/@/ - The iDOLM@STER General

Previous iM@S Thread: Archive of materials: yukipo.com
Japanese news: imasnews765.com
Official upcoming events schedule: idolmaster.jp/schedule/index.php
Streaming music: shijou.moe/imas-radio
Cinderella Girls cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/cg
Million Live cards: imas.gamedbs.jp/ml/card + mill.tokyo/album

New here? Check out the FAQ and Resource Links: pastebin.com/icRtaLvv

OG material translation: pastebin.com/7HAMC7bN
OG discography: pastebin.com/Ey7uyqDL
CG material translation: pastebin.com/jf7CiTya
CG discography: pastebin.com/fX7fpxrU
ML material translation: pastebin.com/3yynKCtQ
ML discography: pastebin.com/jtCYhgrA
SM material translation: pastebin.com/tiVgamsu
SM discography: pastebin.com/mXYV0TY3
Character birthdays: pastebin.com/j3MGjNCK
Upcoming Events and Merchandise: pastebin.com/yu6rrC2t

Starlight Stage:
>Event: 03/13 ~ 03/19 Caravan (Noa, Saya)
>Gacha: 03/14 ~ 03/17 Type Boxes
Cards: starlight.kirara.ca
Tracker: twitter.com/deresuteborder0
Database/Resources: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1piHtf1IziDOKwRZQ3fPBXrFOd0tItW7pf2Kjqf_jkM8

- SS Commus (Mar 14th): - Yoshino fancomic TS: - SM Update (Mar 14th): - SS Update (Mar 14th): - CG Update (Mar 14th): - ML Update (Mar 14th): - Archive of : archive.is/wUklf
- Today's streams: - ML 4thLIVE signatures: imgur.com/a/WAN93
- Old article about SS's development: - Basa's VA's 4thLIVE photos: - ML VAs like idols: Upcoming:
Mar 15th, 10PM JST: SideM stream: live.nicovideo.jp/gate/lv290139877
Mar 15th: CINDERELLA MASTER 046-048
Mar 22nd: CINDERELLA MASTER Treasure

Get that garbage away from Natsuki.

Where is Riina?

Natsuki get away from her before her shittiness infects you.

Natsuki always so pretty

No posers allowed.

1.5% chance SSR Gacha costume

Who aged the best?

posting cute idols

Tomboy & girly girl.

>Riinafans freak out at seeing an actual rock idol near Natsuki

Tbf aimin is pretty bad at doing highs at lives, esp sirius, though her routine ryuuseigun and praline are to die for

Friendly reminder that ML unironically had an steampunk pandering gacha.

Bitch please. Julia is way better than Natsuki in both looks and voice.

Good, good.

Kissing the rockers.

If she was good she wouldn't be in ML.

Mighty Sailor costume is popular enough to be 1% SSR Gacha costume.

lol no


>not enjoying both series for what they have to offer
Pleb spotted.


I want Aimi to step on my dick.

Though it's clearly obvious that ML is better in every conceivable way.

How exactly did kotoha corrupt yuriko anyway

Superior rockers coming through.

What's your favorite CG x ML idol pairing?

>Julia is way better than Natsuki in both looks and voice.
Yeah, nice and sanitised.
Absolutely perfect.

Remember when Julia almost died in the snow? Good times.

Yeah, that sounds like something someone who's backing a loser would say.

Do they trib? I bet Natsuki has vag piercings.



None, unless I can use OGs over MLs

I pulled that card in a jewel pull lol

I'm not sure if I approve or not

Big head mode idols.

But I'm not a fan of Ayumu or Leon.

Jesus, Nana is into older women.

I can't tell if I should save this picture in my Cool or my Cute folder

Very cute.

Awakened Ayumu who wins every time when?

You knew what the replies were going to be to this post.

Leon's not a loser.
Make a Cute Cools folder.

Julia's image songs aren't exactly head bangers either.

Chill guys, lets not talk about iku and her popularity

I can't believe you started a new thread while I was still drawing idols for The /@/m@ster Live.

Very, very cute.

I refuse to racemix idols

This art is really, really bad.

Poor Nana.

I want to fuck Haruzuteroumraiai

/@/ sings thank you, proceed to top charts as 'most ungrateful bastards being pretentious no.1'

Leon is the biggest loser.

Why are idols so damn weird?

>the biggest loser
Are you calling Leon fat

My loser.

>blue has breasts

If I'm not mistaken, are these are pretty much the only recent-ish Imas artwork that we know with absolute certainty to have been done entirely by Dofu?
Or are there other confirmed pieces that I have missed.

>/@/ sings

Are these all official art?

Is just Reika.

And that's why I love her

Thank you is a fun song.

The blue one is the trap.

Blue is way too lewd.

Normies are boring.

It's a deconstruction of the idol genre.

Reika kind of elevates it to a new level, to be fair.

>four years later and still no one understands how her hair works

You have a weird taste.

fellow ReikaP

double dropped

Theres this story of how a guy in my lounge sold this card for 300 bottles when its clearly a scam, someone must be either really fucked or really patriotic

Those two cops

Partners in crime yeah.

Since we are drawing, do this Fred exercise

Hope we're not the only ones here, Reika deserves more rare Ps.


Layla first

Angel Dream is so fucking good, holy shit.

Thanks for reading my blog post, here's some idols.

I bet Frieza's a fucking closet nerd

nailed it

So any webm with the new SR of the Caravan, i kind of hate youtubers for not posting songs with them it?

translate it weebs

>aberika about to cry in 4th live
>steph tells joke about her clothes looking like frieza
>steph ends up crying herself anyway because steph


Having a hearty laugh

A big punchline user missed is fujii literally cries every fucking time in lives

I love Rina!!!!

Here's the foreign one. She's Irish.

> steph

Gaslighting Rina!

can you handle the prissiness of the three

By making her believe she has an SSR when in fact, she doesn't?

What does Rina's undercut feel like?


> Short-haired Hiromi


dooky your shimamuras

Would the hags go full shotacon on Kanon?

I actually really like those designs. /@/ has ruined me.

They won't be so prissy after I'm done with them
They'll become professional truckers