Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Reminder that the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated.
chaos code torrent where?
>making it early
When threads start getting posted 59 posts from bump limit, you'll have only yourself to blame
feel sick and dirty more dead than alive
my toilets clogged and i dont have a plunger
evo japan is january 26-28 in tokyo next year
Hmm, i wonder if the concurrent player count for SFV on Steam is inflated...
I wish Thunder had a smaller, faster command grab. Sometimes I just want to tick off lights up close.
Play Rashid's game
>tfw got distracted and couldn't break the sniffshit OP chain
I've failed in my mission
I mean he was early for like 1 post
I'd rather not gamble on the bump limit since the assfaggots move quickly
thread theme
daily reminder that i hate sfv but play it because other fighting games are bad, unnecessarily complicated and/or dont have a decent player base.
is it safe to use survival mods. I need to know because i just got sf5.
>no sfv
Ignore sniff, play fightcade.
>sai has the two best games on the market by default
nippon ichiban
Should I watch Final Round fightan vods or Katowice Starcraft vods
Combofiend is gonna be checking this thread in 7 minutes, so be on your best behavior!
It's either Rock or Shingo.
why dont you just play another genre until sf6? thats what i did for sf4
now all they need to do is add rock and the meme character cipher will be complete.
>watching sc2
i think the choice is clear
does anyone else find it funny that the two most hyped characters for s1 (alex and juri) turned out to be trash?
How good is Homura and how long does it take to get good with her?
>Loketest tomorrow
>Jam probably wont get any buffs worth a shit.
whens jubei
Alex was good in s1 with his gorilla buttons, oki, jab aa and gimmicks desu.
the final character is probably rock.
i really don't think they would reveal shingo last.
Well does she have any top player playing her that attend the Loketests?
>no sfv at evo japan
thank the gods
Still need Shingo, Blue Mary, Kasumi, Chizuru, Ash and friends, and possibly the American Sports or New Faces teams.
he lost oki in s2?
Kyo-2 reveal for kof14 when?
It's gonna be Shingo
nigga what
In npb homura is very easy.
i grew up in the arcades playing fighters, its all i know. I have no other genre that interest me, but thanks for the idea.
then just stop playing game and find a hobby..
sfv wont be at evo japan life is so beautiful
Getting into a new genre isn't hard, you just find a game and try it. Can even pirate it.
Play me in disc jam
>Part of me wants to be a asshole and be like "Hey look it's that Yamisaki dude from CvS2!" since that's every Capcom player's fav KoF game.
What did Carlos "Eli" "Dollar Bill Montgomery" "Hitbox Rep" "John Xuandou" "Tripfag" Vunderluvk mean by this?
Kek, I gotta see this. Sauce me up senpai.
>pc tards can't wait till the character dlc is released and the arcade version of kof xiv is finished
literally asking to be taken advantage of.
I'd say try other arcade genres. I think a fighting game player could learn about the genre from playing things like cave shooters and metal slug.
You know, CvS2, my favorite KoF game. Rock Howard and Yamisaki are my favorites, they're the coolest. I'm a big fan of Garou even though I've never played it.
>Only two games have even been announced for it
What a shame that kof bombed, hope they make a game with decent graphics the next time.
This is the best chun-li player in the world
say something nice about her
>TFW wasted money on FFXV and Zelda botw
single player games are fucking garbage
Nice feet
its their own fault for thinking it was acceptable to ship looking the way it does. an art director is getting fired
Morrigan and Kyosuke are my favorite king of fighters.
>Has no arm muscles
Lmfao holy fuck this game looks bad
SFV could really use a Luchadore
El Mika huehuehue
Reminder to train your shadow clones on offense AND defense.
anyone got that poster of sonicfoxs fursona!
Is this the smash 4 general?
And what if it is, punk?
see me in brawlhalla
is shrek superslam a fighting game
>announcing gg and tekken 7 before sfv
are you an idiot or what
only one more game is confirmed and it wont be sfv
no it's an ogre game
What else would they run?
Street Fighter is literally the biggest fighting game in the world.
>new patch notes
I don't know about you, but I'm excited.
Who should I main in Rev2?
me daddy
>Zangief not getting green hand
Why do people want Green Hand so much?
What does it even do for him?
Is this true?
eat's projectiles AND get gief closer.
breakers and karnov's are pretty fun desu
Bought one of these for a decent price to figure out if fight sticks were for me. I'm not quite sure if they are honestly. I'm having a rough time figuring out how to comfortably move to the buttons I want on my right hand.
>Youtube recommendations are "Top ten normal humans in fighting games", "Top 10 best fighting games of all time", and such.
I probably deserve this, but I don't want this.
pfft, who needs that when you have headbutt and lariat. Thats enough tools for one to get in on a fireball chuckin opponent ;^)
Lariat is slow and easy to punish and Headbutt can't be Ex'd.
If you haven't used a stick before and have no other reference, it will take a while to get use to. A good thing though is if you wish to invest more into a stick down the line, that MayFlash F300 is very modifiable.
Good luck to you user and look at Sanwa parts.
Smash is literally just 3d fighting game autism in 2d
Should I invest a little bit and put some better parts in right now? If so what would you guys recommend?
its a fun move and is almost iconic as spd
these new s2 rebalances are fucking nothing and literally fixes nothing
why are capc*cks so easy to please
Since you just got the stick, I would suggest trying it out and getting use to the idea of using a stick(don't just jump into something without knowing if you truly invested). And like I posting before, take a look at Sanwa parts as they are usually easy to work with and work great in a F300.
doesnt he say in the video that zangief IS getting a new move similar to the greenhand?
you guys didnt watch or....?
no one knows how to play venome
nowhere in the patch notes does gief get something like greenhand
"vega got a new special move called tundra storm"
"translates to greenhand in japanese"
what did he mean by this?
Recommend me a Chaos Code character.
My mains:
SF5: Akuma
Xrd: Zato/May
>it's a counter move
the patch notes literally said a counter move that only works on horizontal kicking attacks
i don't care if sf5 becomes imbalanced as fuck. i just want more supers and v-triggers and v-skills.
holy fuck capcom, i'd rather just have yearly releases if all you're going to do is toy around with frame data.
every new season characters should get 1-2 new moves imo