Do you eat in your car?

Do you eat in your car?

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wtf I love Wendy now

only on 200 mile or longer road trips

Not in it, I get food, park, pop the trunk and sit in on the ledge of the trunk and bumper to eat.

If Wendy's took this approach they'd rapidly ascend to the top 5 chains in the world by revenue.

At least it's a better forced meme than Andy Sixx taking a dump :/

Wendy's a fuckin' hoe.

This guy gets it

I don't care if you're memeing or not, I'm gonna start doing this.

I'm completely serious, it's pretty comfy too, and my trunk is empty so if I drop anything it's really easy to clean

There sales would increase by neets but i doubt most other people will care.

>true story
I've eating pussy in my car.

Fug I eat Wendys in my car all the fucking time.

I once spilled a can on Starbucks on my lap while driving. That shit got all up in my asscrack.

Seems like a 3rd world thing to do. Like it makes perfect sense but its kinda fuckin weird too.

Meh, whatever, it's pretty comfy with a nice breeze on a sunny day.

I'm and now I'm going to do this while slav squatting in the bumper.

Why the fuck are you eating cats?

No. It's cramped and it tends to get crumbs everywhere. On a long trip, I'm usually eager to get OUT of the car for a while, so not even then. Plus, I'm not a shut-in NEET who doesn't belong among normies. I'm a responsible adult who can behave in public and tolerate people, so I don't have to get drive-through and then sit in the car park idling while playing music and running the AC.

I only ever eat in my car when I'm too hungry to concentrate on driving. I have a bunch of

He's Chinese you racist

He could be Japanese or Korean that isn't the only type of Asian you white supremacist

I do and I need to stop. I work in construction, so my car is the cleanest and comfiest place I can eat. The line is drawn while I'm driving though. Way too sloppy.

the Wendy's shilling is fucking real

fuck off

Hi Will

This is the real Wendy.


Were you dating Chris Farley?

aint no one care about 3d honey

She wasn't that fat but she had the same face

>he doesn't k ow about the 4 for 4 deal

Make Wendy's 2D again

i didn't know. looks like i'm rolling my fat ass to Wendy's .

damn looks like that nigga just walked outta auschewitz but she be the one that stole them rations

>drive to restaurant
>eat in the car
why do americans do this?


Got places to be, dude. Time is valuable when you have a job.

no i take the food and bring it to the lunchroom. because i am NOT eating vending machine food

not driving to a comfy spot and eat in your comfy car while listening to chill music

people try to pretend theyre too important to waste time

its literally what most American adults entire life is


its sad these people never live

>sitting inside McDonald's to eat is really living

I don't know about gooks but 7 years in Japan and I never saw cat being eaten.
I know they have dog in Korea though.

fast food is for plebs anyway

and those losers act like that over everything

>He eats in his car


Did you really delete your post because of capitalization?

Ok so ignoring the Wendys shills.

I'm stuck between the fiesta St or focus which is the better pick?

Why would I eat inside a grimy restaurant when I can eat in the comfort of a car?

Civic hatch with a 1.5l and 6 speed

This. Find me a restaurant with seats that message you

No, and if I am transporting food I try to keep the windows open and/or leave it in a bag. It's about the smell as much as it is spilling.

Just wait until you get home or eat it there.

Let's all just go to the civic hatch store and get civics.

They don't fuckin make them anymore and I wish they did and no I'm not getting a "I KNOW WHAT I GOT NO LOWBALLS"

I'm actually trying to pick a car I'm going to own for a while.

>They don't fuckin make them anymore
Yes they do? And they all come with the new 1.5L turbo engines standard for not much more

I was about to say don't even mention this one. I honestly don't like the look but also the fact that visibility is like you're driving a shitty camero


Fast food = Parked in the lot
Gas station pizza/donut = driving

Try driving one before you knock it
>great visibility
>nicer interior than its competitors
>only 2800 lbs
>slick shifter
>tons of features standard
>underrated engine that can be tuned easily

Literally the only issue I had with it was the stupid fucking captive volume controls, but I supposed you can always use the volume wheel on your steering wheel instead

I did with my buddy he has it but auto. Maybe it's been awhile. And well ok aside what you said why is the FiST or the FoST not as good?

Doesn't it come standard with the shitty touchscreen radios? Fuckin hate that shit

And its only in 2017? I don't want a brand new off the lot

Well they're heavier for starters, and the interiors are pretty fucking lame compared to the Civic. The hatch is also massive on the inside, like a god damn TARDIS

The radio is touchscreen, but honestly I'd just use Android Auto or Apple Carplay and control it with steering wheel buttons

You're looking for a daily driver that will last you a long time right? I firmly believe the new Civic will do a much better job at being exactly that even if you ignore how it's always faster than the old Si before a Hondata flash

No, typo, look harder.

Wow my mind actually filtered that out

I can see why you had to add "true story" but I would say that to if I ate Chinese food in my car that shit gets messy

Are you a manlet?
If yes, Fiesta.
If no, Focus.

Americans are not the only ones that do that I mean look at this man he was late to work to teach people how drive as a result he had to not only eat but he had to drive like a mad man too.

What a slut.

my car is the most comfy place to eat is why

After using cars for work and eating in them on the road I've seen what that does and now I won't eat in any car I want to stay nice.

Fuck you

>Do you eat in your car?
Nope, too many homeless, fake homeless, and pandhandlers would come up to me. They are almost everywhere now. It's better to eat inside the shop and I'm going to go inside the shop anyways to wash my hands before and after eating.

I don't even allow water inside my car.

>Find me a restaurant with seats that message you
Bruh! If your seats are actively sending you messages then you need to lay off the drugs.

No; I like my interior clean, and not eating in the car is a good way to keep it like that.

How do you keep the engine from overheating?

Glycol coolant in a 60/40 mix with human urine.

But human urine is mostly water


>driving with friend on highway
>"man, I'm thirsty! we should get something to drink at the mac drive-in"
>I agree and proceed towards the mcdonalds
>pull over at intercom
>he starts ordering all sort of food, burgers, fries, chicken, two milkshakes
>"do you want something bro?"
>I pause for a moment and realize this nigga is gonna eat in my car
>I pull away at high speed
>turn on eurobeat on high volume
>friend in shock as I pull back onto the highway with 90 mph

nigga, you aint gonna eat that shit in my car

That is deceptive of him. You can simply say at the intercom, "CANCEL everything but two milkshakes." The intercom is at the driver's side window so you have precedence for speaking into it.

I drive an imported JDM (silvia s13), so I'm sitting on the wrong side

top kek


Bought a new car and didn't for about 2 months. Then things became casual and now I eat in my car all the time. But I'm VERY careful to never leave crumbs around.

Thats why checkers is GOAT, left and right side drive through.

>Do you eat in your car?
No. there is never occasion for it. I prefer sitting at a real table where I can spread out with the food and seasonings and drink anyways. And I like to wash hands before I eat, so that means I am inside the restaurant already.

Stop fucking shilling



>there is moral and ethical capitalism

this is why liberals will go to gulag too

You're fucking stupid if you think people dont already know that.
You're not being clever or insightful. We know it's an advertisement. We dont fucking care. It's funny as shit.
Fuck off to reddit with the rest of the pseudo-intellectual numbnutted circlejerk.


Former MB Technician here, these seats are legit as fuck

used to jump into the back of an S500 at lunch and fall asleep on these bad boys its like having the cum sucked right outta you


when will MB have cum extractors with hologram waifus in their seats anyway?


no, unless it's something not messy like an apple
>inb4 let's make this guy eat an apple to make him look like even more of an asshole

>0.25c has been deposited into your account

yeah 3d is pig disgusting, what else is new?

WElcome to the big time

>Do you eat in your car?
Although I eat out often, especially for lunch, it is faster to eat inside the fast food place than in the car. It is also very definitely more convenient to eat at a table than in the car. It is also less stressful to eat at the restaurant than at the car since I don't worry about any crumbs or juices or even dropping something.

Is eating outdoors in the parking lot worth it? No, there are too many panhandlers and they would ruin any outdoors meal.

I actually drove one of these, they're alright but i definitely wouldn't get one over an ST, not really that fast and they're quite large (about the same size as an impreza hatch), FiST is a better compact DD

Somehow you managed to be even more predictable than those advertisements.

fuck off shill