fun :^)

Don't waste much time in sp. Learn the controls, the basics and test some nations there, then go play mp. You can even host a game as a newb because it's really not hard. Just make sure score graphs are off

do this then do a quick read of the manual, start trying out expansion phase(upto first 15 turns) of some nations you like; then either make a multiplayer game or wait in the thread for someone to create it.

before joining a multiplayer game ask what is a good pretender design for the nation you've chosen. you can always learn more abou the nation day by day, but pretender creation will stick to you until the end of the game

Make a lot of friends in communities. You'll learn a lot from fighting them then asking them ho they beat you. I've probably doubled my steam friends by adding everyone I played with on steam.

Step one of Operation: Remove Fish has been a success

You know you can just, like, ignore it, right? It's not like Xibalba's going to attack everyone that doesn't succeed in their quests.

remove fish remove fish
the ocean is not for FISH


fish are food not friends

AT disciples game when?

How would you distribute the teams?

This one? en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maya_Hero_Twins


Oh sorry slipped my head, meant Archea.

that's sexist as fuck, little suzy(male) there should be able to do math however her female brain wants!
lemme check my turn, because there's a province that if I don't take it I'm cut off from a shit load of land

Doing a bad job of explaining this. Basically:

Pantheon Wars
Every pantheon on a disciple team so it's a thematic disciple game. Maybe give each Pantheon an underwater nation. It would be horribly imbalanced, but probably a lot of fun

so basically a disciples game with all three ages of a nation on teams?
that's fine, so long as Yomi doesn't expand into it as well.

That sounds pretty cool too actually. Only nations that have survived all 3 ages get to duke it out? My money would be on Pan

But no I was referring to the map Archea where every EA nation has a designated starting capital and are grouped by their pantheon. So essentially Nordic nations vs. EAstern nations vs. Greco Roman nations vs. South American vs. etc.

>But no I was referring to the map Archea where every EA nation has a designated starting capital and are grouped by their pantheon. So essentially Nordic nations vs. EAstern nations vs. Greco Roman nations vs. South American vs. etc.
Let's figure out how we'd divide the nations into teams

Hmm I think it would be good to start with team sizes, on paper 2 per team sounds like a good number.
>Kailasa & Lanka
>Helheim & Vanheim
>Bats & Aztecs
>Fomoria & TNN

Seem fairly obvious but there are others that make it hard to pair

All Tomorrows was actually suggested as a 10 teams of 3 on Archaea - but teams were going to be drafted.

Yes this did mean people would be seperated. For actually pre-drafting teams you'd need to be *very* careful to keep scales/bless desire etc in mind.

I'll give a rough draft in an hour or so though, if people are interested.

>Helheim and Vanheim

This is untenable, due to Niefel's location. IMO teams of 3 work just as well, you'd simply have Niefel/Van/Hel.

Lanka/TC/Yomi are close enough (Ports!) to work too, though Kailasa may fit better in the long run. I can verify the Lanka/TC/Yomi is a good team comp to have though.

RIP Kailasa

I was actually thinking that maybe it should be TC/Lanka/Kailasa and have Yomi/Agartha/?? as a cave team

Helheim/Niefelheim/Vanheim is an obvious first

This means that unless we want to make multiple UW nations on the same team (which I think is boring) R'lyeh needs to either be linked to Agartha, Yomi, or the Fomoria/TNN set up. While Agartha might be more flavorful in some sense, a team of R'lyeh/TNN/Fomoria is more reasonable given the map and scale/bless consideration.

Teams of Ulm/Marverni/Sauro and Pan/Arco/Ermor can round up the rest of Europe, though dividing the teams up as Ulm/Marverni/Ermor and Pan/Arco/Sauro is likely better for not condemning people to an instant war with the Heims (the latter set up gives options).

I'm much less sure about Asia in general, though the last member of the Mictlan/Xibalba team would reasonably either be Oceania or Atlantis.

Yomi/Agartha/R'lyeh might work well if the squids had a cave entrance added to their capital - say to 10 (while also making that into a water province)

Doing so does force a team of TC/Caelum/Kailasa though. TC is honestly the problem child of the bunch, since what they want from a bless ideally no one else around them is interested in.

Does flaming arrows work with caelum's frost bows?

I love ichtyids!

Which nations have recruitable berserkers? There's Marverni, Pangea in all ages, Vanheim in at least middle and late...Any others?

Sorry, my spoon doesn't have room for more.

it should, but let's double check.

does the blood spell reinvigoration affect the entire sabbath?

The Fire 9 blessing seems to work on the frost bows, as does Flaming Arrows. At the very least, the "icons" for both of those effects appear on the unit screen in battle.

It will affect all the slaves, but only the master who cast it.


Any of the rest of you still playing?

do I break the siege and attack, or risk doing nothing hoping for them to enter the breached fort?

Break siege. If the enemy is good, they'll screw you over for sitting inside.

Unless you're running headfirst into EQ or RoS, or have reinforcements on the way.

You can also take advantage of the fact that you have two chances to fight, and break siege with a dude to burn gems and then potentially have the enemy army not have all of its spells when it storms

2017-03-14 15:58:04 +0100
createdir -> createdir2

wooow ulm, nice job sending your fucnkgn pretender to the deathmatch

did he win?

riley's guy horror marked him though

do you have RoS or EQ?
is time your friend?

if not you should break.

please note that immobile pretenders can't break the siege if i recall correctly.

Like all things in dominions it depends. As
said you should probably break if you have a chance of winning, but honestly sometimes that isn't always the best case.

A personal favorite of mine is if you're a fire heavy nation with F2 lab rats [spolier]Mari[/spoiler] you can stay behind your walls and force your enemy to go through the narrow gate and deal with fire elementals.

Also sometimes by just stalling your enemy by having the fort stuffed your army plays its role. Just remember don't break if you can't win.

>keep getting my early expansion cucked by surprise indies with mages
Jesus fuck, how these non-throne indies got flaming arrows?

Get memed ;^)
We researched it years ago and were waiting for someone to step in here to destroy his virgin butthole.

Enjoy getting gangbanged by your neighbours HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Soon... SOON my underground friend MWAHAHAHAHA


Read the manual. Join a blitz after playing for a few (dozen) hours in SP. Ask for advice. Also, pick a few nations and stick to them when you're starting out. Try and learn them fairly well first before branching out. I'd suggest any of the primarily human nations.

Oh, and if you're not recruiting mages as often as you can, you're doing it wrong.

What's a good pretender for Abysia (any age)?

What's a good pretender for all nations (any age)?

erf snek

Early, anything with an N9Ex, because Burning Ones are ridiculous.

Mid and Late, expander or imprisoned scales, maybe with a couple variety minors to break you into less burny paths.

Erf snek is good, that's a given. I think there was a blitz where everyone was a variation of snakes.

Danke. I actually haven't spent much time with early age, how ridiculous are we talking about?

>Oh, and if you're not recruiting mages as often as you can, you're doing it wrong.
Generally good advice, but it's important to remember that it's not always true.

Missing out on mage recruitment for a better expansion is worth it early on.

Later on, most nations need a decent mix of troops and mages. If your net income isn't high enough to max out mage production and still get a decent number of troops, you'll need to put at least some gold on things that aren't mages.

They're Prot 18 base with Berserker 3, four attacks per square with built in Fire Shield. That means they can waltz through pretty much any EA indie without being blessed. With N9Ex, they're one of the very few sacreds that can put up a decent fight against their gold cost in N9E9 Niefel Giants.

Sadly taking such a bless means that unless you end the game by early year 3, you pretty much garunteed lose.

EA Abysia requires a magic diversity pretender to work well into late, generally speaking a soul contract build.

Are you dumb? NE are both diversity for EA Abysia since you only get E1. N opens up DA later on.

B that Abysia natively has opens up DS and later on NAE too up to a high level.

With some site searching on your mobile pretender you can get the diversity you need.

Oh yeah. I'd never say "GO TRIBLESS!" or anything, but a single major on an imprisoned isn't going to break the bank.

If you take D with leftover points you get lamia queens for some W.

Can't pretenders go insane in O'rly dominion?


Considering a couple of them have void sanity, maybe?

Test it!

B-but I need that guy.

tldr version: Bats are on their deathbed, Vanheim is about to have game winning 6 thrones.

Dear nations of the world, this is a public service announcement.

I just got elfed by Vanheim this turn, which puts me on the wrong side of a 1v3. I lost 16 provinces this turn, 10 of them to Vanheim. I lost 2/3 of my army the turn before this. 2 of the nations I am fighting were bigger and stronger then me even before this started. I don't think I have any reasonable plan of defence which will work at this point.

I know, I know, now you are thinking: that is great! REMOVE BATS!

However, in 2-3 turns when the bat house of cards folds on itself, Vanheim will be in control of a GAME WINNING 6 thrones.

Thus if you plan on seeing another day without bowing to Nick as the supreme god (again) this is the last chance to act.

Your friendly neighbourhood bats

good riddance
Fuck bats

t. Bats

Lol, you act like I'm getting all 4 of the thrones you own. I'll be lucky to get one.

Throne of knowledge is something Arco wants, and Therados said they're attacking soon (tm).
Throne of Fire I'll ideally take, but it is close to Oceania so might not happen.
Throne of Gaia Ur plans to grab - and they're much closer to it than I am. With them also seiging Agartha's throne that puts them as close to 6 thrones as me.
If you think I'm ever getting even sort of close to the throne of water in friggin mid Africa you need to share what you're smoking.

I am very salty about this situation:

you snowball out of control unopposed, yet I am somehow painted as the world's main villain and dog piled, despite being like #5-6 in size/income.

yeye I know... fuck bats.

And yeah... that throne in the middle of Africa? You need 2 turns to get there.

Shilling for a disciple game. Game is 3v3v3. Currently there are 5/9 players.



Game page is temporary meaning that everything can be changed. If you are interested add me on steam steamcommunity.com/id/lukamrko_1/

I guess I must applaud the diplomacy skills which enable you to get away with this stuff.

>I'll be lucky to get one.

do not believe his lies

he always plays himself down

only fools believe him

You're Xibalba with 4/6 claimed thrones. Like, what did you expect?
And fight how many other people? At least Abysia (if anything is left of him), Ur, and Oceania would all object.

You said yourself it's an X vs 1. Unless you plan to move all your forces to only fight the others, I'm not going to get all the spoils.

(Also if I did have the gall to acquire 4 thrones I'd be prepared for all my neighbors to attack me the moment I grabbed the 4th's province.)

Is this why it's called Fourth Turning? Everyone turns on you the moment you claim the fourth throne?

>Also if I did have the gall to acquire 4 thrones I'd be prepared for all my neighbors to attack me the moment I grabbed the 4th's province.)

Spoken like a true diplomancer.

What is a good pretender for r'lyeh?

>Ur, and Oceania
So, we're supposed to believe that your two IRL friends are going to keep you from winning?

picking another nation is always a good choice

Do temp gem items stack?

Middle ages I guess.

They'll probably put up more effort than Lukas.

It's a good thing I asked all your neighbors what price they demanded too attack you.

>letting my thread die


scales + awake

Shilling for a disciple game. Game is 3v3v3. Currently there are 8/9 players.



Game page is temporary meaning that everything can be changed. If you are interested add me on steam steamcommunity.com/id/lukamrko_1/


Still looking for 1 more player. I misread a message one message. If interested you can also add me on Discord YoyBoy#5823

I'd join but it's too low-tier for me.

Same for me

>tfw too ascended to fight pretenders

You scrubs are beneath me even deigning to shit talk you anymore.

>If you think I'm ever getting even sort of close to the throne of water in friggin mid Africa you need to share what you're smoking.

Please to be returning to rightful owner.

>tfw empowering my diplomancy path