Nami Edition!
Nami Edition!
Other urls found in this thread:
>150 posts early
kill yourself
fluffy tails
this is an ezreal thread now
l want to suck Diana's vagina!
I wanna elevate Jinx
really really want to look EXACTLY like kylie!
>image limit reached
right after you buddy
That's syndra, you fucking goof.
Literally says in the rules, move if image limit is reached.
Post your mains + pocket picks for each role and make assumptions about eachother's personality.
>Work 12 hour shifts
>Work schedule changes from days to nights every two or so weeks
>Switching from days to nights is easy
>Just finished my last night watch
>Have 3 days (including today) to switch from nights sleep schedule to days (which means staying up all day with no naps to unfuck my schedule)
>Already been up almost 24 hours (It's 1720 Hawaii time)
>Figure I have to stay up at least another 4-5 hours to make the switch
>Wanted to play some league
>Can't even bring myself to queue
>To a huge amount of effort just to type this up
Veeky Forums vs. Veeky Forums RESULTS
I guess this makes me the true slut, who was slain by the real slut slayer, Rumia.
fun game
I want to impregnate Karma
Is there some kind of HIDDEN LORE in Eve's pic?
Can Vayne actually see her?
I think at this point it's safe to just filter and hide every post with an image because 95% of the time they are pure trash.
Are epic and legendary skins in hextech crafting worth creating if I want them?
Or would it be better to use the essence for something else and buy the skins with RP?
Shota cocks could use some foreskin but that's ok
Yeah that was the idea
She knows exactly what's going on
And she loves it
execute sid
ContestGuy, I missed you so much
Can't wait for the next contest
Unpopular opinions go
Assassins are good for the game
Ezreal's Q needs to stop proccing on-hit effects
I think First Tower gold was a fucking horrible idea
>showing on an erect penis
do you even own an uncircumcised penis?
I already know I'm writing about Class President Vayne HUNTING Eve to punish her for her crimes
I can't play Vayne to save my life
how the fuck do you turn pages on gelbooru
How baramode is Morde going to be after the VGU?
You're actually fucking retarded
>win game
>2 players on the other team are arguing in post game lobby
>walk down the block to the convenience store
>come back 15 minutes later
>they are still arguing
>one is writing a thesis on how shit the other player is
>other guy is just copy and pasting "doesnt matter i am rich" over and over
holy autism
guys post cute (cute)
no lewd or cute (lewd)
foreskin doesnt recede until puberty you mong
It varies from dick to dick but even some adults have some foreskin still covering their penises, even while erect. It's usual on kids, though
Agree with assassins and Ez, but I like first tower gold because I'm a filthy toplaner.
Granted, if I mained sup or bot I would hate first brick because it reduces the diversity of bot lane picks.
Enemy team with Sejuani, Brand, Camille, Ahri, MF takes a whole 60 minutes to beat a team with Nocturne and Singed on it
also remind me why camille is a thing still
i have a tiny phimosis dick
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums
I don't wanna be THAT GUY but
Veigarette's pic?
I like healing. Most fun mechanic in the game in my opinion.
You like to kill enemy before he even has time to react.
Anyone who thinks Soraka is a Karthus hard-counter doesn't know what they're talking about and should refrain from giving their incorrect opinions on my Lich.
Or keep doing it. It leads to people not actually knowing how to fight him.
I actually envisioned her being an underling in Miss Fortune's gang
I also kinda want to see Morgana in one of these
All on blue. Soraka is my waifu.
I need to update this for Aurelion sol and Shen as well.
Debate me then instead of flinging ad hominem s like a mongrel
Assassins stop midlane from being a control mage circlejerk like it has been for the past 2 fucking years
Ezreal's Q has single handedly ruined multiple fun items, builds, and masteries just for the sake of him not breaking the game with them
First tower blood gold killed laneswaps and people wonder why the pro meta has devolved into who can push the fastest and bottlenecked champion diversity even harder than ever before
>Not dodging when someone picks singed on your team
I have yet to win a game with a fucking singed on my team, they always feed and are generally fucking useless. Even if my team gets a massive fucking leads it's pissed away becasue we have a fucking singed, mastery 7 or not.
>working under that harlot MF
You are correct on having Morgana as a delinquent, though. MF could be the class slut, with Gyaru Eve a close second
We need more LORE on this, ContestGuy
lane swaps are even worse than who pushes fastest meta
Is that some League of Legends Gakuen lore?
When will we get Penis Inspection Day with Nurse Akali?
this is a comfy bfs~ thread now
the singed was actually doing fine, he kept pulling top mid and jg on a stroll but the rest of the team didnt do anything with it
Talked to bandle about it recently, she should have it done soon. I know I've said that before, but she had a sizable commission backlog that she had to work through before she could complete it.
>get told that he hopes my family dies in a car crash, to slit my wrists, and that im a faggot buttfucker
>report him after
>no report feedback
Why not make a Contest with the theme being /lolg/ contest memes?
I'm being serious, imagine the possibilities
More League Gakuen porn
More Ionian Summer Camp
More Arcade Ladies
I'm 100% sure Illaoi would be hardcore into cuckoldry. Finding new, superior lovers while humiliating the old ones into either being men and fighting back, or wallowing in their shame.
>eat my ass
Nothing fucking happens in the beginning of games now anyways and because of the meta being even more tightly centered around the same few champions the exact same fucking matchups every game are boring as shit.
No I don't want to watch Rumble push in some poor sap on his team forced to play a tank for the sake of his teamccomp or Jhin/Varus in botlane every goddamn game
Reports only do something if a bunch of people report someone and they've been going off all game.
I've had two accounts perma banned and I've learned you have to be choice with your toxic words, a snippet here or there and otherwise say nothing else.
Oh, I meant Eve working for her
Thus the tattoo
Contest memes are always fun, but I would worry about girls who could get lost in the shuffle by only reusing old ones.
How did you make a multi-skin panel in the editor?
wtf i love illaoi now???
Oh, ok
I can dig a team of sluts
>During "GET EXCITED" Jinx can cast all her abilities while moving
>Fishbones has limited usage via ammo system but deals significantly increased damage and has much larger AOE on critical strikes (about the AOE of a Powder keg) but the explosion damage is magic (main target still takes physical damage). Fishbones can also critically strike structures.
>Pow-Pow has a overheat/cooldown system
>Get Excited can now be built over time by consecutive auto attacks (takes about 8 auto attacks without pause)
>Zap breaks off into 3 smaller less powerful zaps upon hitting a target
>Flame grenades are now manually detonated by reactivating the skill and have increased range/damage based upon how long they primed.Instead of snaring they knock enemies caught in their effect upwards/backwards
>SuperMegaDeath Rocket Area of effect scales with distance traveled up to 700 radius on impact
How Pick/Ban would these changes make Jinx?
>sovitia dropping drama bombs on her stream again
stream sluts, not even once
You are retarded
Yeah, that makes some sense
Still, I want more stuff from those themes
>Cucking Gangplank
I question this
Healers are a fun class and needs to be expanded more.
Allowing others to carry you is also a skill.
It makes sense. Her entire philosophy and Religion is that you're either strong and fight, or weak and die.
It would only be natural that she takes those sentiments into the bed-room. Finding only the most masculine and confident of lovers, and then eventually dropping them and lavishing in their broken pride as her new lover steals her away from them with their greater strength and will.
>not a single male healer with a snarky/jerk personality
Is it just me or does every fucking game in plat these days have a god damn shaco in it? Really pisses me off how one guy can ruin a 40+ minute game for 9 other people just by picking that hero, it's almost as bad as bird bitch
>memed at a friend last night that I was a girl
>now I don't know how to tell him i was memeing
>ad hominem attacks
>Healers are a fun class and needs to be expanded more.
so long as they are small sporadic heals IE Sona/Stonebond pact and not just obnoxious life funneling like what Soraka does im gain for it.
Morello hated Soraka for a reason. and it completely shows when you look at her banrate. hardcore medic classes are simply not meant for LoL
Shaco is unironically one of the strongest SoloQ junglers and has the winrates to back it up.
I fucking hate it and I wish he was a shitty memepick like the old days
>Gyaru Eve is a delinquent that regularly bullies and humiliates other students before fucking them into submission
>Class President Vayne knows about this and seeks to break her with some bush-to-bush action
>class president vayne
no wonder she deals true damage
>srry i share an account with friends
>Academy Ahri is a slut, but she doesn't actually put out. The most she had ever done with other students is a blowjob behind the bleachers because she's scared of people knowing she has a foxdick
>Nurse Akali however knows about that and Ahri frequently goes to the nursery with "headaches" that only Akali can relieve
Lulu is a slut
no its okay he saw that so the problem solved itself
>Ban Graves
>Enemy picks Shaco
>Ban Shaco
>Enemy picks graves
>Your jungler picks some meme shit
>Miss Fortune is an ACTUAL slut, she can't even get an uniform shirt that fits her obscene bust size. Likes big boys, but will do it with absolutely anyone if they insist for enough time
Do you guys think that playing creatively and to your strengths on high skill cap champions is the same as "outplaying" people?
I'd rather see Shaco than a faggot tryhard Lee Sin for the 100th time.
>Ban Graves and shaco
>your jungler locks in lux jungle
What an awful game that was. He was originally hovering xin.
Oh no, GP was her bull which broke Illaoi's weekly lovers. Their relationship was never one confined to monogamy, but both always loved to break the hearts of those too weak to fight for what they want with each other.
My lulufag friend says yes. You cuck. His words not mine.
my sides
100% obliterated
>Morgana is in Miss Fortune's slut crew, but she's more into degrading her boytoys while Eve usually just plays with them
>early level bondage stuff with her binding
>has a weird reputation in school because aside from MF and Eve, no one knows about her sexual habits, as no one has the courage to come out and say anything
Make me proud, boy
>passive rework
Casting them all is unique it would be cool to be able cast off zap with out movement hindrance, neat idea. Being built by stacks makes me think of Gnar and how he "builds" up to mega gnar so like that right? I'm too used ot working with it in its current form so I'm not much for that version, it messes with a lot of current Jinx strategies.
>Q reworks
I'm really not feeling these at all sorry. Overheat and cooldown would be a bitch to work with. Switcheroo really just needs some number tweaks not really any new effects or alterations.
>W reworks
I like that idea but I could image instead it just act kind of like shiv and sends currents through all nearby targets. I think that'd be neat
>E rework
this is unique the trigger ability that is. I'm not feeling the knock back stuff though they are better as complete snares much like they are currently.
>R reworks
I could work with that
I'm gonna work on a rework pitch I'll post it sometime maybe soon. It's far from complete and going off of ideas just thought of like during this last hour.
Also if I misunderstood anything from your pitch please correct me.
>You only get one ban
>Ask team to ban "inset must ban here"
>They ban some meme shit and enemy gets said champ and carries with it
We really need 10 fucking bans, I'm tired of losing becasue someone meme bans some shit like Udyr and then the enemy gets graves, shaco etc..
>jinx is the class weirdo that no one actually likes and everyone tries to bully her
>but she never responds the way they think she will and she just bullies and shit talks them back
>is also a lazy as fuck student that has a lot of potential but does nothing because she doesn't care at all
>would rather just fuck around and have fun
shaco is useless if you just walk away from him, its always better to wait for him to make mistakes, trying to fight him is futile cause his entire kit is about confusion
if you are a squishy, you are just fucked, you are what he is designed to kill just like any number of assassins, and talon is arguably more obnoxious than he is because he can still one shot you but you also can't escape him cause lol INFINITE FLASHES
shaco is weird in the sense that usually only people who main him play him, and when he becomes meta and strong than he becomes super oppressive in the hands of those mains, and if hes too strong then a bunch of retards can abuse his kits mobility and misdirection, hes one of those characters who gets nerfed to compensate for his mains more than anything, mains can win games with shaco regardless of his place in the meta, but when hes strong he just pisses everyone off since he becomes a regular pick
>Are epic and legendary skins in hextech crafting worth creating if I want them?
If you want them yes...
>Caitlyn works under/with Vayne on trying to keep order in the school
>picks a lot on Vi, who skips class like mad
>behind the scenes they fuck like crazy, Caitlyn domming the fuck out of her
>Pick Nasus
>Max E
>Farm and play passively, punish mistakes with kills under turret
>Win every game because Nasus is literally the default strongest champion right now playing like this
>Become a Raid Boss by 20mins
>75% ranked winrate, currently in mid diamond climbing
Who abusing Nasus here?
Also Who enjoying normie tears that don't have this much autism?