/vn/ - Giant Robot edition

Visual Novel General #1379

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This general is for the discussion of Japanese visual novels.
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Could you not thanks for fucking fixing with the OP, retard?


>2 posts early because you're desperate to fuck up the OP again

kill yourself

Stop fucking with the OP, bastard

Does the game Little Busters have any relation to the Pillows song?

I have literally always been wondering this but been too scared to ask.

he was asking what is the bump limit like 10 times too

kys newfag jop

Should we put the thread archive back in the OP?

Is this an elephant man?

None of your business!


Why is it needed? If anyone cares enough they can search up fireden.

Could you not fuck with the OP? Retard.

Why is anything needed?

Should I actually read Chrono Clock?

Is there a mitcher that ISN'T disabled?

New English releases: feed43.com/2150011075537388.xml

Upcoming English releases: feed43.com/1252026725065483.xml

Blind is better than retarded, though.

Have you got anything better to do?

What do you think, Buster?

>New English releases: feed43.com/2150011075537388.xml
>Upcoming English releases: feed43.com/1252026725065483.xml
Book marked, Thanks.

It's cute and fun and relatively short, no reason not to.

Pirate it though, SP are scumbags and do not deserve your money.

Do it, buster.

>JOPs fucking up everything they do

Cant decide if I should replace Mitcher with either Cro or Misaki. The VN was average at best, but the girls were top notch.

shitposting on /vn/

please do

>not having 2 monitors and doing both at the same time

disgusting taste

But you can blogpost and shitpost at the same time.

Shitposting aside its actually fun, and the girls are too cute in some cases.

The routes are a mixed bag though.

fuck you buddy, post yours.

Embarrassed Azumi is cute! CUTE!

Admit it. You all are going to be reading Maitetsu when it releases even if it's SP.

Sakura no Uta is kamige, how does Scaji, do it?

That they are, and too short BUT I never felt disappointed with any of them except maybe DD whos route was truly shit.

ask /jp/

Azumi is casual clothes is better.

Cro is super adorable A++ but I thought the cat ears were overdoing it.

Depends whether you're willing to read Makoto's shitty route to get to Cro's best girl route.

They will beg like crack whores for an upload too.

nope. 0 interest in Loli and not into trains.


Makoto's route was better than D.D. or Misaki's, at least. Misaki was cuter, though.

I won't be buying it. I might glance at it for the memes though like how Chrono Clock turned out.

>>Makoto's route was better than D.D. or Misaki's, at least. Misaki was cuter, though
surely you jest. Makoto's was the worst by far. DD's wasn't bad excluding the jojo tier asspull at the end.

unironically the best character in majikoi

Honestly sounds pretty boring. I'll most likely pirate it, get bored and then drop it like I did Da Capo III.

stop forcing your shitty meme you fucking fuck. Makoto was adorable cowtits aside.


true dat
i like his and that otaku guy banter with girls


She ruined the whole VN

If I could I would pump and dump her in the most painful and humiliating way possible and when she couldn't move anymore toss her into the street naked for the homeless to enjoy


>Makoto's route was better than Misaki's
Nope, lack of lovey dovey and she basically becomes a different character due to drama and plot watch.

She was one of the better girls in the VN until her route shits all over her. Her route was awful.

Don't forget about Suguru.



They can be.

I want to protect that smile

When will we get VR VNs?

I just CTRL'd through Makoto's route. I have 0 interest in her.

I didn't say her route was good, I just thought those two were really boring. If anything about the second watch situation annoys me it's that it's getting dragged out again in Cro's route and she should damn well know better by now, though I don't know yet if there's a justifying reasons for that since I can't get back to reading for a bit.

Chika a cute


The guys in Majikoi were all pretty good.

my nigga


Koiyuki was the true end

>you will get to fuck virtual reality lolis in vns in your lifetime

>Makoto's H scenes portray her as a huge nympho
one fat old man dick and she's done for. literally NTR slut material

I disagree.

Probably still quite far off sadly

the most hilarious poetry.

Every Maji boy or girl is best

It's likely far closer than other stuff in VR. You can script the entire animation as a big cutscene basically, and just have VR support.

It's only if a company is mad enough to invest in it.

Best character

Of course, they're all the best. The real question is, who has the best hair?

>It's only if a company is mad enough to invest in it.

That's mainly what I meant. VR and VN are still pretty smart markets, no serious high-budget publisher would take the risk of trying to find the overlap in these markets. Just maybe it would work in VR was only optional but we've seen that if a VR game is to be good it should be designed from grounds up with VR in mind.

Easy sex hair

>VR and VN are still pretty smart markets

Benkei, of course.

VR moege will be glorious.

The day I get to cuddle with chocola in 3D space, is the day i can die happy.

shit taste

Y-you too.

I would spaghetti all over in that scenario.

Im reading the text bar below you qt


W-We're all supporting SP's latest Kickstarter campaign, right guys?


fuck you, shes the cutest creature to ever exist.




Nah I read Sound of Drop and it was ass.

Why can't OELVN writers write?

Actually I think OLVN writers could come up with an interesting scenario, perhaps way more so than the JP ones if they were given the time and the funds.


I want to get drunk with her and let her have her way with me.


Thanks for the limp dick, SP.