>Unpicked >barely buffed >early game pushing was nerfed heavily so hes dogshit How do we fix rhasta
Grayson Brown
something about his wards make them usable outside of pushing
Ethan White
I'd say reducing wards cooldown at level 1 by 10 secs would be enough, I honestly think Rhasta is okay. People just have to play him more offensively and use wards not only to push.
Dylan Nguyen
>Level 25 Talent changed from -3s Shadow Strike Cooldown to Removed Shadow Strike Cooldown
Gabriel Gutierrez
is NA dota considered a secret society?
Jayden Harris
Shadow Shaman:
Base armor increased by 1 Base attack range reduced from 500 to 400 Base attack damage increased by 18
Jaxon Gonzalez
where the fuck are you guys seeing this patch shit