/egg/ - Engineering Games General - Formerly /svgg/

skywankers edition
previous ded: The thread is dedicated to all games about building machines and systems out of blocks, in space or otherwise. Also, all these games are ded. Only ded games may join, otherwise they must have their own thread.
Whether or not a game belongs in /egg/ is a case by case matter, however games that would belong in /svgg/, space voxel games general, are automatically considered /egg/

WebM for retards:

List of currently known and vaguely not dead /egg/ games (this list is not fully inclusive and if you think a game might belong here, feel free to ask):
>Chode - Children of a Dead Earth
>Empyrion - Galactic Survival
>From the Depths
>Garry's mod
>Homebrew - Vehicle Sandbox
>Intersteller Rift
>KOHCTPYKTOP: Engineer of the People
>Robot Arena 2
>Scrap Mechanic
>Space Engineers

Games that are definitely not /egg/:
>The general that quite literally cannot be named. The Mexican scam artist one. With the shitposters. Fuck off.
>Hearthstone, found in the hearthstone general, /hsg/, not in this general.

Information about these games, such as where to get them if they're not on steam, trailers, /egg/ conquered/hosted servers, and other shit can be found in this pad:

OP pad for future /ded/s

Warbros Spengies Server Pasta (never forget)

Other urls found in this thread:




3rd for lurking from the Veeky Forums

goodbye marek, get gassed your game is done for
we can make vertical ships now

Variable gravity too. Which spengies has but you don't need to open a control panel for it.

waaaait a minute, so you are saying with the programming, we can basically simulate acceleration based gravity?

hairy pussy a shit A SHIT

mfw I was going to go to bed two hours ago but the Skywanderers hype got to me and now I have no face

Will gravity cannons be viable in Skywanderers? It would really be kicking spengie's carcass then.

No idea.

if you like kids i guess (^:

Goddamn that is a fine specimen

BUT WILL IT HAVE engineering

It has rotors, sliders, etc. Yes

It has logic gates already.




Clear your name field you gigantic cock goblin

sorry I am asleep

where were you when the eggppocolypse began

Oh damn, I might have to start lurking regularly again for this shit.

it is time to wake up my dudes

oi janny succ me dik cunt dont be a pussy faggot come fight me down at eb games
just try an ban me cunt ill get me uncle telstra to fucc u up bro

we're gonna end up like /kspg/ at this rate

Well guys, machinecraft user was right, you can literally do anything in machinecraft. As it turns out you can write C# userscripts that modify the underlying Unity objects. Anything that is possible in Unity can be done in machinecraft, even flying around 10178 km/h without thrusters.

Retoasting from last bread. Is there a solution for staggered fire or do I have to go supplicate to Nick on the forums?

Skywanderers is literally minecraft with rotors

If you're allergic to spengies, I'd recommend the cheap-o knock off empyrion

Holy shit.
I mean it's machinecraft, but still that's pretty impressive.

You want the lasers to alternate? For what purpose?

Reminder to put an "Identity Block" on the ship you're building so you won't lose it. Then hit F1 to save the game. The game won't save your ship if it doesn't have an identity block.

and how would we play this exactly?

not that user but stagger fire is very fun

You join the discord linked in the last thread and fill out the google doc form linked in said discord.

set a delay on one of the combiners or something

At least 10 eggmen got the test version

Not that there's much to look at, so I won't even bother leaking it, no point

Eh I want to play sky wankers but I'm not joining some faggy discord

>Eh I want to play sky wankers but I'm not joining some faggy discord

>join discord
>obtain game
>Mute discord serb

i got sick of building the oversized air bb so i ended up building another one from scratch, introducing the smoll big bote!

>Eh I want to play sky wankers
You really don't, not for years and years, provided frogdev doesn't get bored and goes to snort coke from buxom french whore bussoms


Doesn't look that much smaller. Pretty sweet shape though.

So, what's our current Space Voxel Game rundown, /egg/

>90% feature complete
>good grafix
>mod support
>KEEN breaks the game on a weekly basis
>performance is nearing acceptable levels for the first time in years
>netcode is still trash
>will always be trash
>simspeed will always be lost, like tears ion rain
>spengies will never be good and will always be the best we got

>barely 30% feature complete
>runs okay
>netcode is acceptable
>bugs up the ass
>no engineering
>flat planets
>rust in space
>hide and seek simulator
>shit PvP and shipbuilding meta
>no collisions
>cheap spengie clone to cash in on goyims fleeing the sinking KEENship


>no netcode
>brutalist architecture simulator

it's actually a lot smaller, at 120+ meters in length while the other one was 180+ meters long

Do people actually play it?

Avorion is basically X but you can make your own ship according to people who have played X.

Jesus christ, that's a pretty large insult to X.

Yeah, /egg/ played shitloads of it. Invalid is the sole survivor.

Not my words, never played any of the X games.
I think they mentioned X3 specifically.

>batteries in spengies still don't recharge/discharge as needed

Skywankers is on greenlight if you want to vote

>implying there's any need

Have you seen the dog shit that gets greenlit?

it still need people to click on it, and the dev is in real need of PR

at least from what he says on the discord

when the building starts
the autism is soothed

Not engineering but have some pixel art in SW, WIP.

Can you guess what its going to be?

Is REM laggy?

doggo girl

I'll try to get the other one moving in opposite direction

>that joyous 0.1 sim speed drop


NuHulk: 100 m/s
OldHulk: on thruster override at 50+ m/s


too bad it looks like shit

>needing anything else for space spooks


>too bad it looks like shit

Looks aren't the problem, user, its the totally vapid gameplay and shallow as shit content.

I wasn't talking about the graphics, user.


No it isn't Mort you spud


what do you guys think about spengos devs/update guy thinking about replacing ftl jump with warp travel (simillar to star citizen)?

imo it's shit, ftl jumping fits the bs:g theme and is underutilized in media/gaems

>Faster ships
There's no fucking way we can have this without lag. Keen is too incompetent.

the speedlimit would still be 100m/s, just the jumpdrive would be replaced with some quantum travellator or sth
you used to be able to jump "over" obstacles, if your destination had 2km sphere of space somewhere, now i think there's some checking if your path is clear, next thing will be some shitty animation

So it's the same thing with different effects? Lame.

Oh, if you insist

Is there any way to set a space engi battery to ONLY charge off of solar and to ignore reactors?

[laughing astronauts.JPEG]

Besides disabling reactors or splitting the grids? Ubless there's a script for that, nooo.

saved, thank you user

you cant chose where is the energy being drained off, cant remember if there are mods for that.

It's both. The AI can't hit shit that's not moving straight, but the weapons are so powerful compared to armor that you can't afford to get hit.

Does anybody use the Floor Plan Script for Space Engineers?
How do I get it to display one floor plan across multiple panels? It says there's a way to do it on the steam workshop page, but the image that shows how to do it isn't there anymore. Something to do with the custom data on the programming block.

2 Seperate lasers, one with no q switches, one with some q switches?

Or how about, seperate lasers, ai weapon controls turned on and off by timer ACBs? or... soemthing.

Out of curiosity, what is the material cost of these bad boys?

There is another script-mod for multiple screens.

the big one is 354k and counting if i ever bother finishiing it
the one on the right is 277k

Could you give me the name, please?

Avorion goes in direction of X i'd say. It's the X wannabe at the moment. It licks the surface and let's you design fancy ships that are ALSO functional. Weapons system needs to get bigger and more varied though. Some more thought in systems and energy managment wouldn't hurt either but I'll wait patiently for all of that. Avorion is quite fresh.

>/egg/ barges into a dev discord
Behave yourselves.

We actually appreciate you guys being in there. Much more lively.

>more varied
They are more of a "shape" that the damage will take.
There are projectile, beam, missile and spherical pulse weapons, what other type would you add that wouldn't be the mix of the aforementioned?

Are you sure? The minecraft models suggest you want the normie audience and we're pretty scary

Sky is for wanking, not behaving

... You guys are actually tame when compared to some autistic minecraft fanbois I've had the """pleasure""" to interact with. Y'all cool.

the dev is going to tackle energy management soon from what I heard. And the weapons are also getting reworked

Daily reminder for normies to vacate the thread immediately

prepare the spengos windmills of doom

the normie models are temporary, the dev isn't an artist :|

Oh yea, I wasn't clear on it. I meant the very shape of the weapons. There's already bunch of stuff that's for sure.

bow before the OP cuck-crab