League of Legends General - /lolg/



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Xth for Katarina
best girl

fluffy tails

Mages were a mistake

xth for Syndra

>Poppy still exists

I wanna cuddle Jinx

I really really wish I was Nami!

I just lost my promos and the game after.
Should I keep playing and whatever happens or stop my losses and play again tomorrow?


>37 images early
>could just tell it was coming any second
lol, i love how the jannies just do nothing about it, too.

I wouldn't have the motivation to continue plus i think it'd be smarter to give it a rest for the day

>stone born pact on nuatilus

Neat just in time for a new thread. Not sure if that user is here right now but I finished that Sona butt picture. Sorry it took a few days there was busy as hell. Seemed wrong though to have a Sona pic without any focus on her chest so I hope you're fine with the compromise. Already started that Pharaoh Nid one but open to suggestions for after that.


Maybe some Yordle ones since haven't really tried them yet.

Is Fizz even playable right now? He was 110% cancer up until the assassin update and I pretty much haven't seen him since.

you forgot the text, I hope youre alright


Every time I go on tilt I want to play more to make up for it but end up losing more and eventually even being demoted.
Fucking cicle of death ;(

>"dude Ap itemization is bad, like really bad"
>buys morellos, which gives him 20% cdr early game (fucking kek), 400 mana and +100Ap(not even only 80 but 100 lmao), it even restores your mana when you level up since the lost champer, gives wounds (ayy) and the best part: its even less than 3000g. For fucking early game.

>its not busted I swear, u adc main just salty lol
>its not like if you play a traditional adc you have to buy the least cost efficient items with bad pathing. (except lethality champions, but fuck those are cancer.)

I don't even play adc but fuck you buddy.

got a small nerf to his ult so now you have to aim it within ~340 degrees of your target instead of 360

he's decent but mostly as a counterpick

also babs, what did Graves mean by this?

He just got some changes that are pretty nice even if it nerfed his ult a bit. Honestly i'm pretty sure soon we'll be seeing the absolute AIDS known as top tank Fizz come back.

>morellonomicon is a problem
wow.. dont really care what role you are, cause you're obviously retarded beyond helping.

>trying to reason with mageniggers

That's the trap. I had a friend that went from Bronze 2 to nearly bronze 4. There's so much of a low chance you'll get that 1 lp back its better to come back when you got a clearer head.

He was in a bit of a weak spot since his rework but just recently received buffs so he's pretty good but still underplayed rn

I wish theyd go back to multiple starting items and versions of morellos.
I liked having the choice between athenes and morello

traps are gay

Lulu is the purest! THE PUREST!

As a mid laner, not really. You can play him into Talon or Yasuo or whatever, but Ziggs and Lux still absolutely dumpster him pre-6. He's better as a top because his strengths are more in long skirmishes where you can bleed someone out before bursting them to death.
Lich Bane > Hourglass > Dead Man's > Protobelt > MR Item(Abyssal, Banshee's, etc.)

Lich bane is literally all the damage he needs. Land his ult at long range and then run around in fights being a fucking nuisance, press w whenever your bleed fills up for 500+ damage.

I don't give enough shit for text anymore

The item is pretty dumb. Its very cheap, gives 100AP, offers a lot of early CDR, adds the burn so it deals with champs who have a lot of sustain and its gives a lot of mana with an easy build path. Athenes got reworked a few seasons ago because every mid laner would rush the item and abuse how cheap and effective it was. I'm surprised Morello hasn't been looked at.

Good lord, ADbabbies are so fucking insufferable.
>literally everything in the game caters to them, already
>think the world revolves around them
>think they have any right to speak down to others
Yeah, off yourselves. You are the worst role.

>demacian capital
>poppy giving trist a tour
>trist just wonders off
>pic related

I wanna get lost in Lulu's eyes.
then ask her for a map

then explain this

>tfw power goes out last night during game
>get mad and go to the bar to drink
>power ends up taking 5 hours to come back on
>get home after drinking heavily for hours
>decide to yolo it and play anyway
>lost 4 games in a row before passing out
>wake up at 3pm today with a godawful hangover
mistakes were made

Well, that's just like your opinion.

>This 250 shield will surely save me from the 4 digit Karthus ult!

I love being a Karthus main in this season where nobody knows what a Karthus is.

felis is a normie trap

why are tier 3 runes so expensive REEEE

literally nothing to see/explain

I've actually built a zhonya on an adc before because of karthus


But that's the thing. It wasn't really a choice. You always went between what was the more efficient of the two unless you were an extremely man's hungry champ like Ori or Kassadin.

I'd rather they do what they did than have that illusion of choice

Hey, Have you read that Syndra fanfic where she toys with her slave?

>Working really hard to not be toxic since it's cost me two accounts
>Get drunk every night
>Figure it's a good idea to play some league
>My toxicity steps up the drunker I am
>Finally go to bed
>Wake up and wonder how I didn't get a chat restriction or banned

It's to the point where I don't even have the client open when I'm drunk.

Do you have the necessary aesthetics?

wasnt it situational on some champs, like against AP you could go athenes. Either, they could add a new version that makes choices an option.

But yeah historically theres usually one optimal build and everything else is just worse.
Ex.crit vs arpen with ADCs

Why would I want to read any of that crap?

>extremely man hungry
What sluts.

Who /playwithballs/ here?

because its hot
and Syndra is a great dom

Uhm of course!

right here, nig.
feels good to be in the ball foldling trio.

Woops, was late in the last thread I hope user didn't miss it.

Here's how to make the lane push towards you from level 1. Notice how the lane is not meeting in the middle but slightly near their side?

The lane will push harder if you aggro the casters instead of just the melee, but you will take significantly more damage. Do note that good players will try to prevent you from doing this, because you can farm in bad matchups by doing this. You cannot fight them at level 1 against their minions, so you have to be really sneaky and get to lane first if you try this. It allows you to farm very safely near your tower and the enemy jungle can't gank you.

Because the minion wave is more towards your opponent's tower then their minion wave gets to the fighting before yours. It has to walk less distance! And so they will very slowly push towards you if you just last hit or match your opponent's attacks on minions.

It doesn't matter what role you play you have to be insane to think that AP items aren't vastly superior to AD items in terms of cost effectiveness and utility.

This is great. Really great. What a wonderful compromise it is. Do you have a tumblr or something I can follow you on? I really enjoy your art style and would love to see more, especially if you have more content with tits that great

>Be in lobby
>Enemy picks mundo
>Get flashback from s3 where mundo and shyvana are slapping each other for three minutes without one being able to kill the other, while their teams can only helplessly watch
Jesus christ

when you find the right ball you only need one

>tfw Syndra, Ahri, Orianna main

It's just so fun. :^)

No she isn't, it's just you fapping to fanfictions.

>play k6 for the first time in 2 years
>i've spent the time playing meme jungle assassins for some reason

Then why don't you just play AP champs, and stop bitching? Oh, right. Cause you're wrong, and you know it.

>Syndra main that doesn't jerk off to her.

Pretty rare.

I love Lissandra!
kill yourself

oh yeah and I forgot the best part, the said ADC item which is super expensive is total dogshit by its own and needs another attack speed item to be effective.
You are useless as a sack of shit and have to shill out 6000G for items with bad pathing, while they get a 2900G one and have huge presence. Ayy fucking lmao.

You think I can't top even this? Guess what? Optimal Bloodthirster 3700 fucking G, and you can be forced to buy scimitiar too, which has dogshit stats for 3600G, and Qss by itself gives no dmg at all.

Get the fuck out of here magecucks, you deserve to be raped by a current lethality abuser. I hope every one of you will have at least 3 Jayce mid. Every day.

Where did I say that? I just said that you are fapping to a fanfiction. And I'm not just a Syndra main fyi

But I also play Liss sometimes. :^(

no its not
It's Syndra domming her slave in a lewd way
Since she loves dick
>And I'm not just a Syndra main fyi
so you're a cuck, we get it

There's a reason for this! Auto attacks are on a way lower cooldown than most abilities. If AD items were as good as AP items then nobody would even build AP items on AP champions and the game would be about whoever has the best steroids to buff their auto attacks.

>it's not a fanfiction
>I'm a cuck

Y-you'll see, we'll have 40 seconds cooldown on zhonyas, fuck you adbab reeeeee

I thought they made it so you cant block first wave of minions

Kill yourself, lethality abusing adfaggot. You are in the best spot in the game right now, and all you can do is bitch. The fact you ignore Jayce mid every fucking game to further your point says a lot. Just fucking end your life.

You cannot block the first minion wave UNTIL it passes the tier 1. ;) You can actually block minion waves just as they pass your tower. Heh, it's a very tiny influence now but it can create a huge advantage in middle lane if you block your minions well enough.

I'm not that user
but for real, if you don't play your waifu you are a cuck.
Why do you think Katarina loves Garen and not ImThem?

I do you jackass which is why I can see the clear difference in power the items have Morellos is a 2900 gold item that gives you 20% CDR AND 100AP.

No single AD item gives that much in raw stats for the price.

Oops wasnt actually paying attention ignore this I pull the melee minions to the casters

Also, this is not minion blocking this is taking minion aggro and then dropping it with the bush. But my point still stands and you can block your own first minion wave after it passes your tier 1 tower.

>I don't play my waifu
I never said that either.

>not playing your waifu/husbando often
That's just pitiful.

>Have Mudno on my team
>Sunfire, Tabi, and Visage are complete 15 minutes in
>Now unkillable
>Enemy ADC too poor to afford Executioner's

I haven't seen people get run down by a psychotic California Raisin in a while, but hot damn...

>All these AD babies trying to pretend they're victims
>After Varus/Jihn lethality, and Jayce/Graves/Quinn
It just has to be bait at this point. Cease all discussion with ADbabs, it's not worth wasting the time.

i want to look EXACTLY like janna!

Well then I wish you were Nami so I could cuddle you

>And I'm not just a Syndra main fyi
>I don't play my waifu
>I never said that either


>channels edge of night
heh... nothin personnel kid...

mundo will be always unkillable killing machine. For some reason he is unpopular. And thanks god too.

I meant that I'm a Syndrafag and not just a Syndra main user

Hey guy who was gonna translate this last night, are you there?

>top lane
>get counterpicked so its a bad lane matchup for me
>manage to freeze lane so i at least wont fall behind on cs
>tell my jungler to not come top to just gank mid and bot instead
>jungler comes top and sits in the fucking bush soaking up exp
>jumps out
>opponent just walks back to his tower because jungler idea of surprising enemy top laner was walking out of brush and just auto attacking him
>spam pings me and says i fucked up the gank by not going in despite the fact that ive spent the entire time telling him to back off that i dont need him ganking
>he starts burning cds on the minions and pushes the wave to enemy tower claiming he needs to tax me for "wasting" his time
>he fucking missed most of the cs while doing this
>"gg have fun trying to win your lane shit top i aint ganking for you anymore"
>have to deal with enemy laner now getting the lane frozen in a position thats favorable to him and get shoved out of lane because enemy jungle keeps making appearances top forcing me to back


there is absolutely no justification for IE, scimitar and BT being so extremely not cost effective at all.

No matter how I look at them the +70 and +65 AD are pure shit. Also the cloak is terrible and Bf sword needs that +10 AD.

I hope every fucking day you log in you get at least a Talon who will always John Madden over his keyboard and you'll be 0/5 before 8 mins, ad he spams his mastery emote every time.

>fucking furious that I can't climb out of gold in clown queue
>get in lobby
>start shittalking everyone
>ban hovered zed
>pick mundo support
>get S and chest
Uhhh lolbabs??


You are an absolute fucking child

p-please do!

cmon dude I'm just having fun.
but I'm still right

theres plenty of translated versions on google

>who put all these ad mids here?

you can blame all the buffs to ad casters, Yasuo. and Zed for the constant nerfs to AD on items. ever since Zed and especially Yasuo marksmen have just been fucked because he buys all their items and uses them better. Zed abuses the AD items and Yasuo abuses the attack speed and crit items.
