Gimp arm edition
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Mid-Season Reinforcements deploy on March 15th.
Friendly Mission Successful:
/r6g/ - Rainbow Six General
1st for Spetsnaz on the RIIIIIISEE
>Siege right now
1st for Glaz is just blatantly OP now
They understand barricades slow down attackers, but at that level they don't understand they're obstructing the paths of their team's roamers and blocking their own sight lines.
reminder to turn on friendly silhouettes
>1st for Glaz is just blatantly OP now
>Not even 1st
Objectively wrong opinion, also invalidated by you being a cuck
>The Commonwealth Day challenge will be available starting on Tuesday, March 7th at 8:00am EST, and will be removed from the Ubisoft Club app on Tuesday, March 14th at 8:00am EDT.
so, why is it still up, then?
also, th for assblasted peekers trying to make glaz shit again
t. peeking retard
t.peeked one too many times by jäger
>so, why is it still up, then?
Were you not here last week? They're rerunning the Commenwealth challenges this week because they weren't working correctly for a few days.
Post trick shots
kys urself and stay dead
i see these threads in the morning, and by the time i come back, there's 500+ posts to look through
this is some pretty shit bait, mate.
>If I call them copper I dont have to present a counterargument
>Glaz's scope now just outlines peeking retards and that's somehow OP
>I will just disregard the lack of his utility and bitch about it on rebbit.
>If anyone disagrees with me I'll call them a copper! that'll show them!
/r6g/ caring about ranked was a mistake
Master chief do you mind telling me why you're posting on this site
/r6g/ was a mistake
Gonna need this with Glaz and Jaeger.
i just an entire /r6g/ help guys
/r6g/ is a big, fat, mess
I know this is a reference to something and it's on the tip of my tounge but i can't fucking figure out what it is..
Not specifically. It's just a very old marksmanship demonstration, as old as exhibition shooting itself. I remember reading about a guy that would drop a quarter, draw his revolver, and shoot a hole in it before it hit the ground.
>Claymore Lasers go through the small vents meant for drones
The fact that the explosion goes through to makes for a lot of fun. There are some tasty spots where you can fuck over roamers using that trick.
One of my teammates jut killed another in the beginning of the round because Hungary occupied his country in 1878
>play Bandit as an absolute madman
>just running everywhere and peeking doorways and other stupid shit
>get at least 2-3 kills a round doing this
I don't understand.
Fucking why is Glaz able to see through smokes too
It makes him OP as fuck, you can just spam smokes at the obj room and kill everyone
I know that feel so well, brother
>Pick Rook on plane
>Set down armor and run to cockpit
>Wait for attackers to breach, they don't even bother checking upstairs
>Mow down 3 of them as they pass right in front of me
It's the funniest shit
You should take cover and not peek the glaz. This is how you dont get shot. Only scrubs will complain about the glaz buff because anyone high ranked plays glaz as if they have thermal vision anyway.
Hey, he needed something. At least now the entire Spetznas aren't bottom tier characters.
Kapkan i still my main man, though.
>at least a certain small percent of a person's body must be in Glaz's visible line of sight before they start to glow, to prevent getting killed because your toe was sticking out
Would this be fair?
>playing in oregon
>playing frost
>final thunk ends the game
Apparently, Glaz's hipfire is already bugged
Are there any fixed days for beginner rounds in TS?
>yfw yandere caveira is after you
If I see a turk in my games I remove him too.
My anscestors blood tells me to do so.
don't play with TS
Swim with the river or drown
Veeky Forums circlejerks are never fun
TS mostly plays casual so any time you want to play is fine for anyone.
I fail to see the -dere part in all of this.
>implying they ever were
>implying Fuze and Kapkan aren't the best oper8tors
Wouldn't want to bother anybody who doesn't want to play with a level 15 guy who's obviously going to suck.
Frost's kids would be cute to be honest family.
>when you ping a bandit as Jackal and he's downstais
>see that he's pinging towards a far set of stairs
>wait nearby
>ez kill as he darts up the stails
Jackal is so edgy with his lines for tracker kills too, I love it.
join me, im alone currently
Some game I played where she only went after me and me only
I know the dad would be scared to take them to school and be very overprotective
It's decent, you'll find games fast sometimes and sometimes you're waiting for 15 minutes. My favorite part is when I've been waiting for 10+ minutes and someone from my last game joins my team. But like the other user said, you'll always find games, it might take a bit though.
I don't understand why hibana shouldn't be able to deal with it or ash.
tumblr is down the street
What did the newfag mean by this?
>put nitro on doorway
>detonated when fuze walks through
>didnt even phase him and kills me
Guess im a deployable shield user now
Guys update me on the latest meta pls
am i late to the twitch discussion
>no webm
supressors, laser and a nice futuristic looking skin.
What about those?
Holy shit. They completely broke matchmaking. It's been almost 20 fucking minutes and this group of randoms and I have still been fucking waiting. UBISHIT REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Should I not shock trap until after round starts for certain walls?
*blocks your path*
broken op
Since the patch before this my game has been freezing for between 1 and 3 second all the time. Has anyone else experienced this stuttering?
Best shield operator
flank and c4. /r6g/'s trademark tactic for any overpowered operator.
>spam smokes on obj
>get in
>die to kapkan/ frost trap/ electrified barbed wire/ c4
he'll block your path, and anyway he succeeds at hunting down roamers, who'll underestimate him.
>get someone to come help you
easier said than done considering how fast engagements happen in the game
not everyone has c4 and he's practically immune to explosives.
I was being sarcastic by the way.
>planting charge
>get shot out of nowhere
>watching killcam
>my breaching charge clipped through the wall so he could see i was there
thx jewbisoft
isnt it supposed to be an old soviet dog- tag?
I have been tomfooled
And all my temperatures are good.
Headgear previews look much better tbⱨ
>A thermal sight makes forget about everything else
You must be diamond dude, show me how you do it!
Quick, claim your favorite op before someone else does, whether it be their actual gameplay, their design, their background, etc
Bandito is my favorite
I think Glaz needs a counter
It's titled "Sniper Coin" and there's curved text along the outer edge, like most coins.
If you're low level and want to join fellow shitters for casuals/TH hit up the GEO channel.
How much you want to bet that this Glaz buff was introducted because one of the Hong Kong defenders is going to be a defense sniper and counter his thermal scope to get people to spend money on a new op
>when the defenders team kill each other before the round has started
Shouldn't that pic be Mira and Twitch?
>defense sniper
tying my noose right now
EMP's blow shit I don't wanna run into up and his guns are fun as hell. Overall a decent character.
No, there are no fixed days.
I'm not a newbie but last weekend I felt like starting something for newfriends, so I advertised on the thread about getting together for t-hunt and some chill casual with low level people on the TS. It was successful and pretty fun.
If other people that already have some more played time under their belt like me want to start advertising one of those, or newbies want to form up squads on their own whenever, that'd be really cool.
Just get on the TS whenever and say you're new, and advertise on the thread that you're looking for more new people on X squad, and you're golden.
I'd totally be down for sort of organizing some weekend hours dedicated for newbies or helping newbies though, if there was enough interest. That'd be pretty sweet
Is this a PC only problem? Because on PS4 it never takes more than a minute on casual, if I see the timer going past the minute mark I just leave and rejoin and it solves the problem.
The most I've been waiting was like 5 minutes in a ranked match because a guy in the other team left and apparently the game is broken as fuck when someone leaves after the two teams have been chosen.
Can the big boys join too user?
What's your fav gun? He has Sledge's gun (forget its' name) but also a unique one only for him.
Which one should I roll with? I always pick the same Sledge has because it just seems to me to have the better stats.
Has anyone seen what happens when glaz walks over a mute jammer? I wonder if he gets a blurry scope like jackal and his gadget.