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first for gnomes

do balance druids get recolored skins like feral does?
also, why can't i use my instant cast spells while holding down w+e
is this an issue for anyone else?
i don't even use addons

Post UI's
Wanna see what you fags got going on


pretty basic

>engage razorgore fight
>immediately press the control orb
>control him
>but not really
>he runs across the room while "under my control" and sits right next to me
>can't control him
WoW Beta(tm) Tester since 2004

damn and i thought mine was bad

Is Balance Druid with only Oneth's worth using or should I try a Fire Mage

m8 it's only bad if you arent being efficient with it

wait whats that class hall quest the injured panda gave me?
pre-sargeras tomb quests? Isn't that really early?

7.2 is due in two weeks

I have 4100/21000 rep with valajar

I need to be exalted to get the fury warrior hidden appearance drop from Shar'thos

Is there ANY way I can get exalted within 6 days?

don't worry, yours is still pretty bad

just play what you enjoy haha
you'll get all your legendaries soon haha

Anyone have a working PDF of the WoW Chronicle Volume 2?

just play the game

Can you faggots just stop posting for a single fucking minute and actually queue up for something.
Our group has been looking for a tank for 10 minutes now, you lazy fucks.

>doing LFR Gul'dan

What, really? Everybody always said it'll be in months

now that the pre-patch quests are spawning, people are guessing that it'll be out in a few weeks with the raid staying closed until a time after

i pulled it out of my ass desu

Mine is shit. And yes I just bought a token and have around 50k in the mail, so I am not THAT poor

did you just assume my ilvl?
mother fucker, I'll have you know that guldan is TRASH to me compared to the shit I've been through.

what? pretty sure it's not

>Thinking gold is what we'll make fun of when you're guildless and low ilvl

keep doing world quests in Stormheim. Every time one pops up, do it.

Also, wait for Kirin tor wq-s and choose Valajar repu item from them. Keep your eye on order hall follower quests that may reward repu tokens.

I-i-i-its an alt

make sure you haven't forgotten any normal quest in thornheim too

You can choose rewards from kirin tor quests? I don't remember ever having the choice.

he means the emissary

imagine being this guy

I'm pretty sure I haven't you know the ones outside of the main story there?

What is the best class hall combination for warriors?

in the next 6 days there should be 2 kirin tor emissary quests
but that's only 3k rep

you're not going to make it in time

owlbear quests near the forsaken starting area (next to kirin tor bubble flying quest)
a few quests north of HoV (vampire pirate quests+one or two quest in the murloc infested vrykul village)
goblin questline (starts west from valdishall, with taurens, awards a title at the end)

Being killed by a fury warrior with dmg buff in a darkbrul arena sure is fucking fun.

Holy fuck, Terrace of Endless Spring is a pain to solo. Does the damage scaling for old raids not apply to Pandaria or what? I'm on a terribly geared character because I weant some transmog gear for him but the bosses take so little damage.

Why do you only have 6 days?

That's how long Shar'Thos is up

IIRC all of the bosses in Terrace have some sort of one shot, so it's a lot harder to solo than the other Pandaria raids

are you dying to the water spirit? if so, it's because of the stacking debuff. you need to find a way to stop it before it gets too high

Oh I do any emissary quest anyway

I'm pretty sure some of those have no valajar rep gain though, or does any quest in stormheim give a bit?

I've done all of those

Are you sure there will be enough WQs and stuff to gain 17k rep in 6 days though?

>Are you sure there will be enough WQs and stuff to gain 17k rep in 6 days though?
there almost certainly won't be

enjoy Mr. Hazzikostas' Wild Ride

I had trouble with all the bosses. I never did the raid when it was relevant so maybe I'm just not understanding mechanics. Tsulong only has 20 million health yet took forever to heal up as a discipline priest. Even when I changed to holy my heals weren't doing nearly enough. Same in his night phase, He was taking so little damage. Is the scaling an option I could have managed turn off somehow?

whatever, I'll just mog my swords

There's the heroic/normal version and a 25m/10m version, you should be able to do it on 10 man normal (but you'll get less loot)

>Sephuz was and is still memed out of this plane of existence for being the first legendary to drop on a character
>i still don't have one across 6 max level characters
>the only meme i currently have is prydaz and it's on my mage

Unfortunately the pieces I want are specifically the heroic versions.

>caring about your UI
yours is still 100% cancer

Yes, farm valarjar wqs, do tov on every difgiculty and most importantly spam hov and mos

my locks first leg
how is it

its not the cloak or the helm but its still pretty good

reroll character

Is there bug with some artifact skins? I unlocked a color variant on my holy paladin weapon for 1000 player kills and when i switched to prot weapon, only pvp colors unlocked, but i didnt even looted appereance from withered scenario, same with affli lock weapon, i collected 3/12 skulls and also got only pvp color variant.

its a "bug" that become a feature

wait how much does tov/mos/hov give in rep?

>current legion arch quest
>120 frag artifact
>100 frag artifact
>120 frag artifact
>100 frag artifact
Hella mega epic

rate my new priest mog

>using the default ui
>calling the other one cancer

kill you are self

Would be 9/10 if the mask didn't clip with the hair.

>Oh gee im gonna be so original on my priest xmog ill throw some random gold/grey/white shit

About as overdone as tusks of mannaroth

I'm not a furry but I've gotta admit, female pandas are pretty attractive

female worgen are better

kys retard

>as overdone as a piece of armor that drops so rarely that it doesn't even have a droprate on WoWhead

t. that shitty avatarfag posting his ugly ass tusk orc day and night

How come I have never, and by never I mean NEVER met any female worgen player that actually know how to play their damn class?

Especially female worgen Death Knights. And to make matters worse they always pick Blood spec as if they want to fuck your group up

you must be some shitskin turdworlder who can't understand the subtleties of the english language

>expecting furries to not be mentally retarded

holy shit you retards are butthurt. Did Garrosh molest your sister or something?

That wasn't very nice

That's an unfair generalization of people who play female worgens. I've met plenty of worgens who are fantastic at the game

nice another shit item in the box, see you next week

Some retards fucked up my keystone dungeon run and it got depleted and I deleted it because fuck it, can I get another one this week if I play a normal mythic?

Am I the only one who would want to fuck a fem tauren?
I bet they could crush a mans skull between those thick thighs

lol fuck you gruxx is the man

i simply pointed out your stupidity of implying overdone means it is a common item rather than it being overdone in an appearance sense

but good job defaulting to the LOL U BUTTHURT defense because you are literally crying tears of frustration that some guy insulted your crappy mog

nice samefagging avatartranny

am i the only one who wants to fuck a fem panda? i bet they could crush a mans skull between their buttcheeks

no and kys for being this mad

yes, you are. now kys

I'm not mad
you could just admit that you are that avatarshitface though

>do cos m0 on mage alt for suramar quest
>dude in guild talking shit about frost being bad outside raids
>double his damage on bosses and total
>he shame logs immediately following the dungeon

you're obviously a gay if you wouldn't fug a fempanda, you don't have to be a furry to appreciate fat booty

Do you have this rare and hard to get achievement /wowg/?

it's literally not mathematically possible for Tusks to be overdone

unless "overdone" means "everything that's not a quest green clownsuit"

that automatically makes you furry. remove yourself from the genepool so society can actually move forward for once

>excessive or strained; exaggerated

>verb (used without object)
>to do too much; go to an extreme:

really made me think

>want to restore character
>cant because already have one with its nickname
>don't want to ask blizz to do this because 80% of my tickets are about restoring characters

Fuuuck just reminded me I neglected to get last fortnight's archaeology done
Not even for the skin, I just wanted to see the stuff

Looks cool imo.

i like it
male human with big armor and big bible staff ready to discipline the infidel

no you dumbass

Well its too late for abortion so I'm not sure what can be done about you user

>complete level 9 keystone, recieve level 9 reward from cache
>keystone from cache is fucking level 2
What the fuck????

tediousness is not equal to difficulty

I want to play a healer but one thing I'm really struggling with at the minute is party position and UI clarity. Mainly I find it hard to really tell where my party members are standing which is annoying for shit like Light of Dawn. At the same time I don't want anything big and clunky, are there any addons I can use to just display a clear name above someone's head and JUST the name?

the quest last week was already up some time ago
it's that fel world toy
this time I got 75k ap form it
was really not worth the time