Fighting Games General /fgg/
Other urls found in this thread:
dawn of the first day
45 days remaining
>early march
>end of april
>nerf rashid and juri
>no balrog nerf
>no laura nerf
>no necalli nerf
what did combofiend mean by this
>play guilty gear
>no button dashes
Play Kan Ra's game
inb4 deleted
Necalli top 5
Laura top 10
yay or nay?
yay fighting game news
>sfv balance update
>new xrdr2 loketest starting tommorow
>yamazaki in kof 14
>marie rose and honkers set to ruin senran kagura
>no one cares about tekken/ki
So is Vega in the game now?
Man he looks dope
although the moves are exagerated
>gets no oki off any command grabs
>slow as fuck walk speed
>normals are either slow as fuck or stubby
>situational anti-airs
the only time he is good is the exact moment when you block his +3 lariat but if you get into the situation where you have to block that then you deserve to guess
your victories will be much more rewarding
Why does Dead or Alive get to have the biggest numbers? It's not fair, Capbros!
>no laura nerf
she did get nerfed
>no balrog nerf
just block and react
>no necalli nerf
Necalli is honest
Probably not. The stuff he got was nice, but I don't see it being a game changer.
Looks like SNK went with his CvS 2 design
>Those snake arms.
kek. New main.
Happy early March /fgg/
>they didn't revert Mika's cr.hp to s1
seriously combofiend? Did you not see that fuudo and Du used that button about 4 times in the entire tournament after you made it obsolete?
Honestly stupid to be desu
He looks smaller.
>urien mains absolutely btfo
i love it
Anyone here getting Chaos Code on steam later?
*78 days
No idea what scam you would be counting towards.
Are there going to be new patchnotes with the Rev2 loke test?
Looking for my boy Pot to get meaningful buffs.
>no one cares about tekken/ki
umm rude my dude. Tekken Talk that should have all the new characters up to Eddy is soon (this week?), and KI has nu-Hisako
As much as I like the Vega buffs, I feel like there is a big problem from their part in misunderstanding what Vega's Claw stance truly needs.
>Vega is an interesting character in that he has two distinctive styles. What we noticed, however, was that due to the damage output that's possible with the non-claw version, players had less incentive to use his claw form.
>With the adjustments made to Vega's claw form, Vega players can now alternate between the two styles and develop different strategies for both, while not having to worry about a substantial damage differential between the two.
They think that giving moves just better frame-data will push people to use them more, but frame-data hasn't really been Vega's Claw stance issues. The main issue of his Claw stance still is the rather stubby hitboxes of its normals. It's weird that a stance that is supposed to be about keeping the opponent away with longer reaching normals (compared to his non-Claw version) doesn't give him that advantage.
It seems like they don't really understand what's going on with the character, and don't have a clue about what to do with his Claw stance.
tfw too dumb to keep pressure up through pushblocks
Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
>a retard that likes doa, senran and sfv talks ahit about actual fun fighting games
you think they just released these patch notes to see how the community reacted?
i can see some of this shit being changed with enough whining.
alex and vega mains will literally never stop whining unless their char is s2 urien/rog tier
Probably. Hoping for decent Jam buffs but that's just a dream.
>All the footage will be of Fat Sword Tits and nothing on the classy ninja.
The change to 2HP might open up some big damage but it sounds like he is still meh
>kof14 will never not look like ass
>doomed to forever sell like shit because userbase cut for sony
>doomed to be forever not played by anyone because no chinese pc
Truely a fate worse than death.
Don't get me wrong. I'm really happy about the changes and I hope they'll turn the character for the best.
However, I feel like giving him absurdly positive frame-data on many of his Claw normals isn't a really well thought-out buff. It's just really dumb and I can see people fighting against him complaining about it. This is why I'm saying it's good but not something he really needed.
I just want to see the new moves like ky's, bedman or fausts new items desu
>tfw too dumb to know how to push block
>>With the adjustments made to Vega's claw form, Vega players can now alternate between the two styles and develop different strategies for both, while not having to worry about a substantial damage differential between the two.
The fuck? Balrog was always about keeping your claw for the best damage and reach. Why change that to a ghetto Gen?
Does Laura's LP Bolt active frame nerf by 1f mean it will be harder to get meaty elbows? It's already pretty tight to get it plus.
theres been pictures of all of them
SFV is known for stubby normal's at this point but I don't know why they insist on making Claw stance stubby too. It's the opposite of what it's suppose to be.
But that being said I'm happy he got buffs at all.
press 2 buttons while blocking
>Implying SNK's Chinese overlords wont just force them to make one
Right now, Laura can time a meaty elbow to be +1.
And that move has very little push back.
In addition to that, he command grab in v-trigger and any ex command grab left her with exactly enough advantage to land a +1 meaty elbow.
Now, her pressure just ENDS when she lands a command grab.
It's gonna be a lot harder for her to instantly run away with a round in S2.1
It used to be a fucking automeaty after vt cmd throw and ex cmd throw, how was that hard? And yes, you don't get to be +1 anymore.
>fake hype for KI
>fake hype for king of ps2
just, lol.
just give me the pc release already all buy any DLC
>Fake hype for anything Capcom
just, lol.
Here's your (you), spend it wisely
now everything looks fucked
>after vt cmd throw and ex cmd throw
So? That still means you have to manually time it for about 80% of the time. And this nerf is MASSIVE.
why did they make the recovery on urien's ex headbutt longer?
What a weird nurf
90% sure it's Vanessa.
Fits also right into the team of "characters I really really like but never played beyond 10 minutes"
>rear character in incredibly hunched over pose
you don't have to deal with jump back OS though.
>Sorry about nerfing FANG's normals, they're back to S1 now
>What, you wanted more buffs? Sorry, they're going to Cammy and Gief again
Fucking Combofiend why do you hate FANG so much?
capcom is nrs now huh
Last character is clearly either vanessa or ash.
Yo someone link the current evo numbers.
When we follow the development of past years then we should be at 4000 signups by now for sfv alone.
You can literally mash it out and it was dumb as fuck. It's a decent nerf, she didn't need that.
FANG is SFV's Dan. You dumb or what.
For those who don't know
Tekken 7 collector edition is 59$ at Walmart (It's 149$ everywhere else)
you know any time they buff that char in any significant way they have to consider what fab can do with it
This is my main complaint with SFV vega aswell. They had some cool new ideas but in execution they kinda ruined the character. He is not really a poking character anymore like he has always been but rather some speedy rushdown character.
I don't think these changes warrants the use of clawed stance, his neutral is still the same in it and barehanded still has better rushdown tools.
whiffed ex head butts could be hard to react to and punish if you weren't ready for them. this makes it just as easy to punish as ex dps on whiff.
It's really weird that they seem to focus so much around stuff like frame-data yet leave stuff like hitboxes the same as before.
>no ggpo
>no goty edition for cheap
>horrible optimised on both console and pc
>unfun gameplay
>lack of modes
One of those characters is a manlet.
its zero effort
Fang is in a good spot now s2 stuff + s1 frame data was all he needed. No jbos is also good for him, you had to trip guard with sweep to punish. If he gets to keep meaty jab combos he's great if he doesn't he's still good.
I got all the buffs I wanted.
tfw too intelligent to be good at fighting games
Sounds like a lie. Did you mean Deluxe Edition?
Let them have their minute user
>The addition of Cammy’s airthrow was made as we felt her move set was not quite complete. With the changes to her Canon Spike an addition of an airthrow, she should now feel a bit more robust.
t. Combo "Yun has trouble getting in" fiend
>see pro's like Wolfkrone and Idom fail to get meaty elbows 100% of the time
>mash it out
Does not compute.
lmao giving gief a counter/command grab against horizontal kicks is scrub shit
have these moves to keep him out
he didn't need that
He was promoted as being the Sagat analogue of Street Fighter V
lip syncher's episode is on the power rangers stream
this is fgg related because lip syncher is top tier in power rangers the fighting game
it was the one with the statue and shit
yeah but i bet you it'll put him in ch state like all counters and you can just sweep his shit on reaction
then you'll try to jump in and i'm gonna one hit stun you with my new headbutt
Is Mika viable in season 2.5? They didn't give her anything just because Du and Fuudo play her.
I thought that slime dude was
No, I mean Collector Edition
She already is.
probably some others i missed too
gief is like top 8 in the game he does not need any buffs
ivan ooze doesnt count but yeah he's the toppest tier character of any fighting game
Huh would you look at that. Guess they can save money bot including the seasonspass in NA.
they didn't give her anything cause shes still a nut in the corner
if anything they should have made nadeshiko 3 bars
He is Dan, that one extremely shitty dumb ass looking character every fighting game has. You know for people who want to play super low tier and troll people or when you feel like someone doesnt earn you respect so you pick FANG and beat them. He IS Dan, he even copied his faggy look. How is this not obvious? FANG isnt meant to be good.
Fuck, I already paid off my collector's edition at gamestop. But I'll buy this one just to have one sealed.
Dan was actually pretty solid in SFIV.