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>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
Azura is shit.
Tharja a best and canon.
Azura a best
Me on the top right
I love Takumi!
I love Azura
Reminder that prima nocta is the birthright of every noble.
Mr Tharja user why do people draw Tharja as some sort of sexual goddess when she is just an introverted socially awkward girl who probably has never seen a live penis in her life, only those in books?
Gaiden has a pretty big cuckquean club
Shit taste
Prima Nocta is a good way to get the shit murdered out of you by a mob of angry peasants.
Me on the left
Because the game says she has the best body in the army and obviously has a lot of sex appeal even if she doesn't act like it. And the way she acts around the MU can make you believe she'd be that way for him in fanart.
She told you it was her risky day.
Are you going to take responsibility?
Me on the left.
Shit taste
Are you autistic?
Leveling up her and Eliwood together was fun but I'm glad it's over since those last two levels are always a pain in the ass.
We can't both be Severa! Unless... Wait. You're Selena who is totally not Severa!?
Meant for
W-what kind of girls is Marth into? Asking for a friend
What the fuck is your problem? Go away.
Is Silver Axe Camilla good?
What would be a good B skill for her?
+Def/-HP Ninian is okay, or would she be torn apart? Also tempted to switch out her light breath for a dark breath.
Also, I think giving Bartre the Hauteclere would be good if it's possible since with a +spd, he's at 32 speed with fury 3, with +2 that's 33 speed. Tempting since mine is +spd/-res
if i have 3 bronze ninos do i have to make them all 5 stars before I merge to get +2 nino?
Wat Tyler ain't got nothing on my army of loyal knights.
Dirty peasants gonna have to learn to respect the feudal authority.
Wing spear users
He likes girls with blue hair that can ride a pegasus.
Catria frankly doesn't deserve Marth.
Compared to the history Marth has with Caeda Catria has no right to even have feelings for him.
Hey there qt, what unit color are you?
If dark breath is exclusive to femui like I think it is you might not be able to
>be Catria
>walk into Marth's room
>see him doing this to Caeda
>wat do
I think Severa is underrated. She deserves a lot more love!
Blue haired pegasus knights with names beginning with C and ending in A.
She needs a lot more strength!
Gets killed by +spd Lucina, but other than that you're safe against anything not a green.
Of course if you only need her for dancing and you have another blue you're safe anyway.
I am going to feed Wrys to Priscilla for Slow, and either Azama for Threaten Atk and Lissa for Kindred Fire, or Serra for Hone Atk and Clarine for Swift Winds
Ultra-healer, Go.
also flying healers when
Petrine in GHB when
Tate sure looks weird in this picture
Est > Palla >>> Cucktria
Faye is objectively cuter than Celica
A 46 ATK hit followed by a 46ATK Dragon's Gaze should kill most units reliably, right?
>liking subhuman trash
But really, though. She's pretty cool. That, and another to add to the cav meme collection
She looks boring as shit. No wonder she got cucked.
Has no one translated these yet? The new guys name is Berukt or something along those lines, and it says he's the Rigelian emperors nephew.
>anything worse than Est
Est is a monster
Severa is too greedy in her quest for popularity and love and needs to be brought to justice!
bartre can't get hauteclere, also ninian should probably not be picking fights so I think it's between lightning breath and flametongue (is possible) for counterattacking
>they don't have an ending where they lez out while Boyd and Rolf cry in the corner
Fuck whoever forced RD out the door before they could finish it.
This game has a 0% chance of featuring Therja why would you be interested?
Me on the middle left
Go back to my room and masturbate, probably. While crying.
Because I really want to play Gaiden but the super duper out-dated mechanics of it are preventing me from doing so, so a remake is a perfect opportunity to play it, plus it looks fun.
is there a way to record FE:H from my phone?
or do i have to install nox for that shit
C-can I help?
>Hector without counter
Stop being gay or you'll go to Hell.
Me on the far left.
Since she loves children so much, I'd happily provide some for her.
Severa is the gayest FE character ever! Hail to the great Yuri!
iOShit or Android?
What did she mean by this?
Ya can't beat the whitewings, man
Me, middle right.
What if all the female Awakening kiddos were canonically lesbian?
Reminder that attention-whoring is frowned upon and only (You) can help make /feg/ a cleaner and more fun place.
i need some 5 star tome users who should i promote next?
+doubles and obliterates everything
+will get bonus attack from my ninian's fortify defense
-i already have many red 5stars
+much more useful color of blue
+potentially OP with inherited skills?
-shit weapon right now
Reddit is that way
>When you get a shit unit and an amazing unit at same time
Palla doesn't even come close to having a body like that. What shitty art.
Is there a full list of supports/endings that were cut?
Always a shame to see what RD could have been, still a great game but forever the DMC4 of Fire Emblem
>he doesn't like the whitewings
Ursula because meme team
Hard to say.
They're both so sexy. Also take note that you don't probably have many red MAGIC users.
Beggars can't be choosers
I'm sorry sir, but you aren't pointing in any direction.
Unless you mean this thread, in which case you are correct.
Tharja. Unless you also have a 5* Reinhardt and Gunter hanging around.
Not like they have very good options with the boys. Two of them will cuck them, and the other four are a nihilist, coward, autist, and a thug.
But fire emblem continued after RD