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Spessmen on a Spess Station /ss13g/
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Which waifu is the best match for you? For me it's Felicity Rivera - intelligent, nihilistic, and has a wicked sense of humor
baby's day out mode when
>player controlled baby spawns at roundstart
>captain has to secure him
>anywhere from 2-5 undercover syndicate agents cooperate to capture him
>baby can resist out of people's grasp/containers and ventcrawl on cooldown timers
>babu gets randomized objectives as the round goes on (e.g. "go to the laundry room," "pet ian," "light somebody's cock on fire"), completing them enhances baby's abilities and strengthens its plot armor for further mischief
>baby must eat regularly or die (to prevent players from locking it in a room for extended periods)
>four minutes before the emergency shuttle docks all agents are notified via pda uplink that a syndicate shuttle will be arriving at one of several random locations at the same time as the emergency shuttle
>if the baby arrives at centcomm, the crew wins
>if the baby arrives aboard the syndie shuttle, the syndicate wins
>if the baby's left on the station or dies, everyone loses (round continues??)
Obviously they're a guy and so it would never work, but I think Surfer is sweet enough for me to be with.
Do we have any admins that are NOT a faggot, axewound, or girl?
Only two
>a faggot, girl or girl?
the fostinator takes round one!
No. Who else would make a hobby out of babysitting dicks and fuckers?
yinglets when?
Don't axewound and girl mean the same thing or am I missing something?
Which admins are trannies
Reica Carter!
That makes no sense, axewound was always related to vaginas which is what trannies will never have.
Okay, Rina, if you are gonna shitpost, make it less obvious that it is you posting
i want everyone who votes for deff to die
jesus christ the Tomb of Wewuz is fucking hard
we only got into the d20 room, and managed to defeat the water puzzle by pure luck and with the help of jesus
i wanted to come heal you but i couldnt figure out how to go down ladders as a borg
click them
How can we improve PAI?
More different modules to download?
More RAM earned by upgrades over time the PAI can do itself, or upgrades the owner has to make to extend the RAM capacity?
Different modules available and different functionality of certain modules depending on the PAI owner's job? i.e. owner scans their ID into PAI, job is clown, thus the PAI can now download sound synth module, and the food synth module can now only create bananas and cream pies, etc.? Whereas security scans and the PAI can download a module to fire a one-shot taser on a 3-5 minute cooldown, and food synth can only make donuts?
Can PAIs be emagged? Is there even a comprehensive list somewhere of what all kinds of bots and items a PAI can be shoved into, like the mulebot, and what all unique things they can do after doing so?
There's no escape from the skele-pirates.
but she is mine, user, back off.
probably i left my item as active and that fucked it up
for one thing give an actual explanation of what getting the sec upgrades and similar actually do. say what chems the chem one can make before i buy it. as is i dont want to pick the thing to wait around until someone actually uses it to spawn in as it and risk picking shit that is shit
i locked myself and another guy in a room which like most mobs they cant open. checkmate.
>Is there even a comprehensive list somewhere of what all kinds of bots and items a PAI can be shoved into, like the mulebot, and what all unique things they can do after doing so?
Looks like it's only mules, medibots and smart laser guns.
I want Mr. Foster to ban me for a reasonable but still serious mistake and then carefully read my appeal on the forums and respond in a professional attitude!
Make it able to dispense medicines and food while in the PDA, rebalance RAM costs or make expandable memory an option.
fuck off foster
I'll fight you
Prove me wrong
How do I join Sawbones' elite meta club?
I don't see any ban appeals on the forum?
Not me family
>not organizing with your cult members to keep briefcases with your words written down, meeting at the bar, laying your briefcases on the table, then switching briefcases
do you even roleplay my man
>no "screaming 'FUK NT' in cult language over comms multiple times per second using a script"
don't listen to this guy, that was me self-shilling
that's because I haven't done anything yet. Watch engineering next round, you'll know when it's about to happen.
Which husbando has the biggest dong
Dean Du or Bubba Stainforth
Which husbando would reject you and call you a fag
> a cup
> futa
Its a trap!
>Pray to the corgi God
>Get turned into a corgi
>Spread the gospel
>Get murdered with a barstool
and that's the end of that
Best post in the thread.
That's not much of an achievement
>smelliest shit at the dump
>those traders
>those survivors
Foster is a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything.
>owner of the pet can retaliate for their pet's murder
>leave norris out in the hall as a xenobio
>someone kills him
>kill said person
>norris revives
>rinse and repeat
The final baby objective, however, should always be "smoke a cigar."
At max level the baby is allowed to speak.
>owner of the pet can retaliate for their pet's murder
Is that actually true? I don't mean kill them but retaliate in some way?
It applies to Pun Pun and Ian, the only ones that matter. Ignore the rule for other pets.
i think that only applies to ian and the hop because well what would you do if some asshole in some bullshit space station in bumblefuck nowhere killed your best friend wordlessly just for the fun of it
don't touch Natasha
It's true to every pet that belongs to one person.
So nobody really would avenge Norris or Corpus. You also need enough IC reasoning (roleplay liking your pet enough that round) to avenge yourself.
Just make animal abuse briggable.
then Vox would be able to do whatever they wanted around the station and get away with it
>Brady Ashbaugh lets out a revolting noise out of his mutilated asshole.
only the finest features on Veeky Forumsstation
Why is that shit not removed anyway
Why aren't you removed anyway
No idea since it was just Heredth's fart and shit fetish that he inserted
Might as well add borg farts and screams, I don't understand why people are hostile to those when they gladly accepted copying goon's butt and fart fetish material.
The deeper I dig it becomes more and more clear that he really did have a scat fetish and we're still suffering from his literal shitcode several years later
because it's a game
not an argument
So let's either merge more farts and butts in or remove them all.
wasn't an argument, was a statement friend
or leave it how it is since it's as I stated just a game. I mean how many times would people be bothered with the mutilated asshole thing? when someone cuts their ass off? how many times does that happen per round for people to rant on the thread about it?
It's just a game, why don't we add anal vore?
It's just a game, why don't we allow ERP?
It's just a game, why don't we let players piss on each other?
Why don't we?
Sounds good.
well now your just projecting degeneracy to a simple "x lets out a revolting noise out of his mutilated asshole" feature. if your ass was chopped off do you honestly expect it to sound normally with the ejection of noxious gas?
>or leave it how it is since it's as I stated just a game.
That makes no sense.
It's just a game, let's add more jokes then.
let me explain it differently then.
It is a game, with a server ran on Veeky Forums, with a weak coderbase and few to actually code shit. Let's say we remove this feature, do people just fart normally now? Or do we leave a feature be that has -NO- other value except to show that your anus was surgically removed, as well as your ass.
There are far better ways to show that your butt has been removed than the fetish bait that was inserted before.
meant to add "or focus on shit that matters with what we have to work with"
but I'm tired as shit tonight
It's not even a fetish it's just a fucking joke holy shit dude, are you so autistic that a sentence bothers you? if your ideas are so great, throw it on the github. or choose a topic that actually AFFECTS the server in some way.
Jesus fuck man
I'm not even the same person.
Surprisingly it's possible for more than one person to hold the same opinion - shocker.
>"it's not even a fetish"
>the coder who added it literally tried to sneak in shit disguised as food so that people would eat it
Yeah this, the fart fetish shit is honestly disgusting, and degenerate as fuck.
>well now your just projecting degeneracy
You're the one defending scat in the code.
oh sorry about that, anyone talking about something so redundant as a problem makes me think that only one of you are this retarded
>inb4 coincidences give it a purpose
was I defending it? or was I saying let's focus on more important shit as problems? not sure now
what's the 'more important shit' that currently needs fixing?
Why are you trying to avoid it then? It's just a game, man.
literally anything else besides a sentence
exactly my point
So yeah, you really should not care about what gets coded in, don't be a crybabe.
I want food removed from the coding because carsh and dizor fetishize obesity.
Will the admins ever do anything about the blatant metagaming that goes on