/palg/ - Paladins General

NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

>Official pages
Website: paladins.com/
Forums: forums.paladins.com/
Server status: status.hirezstudios.com/

>FAQ, useful links etc.

>Patch notes (OB45 - The Stone Warden)

>Steam Store

>Paladins Wiki

>Tutorials made by Hi-Rez (playlist) - may contain some outdated info

>Champion guides made by Hi-Rez (playlist) - may contain some outdated info


>/palg/ ID List

>Account statistics

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Hipfire Viktor is fun. FUN!

xth for Cardio is OP

I want ask how Fernando's day went!

xth for buff MAEVE


is the drawing with makoa hooking drogoz out of the sky in an erotic manner coming out

splashbrush pls

i begh

Shit tier desu.
I'll give you my tier.
> Shit tier, you're a fag if you play them with no fucking skill: Kinessa, Skye, Shalin, Viktor, Tyra
> You're a skilled player: Grover, Pip, Ying, Mal damba, Grohk, Inara,Fernando,Makoa,Ruckus,Torvald, Drogoz, Evie, Androxus,Buck,Maeve, Cassie.
> Professional player: Bomb King.

The true damage champion are Bomb King/Drogoz/Cassie anyway. Also, i only saw a good Bomb king 1 time in my whole playtime of paladins.

More like learn to play shitters

beautiful just like me

Protip: play this on the background when you pick BUCK!



Serious question- does this game have match making? I just started playing Paladins for the first time today and I've gone through 6 games so far. It looks like a possibly fun game, but it feels like I'm just playing OW's "Player Vs. AI" mode or something. I'm trying to grind gold to unlock a character I want, but these games are all super one sided stomps against the enemy team and I'm kind of wondering when or if the match making system will take me down to pound-town.

It´s a waifu tier list

Better not talk shit about my wife mate, she can kick ur ass.

>I literally can't read the OP pls rape my face I am such a faggot

xth for Gundam Fernando, a hero we need in these dark times.

Don't respond to bait.

From the OP

>NOTE: You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.

>You will be playing against bots in casual queue until you reach account level 5.


paladins-based mecha anime when

Reminder that everyone in this thread is a Hi-rez employee.

torvald Win Rate: 62.37% - 275,414 matches
grohk Win Rate: 59.61% - 104,408 matches
grover Win Rate: 56.26% - 191,829 matches
tyra Win Rate: 54.48% - 19,469 matches
barik Win Rate: 53.31% - 127,256 matches
fernando Win Rate: 52.99% - 4,303 matches
ying Win Rate: 49.87% - 154,904 matches
makoa Win Rate: 49.65% - 190,139 matches
ruckus Win Rate: 49.43% - 235,850 matches
evie Win Rate: 48.86% - 11,841 matches
skye Win Rate: 48.34% - 387,091 matches
viktor Win Rate: 48.31% - 478,223 matches
inara Win Rate: 47.97% - 14,624 matches
buck Win Rate: 47.74% - 87,073 matches
maeve Win Rate: 47.53% - 496,155 matches
drogoz 46.53% - 315,804 matches
pip Win Rate: 46.21% - 294,722 matches
bomb king Win Rate: 45.95% - 226,380 matches
sha lin Win Rate: 44.79% - 277,988 matches
kinessa Win Rate: 44.52% - 12,209 matches
mal'damba Win Rate: 43.44% - 98,339 matches
cassie Win Rate: 42.71% - 222,038 matches
androxus Win Rate: 42.21% - 286,595 matches

win rates taken from paladins.guru using the most popular card build

basically this tier list is for default stock card builds on each paladin. So, good players that made or copied their own builds are not included in this data set. This is basically a noobs only tier list. Also I have no idea why Fernando has 4k matches, guru is weird like that.

paladins.guru link: paladins.guru/tierlists/l/qU

user, if you'll avatarfag atleast pick something good, not a terrible anime drawn by amateurs

That looks like something drawn by a 15 year old anime fan.

Quick rundown on Drybear:
>redditors bow to Drybear
>in contact with Blizzard
>rumored to possess stolen assets
>control f2p shooters with an iron fist
>owns servers all over Russia and Brazil
>direct decendant of Michael Morhaime
>will bankroll the first completely free AAA game (it will be called Project U.R.S.I.N.E.)
>in the process of nerfing tanks as his personal bitches
>owns basically every BR with a credit card
>first designer skin will be Drybear Fernando
>Paladins is said to have 400000+ players
>ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of laggy servers and unprecedented amounts of Russians with them
>This is Drybear
>He owns stakes in the esport scene all over the world
>You likely are playing Paladins right now
>Every player has the crystallized sweat of Drybear granted to them weekly
>Drybear is in regular contact with the Archangels Prettyhair and Raynday, forwarding the patch notes to the masses
>Discovered the secret to balance
>He learned fluent C++ in under a week
>Alyssa allows him full access to her person under her clothes
>Steam entrusts their users' information with him. There's no info in Steam HQ, only Hi-Rez HQ.
>He is 26 years old, from the space time-reference point of the base vidya designer
>In reality, he is a timeless being existing in all points of vidya development from Pong to the end of vidya
>He has been able to access the Blizzard files since birth, and has spoken about designing Paladins while he was a newborn
>Drybear will guide f2p hero shooters into a new age of ragequitting, despair, and sorrow

>Tfw I need to get some crystals quick for the Mechanando skin
>I either start begging for referrers or give my shekels to Jewbear
I'm fucked.

Fuck you i liked Magic kaito 1412, it's the best adaptation of the manga and i found it pretty much beautiful personally!

The old anime was also good (pic related)

>pip Win Rate: 46.21%
>on default card set
Makes sense, custom decks on pip work way better to help the team.

I found EnaBuns in the thread!

Even when you get above level 5 the matchmaking is garbage.

Trick people into thinking they're good at the game so they stick around.

No one reads general OPs

so people retarded enough they can't read the first sentence of a page have a chance to grasp the mechanics before getting stomped

OK you guys were right about Overwatch. I played it today and it just feels so basic and boring compared to Paladins because of the slower speed, lower TTK, and...less impressive abilities.

but I can't play Paladins right now because casual's matchmaking is garbage and keeps forcing me to play with retards. what do?

Make a smurf and stomp some bitches.


So it's true, every single poster in this thread is a Hi-rez employee.

Which one of you is the faggot cameraman that jerks off to Prettyhair?

Why would I fucking assume that an online FPS forces their new players to play against dipshit AIs for the first several games? This is the dumbest shit I've seen in a long time.

The only mechanics I'm grasping is left click kills people.

i made a smurf now but i got it to ~2700 again and it never fixes the issue. i just end up getting paired right up with 2100 elo dumb fucks again.

you gotta help dude


>win rates taken from paladins.guru using the most popular card build
>most popular card build

She's pretty good (and cute).
I like the looks of Mechnando, i think it's great but i would liked some more basic colors (Black and white mech or something?)
Hope they will redesign the skin system so it allows for more recolors control and we can recolors EVERYTHING! :p

Fuck you


Read further into the post user.

>basically this tier list is for default stock card builds on each paladin

Most popular build is the default build..

Stop being a meanie would you.

You hug the Ena, not fug.

>more recolors
Found another HiRez employee.

my bad

You make a smurf again. Don't forget to refer yourself, so you can get some crystals.

But user, everybody in this thread is a Hi-rez employee, even you.

Stop with this meme. Nobody in the videogame industry go to Veeky Forums. We can't have good discussion if you accuse everything to be a shill.
Fuck off, /palg/ is not your safespace faggot.

Actual Hi-Rez employees do hang out here, though. Pixie is pretty awesome for putting up with us.

t. Hi-Rez employee

>sexy chinese tyra will never be a skin for NA players

Why even play?

it looks like shit

> Hyper sexualized bad skin
fuck off horny white male if this skin had to be ported only her faces should be ported not the whole skin
also no facepaint
Impossible. I need proof.

To people who can play headshot Kinessa, Androxus: How the fuck do you do it?

Too slutty for Tyra, she's a pure girl, she probably has no idea what a dick looks like.

>mfw Maeve's name in the Chinese translation is pronounced "Mei foo"
>and Pip's is "peepee"

I want it with facepaint.

What did you think she was hunting for?

What if I told you that we are truly hi-rez employees? Their only true customers are the ones that actually put money in the game, our job is to make the game more entertaining for them, we even have an weekly payment.

>our job is to make the game fun by giving people opponents
>our payment is getting to play the game

>not crystalized Drybear cock tears

Food, for fun, selling skin and fur for money.

>our payment is getting to play the game
Nah dude, you get crystalized Drybear's cum in the game weekly.

She pronounce it "MAIFU" not Mei Foo

You just have to be a lucky motherfucker, you will never get headshots if you will go for it, but after you give up you suddenly get a headshot by shooting Makoa's foot.

wai maifu

>Pip's is "peepee"
Chinese know what Pip mains really want to play with.

Still funny.
But not as funny as Damba's ult line.
It's hilarious.

The ELO from siege/payload/survival are the same?

I have 2500 ELO in siege but i never played payload. So if i play payload i gonna start from 0?

For guru? It starts at 1500.

Where's Barik?

His sentries have skill, you don't.

He's disabled.

He's in the "You're skilled" tier. I forgot about him because i never see him.


I can't really argue with that I suppose.

>both teams holding the point pretty hard
>each time the point is decided by pip ulting both front lines or 3 heroes

At one point it was a solid minute of overtime fighting for the payload. Shit was fun.

No one reports them for aimbots, so they must just have skill.

Best artist these threads have had.

You are a liars. How can your team have more than 20+ kills and 0 death, will they have no more than five kills and 12 death, and they STILL successfully hold the point and a huge overtime? Were they that stupid and not getting anything done by killing the enemy team

Skye is a cute slut!

The fights were pretty much always decided by the ult I'd drop, When you drop a pip ult and kill both front lines with it and that leaves 3 others to be crushed by the team.

it was 3 rounds to capture, everytime they would hold the point until I got my ult up. It was the only reason we kept pushing.

They were a solid team, but pips ult sealed the deal on who was going to win.

The enemy team can be absolute shit at dealing damage and still hold the point for a decent amount of time if they have more frontlines/healing than you

that's how powerful frontlines are

But they didnt killed more than five person at all, EACH ONE OF THEM. You mean that they were in the point JUST DOING DAMAGE AND NOT KILLING ANYONE WHILE YOU KILLED THEM?

2 tanks + ying.

That matches the numbers. The other team has a lot of damage, but few kills.

It's hard to get kills when you have two healers pumping out good numbers.

Look at the stats, they died mostly 12 times. 3 rounds and they died 4 times a round. Most of those were in the last round when we pushed full on and they kept diving in trying to hold the timer.

There is at least one other user making OC here, unless it's the same

Torvald is all I have to unlock, probably have him in the next hour or so.

Honestly nobody cares about the default set winrate, that's what shitters play with.

In an xbone game with "im a NEET"....

Try writing that again but in English.

Didn't mean to quote there.

>balancing your damage and heals

Oh, now it makes sense.

that Kinessa lmao

>pandering to animefags
Just kill me now

You heterosexual or somethin'?