/svg/ shadowverse general

You will never lick Amelia's ass

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New expansion "Tempest of the Gods":

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All-in-one Steam undub and uncensor:
mediafire.com/file/016ysnkhenaxkud/sv uncensor 1.4.61.zip

All-in-one Android undub and uncensor:
mediafire.com/file/g3wprejd9foygnr/v1461 Folders a and v.zip

Useful Links: pastebin.com/SZNKYEMi

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1st for Cblood meta


それの音 サルボボ?

54.5% chance

Lecia is cute. CUTE!

>t.sword/rune/forest main

just fucking kill yourself already tier whore

Haven has Tribunal, Themis and a better wincon.

Tell me how to kill healing haven with dirt before T9.

>Blood is fixed
>Dirt gets a wincon
>Dragon gets an egg and a fucking horse

I want to tear her pantyhose more!

Nice rock paper scissor drawing chance, bloodcuck.


>mfw dragon gets A FUCKING HORSE

>what is uriel

How do you calculate that?
Sorry for being dumb.

Dolphins doujin when

>Dirt gets a wincon

Not really

Did Uriel help Rowen fetch his 3PP Gold amulet on time?

that's why you use cards which are good without vengeance as well like maestorm serpent

Lecia is an honorary ninja

>untargetable 12/12 on turn 6
>not a wincon

Actually the one on the right is a Beluga Whale.

Who the fuck cares about bronze trash?

>KMR plays PtP elf
Of course he does

At least Dragon get the cutest waifu this expansion.

post yfw there are no dragon legos

Too slow and understatted assisted suicide unless you're going second?


am i the only who thinks sun guardian would work better with aegis compared to elana? yes i know it doesnt affect aegis

those aare white though

Arisa VA was supposed to play Elf but she picked Bishop for some reason

There are no Dragon legendaries, user, give up.

You discard your sigils for that. And it still dies to all destroy/bane effects. Maybe its decent vs dim shift, but its less useful than pascale vs everything else

>Almost strictly worse Forte

>how you win after he gets removed by Lurching/Necroassassin/Khawy/Balor.

Maybe if you have something else in front of it

and not playing against haven

or shadow

or ramp dragon

>not knowing what waifu means

>can't even make a forest deck to best the winged wolf

just end me

some nip says its her favourite class

she had good taste

i like that succubus-tailed bloodcraft lady

You're vastly overestimating it. It's only good for cucking shitters that only run a couple DoD.
And when you get Taboo/Necroassassin'd you're basically done.

>>Dirt gets a wincon
>dirt plays Titan and discards all his sigils
>Titan gets baned/Themis'd/RNG destroyed
>dirt now has no sigils to play


>Everyone is Nephthys Shadow

>the translated name of the rune lego is "magical big guy"
my sides

I enjoy the dragon is bad meme as long as there's atleast a little bit of effort put in.

>tfw you realize SV is where people from RoB end up when they get sent to the shadow realm

>amused by the fact that humpy dumpty exists in this game, I pick him for T2
>he actually secures me a win against erika spamming tokens

went 4-1 and got just 1 pack and 140 gold - is that a standard reward? there's nothing showing what's in the chest until you finish the run

>He misses lethal

aggro shadow

3-2 is 1 pack 75g
5-0 is 2 pack, 200g

I'm really excited to make a Triangle Attack deck with her, Eyfa and Forte all in the same deck.

>not satan

>or ramp dragon

if only that was the name they'd end up using

New cards?

The problem is that the decks you really need a wincon against tend to have ways of dealing with him. Might be decent against C Sword though.

And he still wins

Craft 3 Lizas.

>missed Roach lethal
>still win
Truly PtP is the thinking man deck

They fixed blood.

>Asassin/fangblade, tribunal/themis, etc
Stats do matter in SV, yes :^) Its not hard removalverse for a reason

ancient forest giant? do ?hey mean ancient forest vial dragon?
it seems it can be freely traded into so dies to bane etc etc


It's a real shame that she is worse than both Forte and Eyfa. She is cuter than both.

5 wins is basically 4 packs? holy shit. guess i gotta become a t2 god now.

it's cool that the game gifts you a few tickets for just making an account and doing the story mode

>producer of the game misses lethal

Inven team streams.

>magical big guy

Well the silver lining here is that no one else can argue their class is the worst now.

Dragon is officially the dumpster class.

Sad that earthrite still won't have a genuinely great legendary.

Lecia as leader when? SFV can fuck off for all I care.

dies to fangblade

fuck i mised banchou eris anyone saved it?

What it do

>even comparing it to Forte

It's actually on average, worse than imp lancer in the control matchup. How fucking sad is that.

No wonder they never nerf Roach

t2 is the only way to get ahead
And you have to beat a constructed deck for that 5th win

With a 8/8 - 20/20 slam on T7, T8 and T9

I'm ready for best girl.
Glad she got 2 cards this xpac.

Activates Vengeance for 4 turns


3 mana

Vengeance is activated while this amulet is on the board

4 turn CD

Aren't arena seeds always random?

>ywn play her event
Give me a Nip phone number right now, Cygames. Give me back my ded gaym

Even fucking intern-kun brings the bantz against Dragon

Arisa has a birthday?

hip hip hooray!

That might be neat in a bats tempo deck. Should be able to do a 9-10 dmg t7

>we keep cucking /gbfg/ out of their waifus

That also means that Bel doesn't murder you anymore
That's nice

too bad it's a wrong craft

>Implying that's something bad.
Now I want rune to get Clarisse.

I know it's fun to laugh at this card, but it actually is an aggressive-minded card that is alright. The reason it loses ward on evolve for its 2 attack effect is most likely for when you evolve it for face if it survives a turn, you can hide it behind a ward. Not amazing because it has to survive that turn but not just pack filler either

hip hip hooray!

Yeah, your 5th game you're tossed in the constructed pool though.

Aina's attack is also based on enemy followers not just your own.

She's better than Pimp Lancer in most situations.

Phew, I can finally play a good Blood deck that's not aggro.

Why do I feel haven will turn into even more removal haven ?

>shadow gets another balor

Not something you can put in Nep though. A pity.

>cutest not hottest
you had one job