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Previous Thread:
Cooper Reed
Let me play Yin...
Ethan Adams
Which hero do you always do well with, /parag/?
Jayden Long
>Last thread reached over 750 posts over the night Da hell? Whats' with the sudden burst of speed?
Jordan Williams
Now that the bitch called "Aurora" is nerfed how should I be building Shinbi?
More damage? Defense? A mix of both? I really wanna play best girl.
Noah Carter
Everyone wants a piece of dat Chinese pussy.
Adrian Edwards
When the discount ends? I have 1700 coins from chests, might buy some skins with it.
Colton Brooks
New hero
Oliver Smith
Hi. Im that player. Offlane or mid when the ally jungler does not gank I get to lvl 5 then afk jungle myself. You tell me to retreat from jungle but since im on console I cant respond with a fuck off. I outfarm every other player and hard carry the team to a win.
What im basically saying is junglers can get fucked.
Henry Nelson
So, tell me about your experiences with Necroveil in Countess.
Logan Lopez
It's gewd.
Lincoln Reed
Do you need to activate Hunter's Guile / Censer after Aurora caster her ult or when you are in stun? Does it prevents damage the damage from if you activate it after she casted?
Jace Kelly
after cast hunter's can't even be used while stunned, which is stupid
Ryan Barnes
Oh boy
Gabriel Hill
So what's the deal with Serath my dudes? Never played her, but since she received a nice buff Im thinking of trying her out. Is she still a carry or jungle? Or is she now an Offlane champ?
Also what are her must have cards in her deck or just what I should focus on building?
Every guide I see out there seems a little dated imo.
Cameron Robinson
Attack speed, Lifesteal and Crit, iirc. I guess build Whirling Wands and/ or Windcarver Blades and Curse of The Leech with Sword of The Altar.
Noah Ramirez
Shinbi But I can't carry a team with her.
Thomas Gutierrez
Ash of the witch a tele blink with no upgrades on it. Hunters guile. Vine heart all HP upgrades. The rest do what you want.
Michael Campbell
I really want to play her, but she never has enough mana and you're doing a lot of work to stack wolves.
Liam Turner
>tfw playing dekker with a team that actually follows up on your stuns
Easton Cooper
>tfw people unironically picking greystone above silver
must enjoy being fucking useless
Justin Sullivan
Play her off lane not mid. Shinbi does not need to spam her abilities in either lane through. T. Master shinbi
Alexander Long
Iv seen shinbis get 6 stacks on you in like 2 secs. You gotta use ur dashes for the stacks too. Witch is why you carry tele blink.
Samuel Evans
He really is useless. The most he can do is be the most annoying lane push intercepted ever.
David Carter
Honestly, I just do push the lane back at him and never try too kill him alone because it's such a chore. You have to get through his tankiness, avoid his slow/ damage with your escape, catch him after he uses his escape, then kill him again while hoping his teammates aren't rotating on you. It's such a hassle.
Liam Price
>tfw when people still bitch about Greystone At the absolute most his abilities need to have a slightly higher mana cost, but people act like he's crazy overpowered when he's barely in the top 10.
Josiah Edwards
I don't understand this meme. He walks up to me and shreds my health and people call him useless
Nicholas Collins
>tfw when God damn it
Mason Campbell
>tfw Greystone main I'll just be here pushing your lane and hitting you for 500s
Lucas Campbell
I rolled so many card packs I got an extra Ash of the Witch. Crafted Stinger boost for Yin. Can't wait
Wyatt Harris
why are you letting him walk up to you though
Ryan Hall
>entire team get mercilessly harassed and called NUUUUBS by our shitty Aurora whose whole game plan consists of jumping into a group of enemies, ulting, and hoping they can get out alive they didn't >check their agora >1.39 KDA >currently in-game as Twin >overall KDA with Twin is 1.13 Makes me wonder if they have the slightest idea that they're the problem. Why is self-awareness so fucking rare?
Adam Ward
Watch it not be as amazing as people are making it out to be.
Dominic Martinez
I can't stop him from walking up to me with no CC I stay far and walk back but he can jump and has a shit ton of range on his Q
Nicholas Price
It functions like Rapid Fire Cannon in League of Legends. My build already has 80 crit and 100% crit bonus, and about 30-40 attack speed but I want more attack speed. I've yet to try thermobond you know building 8pt cards is a total bitch
Juan Fisher
Spacing isn't some secret technique under lock-and-key at the FGC headquarters, user: know that he can close the gap and keep an appropriate distance away so that, even with it, he can't catch you. If he makes moves in your direction, turn around and run in a straight line to the nearest teammate or tower, or ping for help before it gets to that point.
Lincoln Miller
>80 crit Completely unnecessary, my dude: at least 20 of that could be dumped into damage or attack speed. At least.
Matthew Russell
>unnecessary to continuously crit on every auto How about no
Colton Scott
If I can't 1v1 him he isn't balanced
Christopher Perez
well math says you're doing it wrong but feel free to continue to gimp yourself because you like seeing big numbers pop up
Jeremiah Perry
>If I can't 1v1 him he isn't balanced
Juan Nguyen
500+ on each auto says I'm doing it right
Unless your math thinks critting 40% of the time will win you a trade
Matthew Ward
>but the big numbers ok man whatever stay silver
Hunter Cruz
>500 Lol
Camden Young
Except I'm about to be plat Stay mad because you don't know how to build decks
Jayden Rogers
he said take twenty percent of it off, not half of your crit chance I don't know about the math but 50-60% crit chance is what feels right to me and what I build towards to while putting points on other stats If you're going crit, you already need to make a big CP investment and below 50 doesn't make the investment worth while over 70 is just too much of an investment where I can apply those stats to power, attack speed and lifesteal
Sebastian Clark
>Enemy team pick Iggy >No ranged hero on the team dares to destroy his turrets Nice game faggots
Julian Torres
Simple. While you're doing 200 per auto and are waiting for a crit, I already killed you because I crit every shot and lifesteal scales with crit so I healed faster too.
The difference in power you probably think it is, isn't. Because if I take away 2 3pt crit for 2 3pt power the difference is 36 power.
Brandon Nguyen
I need more diamond chests baby. After I level up me masteries, is there any free way to get them? Can they randomly drop?
Cameron Watson
You're assuming that person just dumped everything into power. A proper balance of power, attack speed, and crit will out-DPS you every time. It's basic math.
John Hill
>make new friends yesterday in the new hero/patch bliss >actually win a bunch of games, great times were had >today, get invite while building deck, excited to play >see we have a new third, lvl 40 so he's one level higher than me, probably good >new friend picks yin, goes offlane >o-okay man, if you think so >other person in group goes sparrow >"play dekker"
It went fucking terrible.
Sparrow is on her second game ever as Sparrow, just holding down the auto-attack button and not even trying to get last hits. Yin is getting shit on in offlane.
Try to stay non-toxic, but when the surrender vote comes out I say yes and say, "Good Game!" It hangs at 3 yes 0 no 2 abstain, we continue to play
We actually lost! Crazy, I know.
After game, instantly un-friended. As if I give a fuck, since they were console peasants anyways.
Nathaniel Ward
I've had silver chests that contain gold chests that went on to contain a diamond chest that I got two keys out of.
Elijah Richardson
>plat Lol
Angel Cruz
I have yet to cross paths with a good Yin player.
Do they exist?
Evan Nguyen
I have 1,600 coins on hand and I'm wondering if I should get the Steel bundle or two other bundles with stuff I don't really want I don't really like the Steel tier 3 skin either though but I play him a bit I wish they would come out with more tier 3 skins for champs I actually play
Isaiah Nguyen
Steel is pretty shit now senpai
I wouldn't.
Caleb Perry
Steel's still good, he's just not as good as he used to be. Still got a better ult than when he was on Legacy, but it's much harder to hit with than before the nerf.
Luke Sullivan
I'll probably hold onto these coins until I see a tier 3 skin I like and will actually use and wait for it go on sale this is really tempting not to just waste them on this year one sale that steel nerf is was a bit excessive, they should give it a bit more range than it had before, all he has going for him is his bull rush and his ult while his bulwark is completely useless and his big wall is very situational
Adam Torres
IMO hoard your coins. cool new shit is coming out.
James Lewis
Yeah genius you don't know anything about my deck so your "basic math" is just you assuming it's hard to reach 80 crit You're also assuming that you need to dump everything in power to reach high levels of it.
Basically from the start you're assuming a whole lotta bullshit because you can't build decks and like to do abstract geometry.
Have fun stuck in your elo, you ain't getting out.
Christopher Green
The first Yin I played with yesterday was good, or maybe I'm just a really good support Rampage.
Hudson Torres
>yin is bad What is this meme. She's a monster especially late game.
Zachary Cruz
I never said that it was hard to do. 80 crit and 40 attack speed is terrible on every hero. I also never said dump everything anywhere, I said a balance of all 3 is optimal.
Zachary Morgan
She's good in theory but I've never seen one person do anything with her but feed incessantly
Anthony Edwards
>hi this is my first moba! >attack speed it bad guys especially when you rely on your autos >especially when people can dodge autos
Evan Parker
literally who are you quoting
Austin Carter
By that logic, your hero would be overpowered if you did beat him.
Daniel Williams
no if I win it's skill if I lose he's overpowered
Kayden Lee
Really? I play her and I usually reck and I've seen them dominate
Thomas Adams
If I can't have an equal chance at winning 1v1 he's unbalanced Nobody can 1v1 Greystone with equal CP and exp
Asher Martinez
I swear it's the same faggot that posts this "must be your first moba, lol" shit every time someone disagrees with him.
Luis Fisher
Does that mean Dekker is underpowered then, since pretty much everyone can 1v1 her?
Nicholas Brown
It's called match-ups/ picks and counter picks. Why do you think people are always going on about team composition?
Daniel Green
Nothing counters Greystone
Austin Nelson
Everything with good stun, slow or escape can counter him. Or with an armour reduction card in deck.
Although I agree he's still a bit overpowered now.
Zachary Wood
>gets mad when he gets called out for it being his first moba
Owen Morgan
There are about 3 new cards with counter measures to stuns/knockup cleanses spell blocks heals
All he really needs to do is build 1 And if he is actually skilled he'll just fuck everybody up
Adam Young
Yes. Her ult must stun for the full duration. Take that, Aurora!
Camden Rodriguez
Which hero is the most underpowered one in your opinion?
Jeremiah Cruz
If I lose it's op pls nerf If I win it's gg ez
Liam Thompson
right now serath
She is hyper carry tier and shes alone at the top. Especially in everyone picks yin meta serath gets even strong because most of yins kit is useless against a melee carry.
Aaron Parker
>yin >medium ranged carry >mobility >can stop projectiles what a fucking nightmare
Logan Smith
>point and click juke >longer range than Serath >useless ?
The Fey. Epitome of useless if you have no coordination
Joshua Hall
Yes she has on ability that gives her range and cleave. Very useful against serath gap closer so every fight is a melee fight.
1v1 serath wins every time.
Jaxon Cruz
Yin is basically long range late game. Her W on a 8 sec cd duration 6 seconds.
Andrew Perez
What lane does yin belong in
Ayden Price
What elo are you that you can't dodge Serath gap closer? And build a blink card retard. Dozens of actives and you don't want to use any. That's called artificial diffcu5
Brody White
I do it with Narbash all the time. Don't be a shitter.
Brayden Jackson
>start of game >adc picks ward >places it fucking in middle of nowhere >goes back and gets healing pot + dmg tokens wtf??
Luis Myers
Define "middle of nowhere". Putting an empty ward in your deck to stick on the river before minions spawn is good practise, and it only costs 1/40 of your deck.
Kayden Harris
anywhere that isn't in lane and behind t2 is pretty much a good spot for a free ward m8
Gavin Adams
>baby's first encounter with a dummy ward cute
Juan Ramirez
Paragon does f2p right but I almost feel bad never feeling the need to spend a cent on this game.
Tyler Miller
it's a "i'm the support so everything is my fault" episode
Bentley Gray
Drop 10 of your local currency on some coins and buy a skin/ crate+key when you feel you've sunk a reasonable amount of time into the game.
Isaiah Phillips
>why didn't you stun that guy exactly when I wanted you to?! >why aren't you following directly behind me for the entirety of the game? >why aren't you placing wards to protect my stupid ass every time i move location
Easton Johnson
Does anyone know if you can stack Crit Bonuses? I just fought against a Yin that had Agora Blade and Heart of the Apex in her final build. She did a shitload of damage and I'm trying to figure out if that was why. Or if Crit is just better than Power. I was playing Seraph going full power. Yin was winning in our 1v1
Parker Powell
You can. Passives labeled "Unique" won't stack though.
Ryder Allen
You can't stack anything with [Unique] on it, city bonuses included