/swgg/ Star Wars Games General

We'll never ever have puppeteer type sith edition.

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>For General SWTOR info and finding people to play with:

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>How do I setup Battlefront II?

>/swgg/ Guilds
Legio XVI Coruscantia - Tomb of Freedon Nadd (Imperial)

- Ebon Hawk (Imperial/RP/Memes)

- Harbinger (Imperial)


>KOTET Trailer

In previous episode

1st for worst girl.


Third for best girl.

4th for fuck this game is ded let it die


and go where?

I just want a harem of loli Twileks.


btw the guy asking about long snipers, the Exarch's is long too

The special lightsaber you get at the end of chapter 12. Is there any reason to use it?

Meant specifically for Arcann? No, it's worthless.

Head to Nar Shaddaa.

do british people really eat beans on toast? beans on pizza? toast on bread?

Is it worth it to pick up and play through TOR? I noticed a distinct lack of any reason to communicate with other faggots last time I played

>nearly a year after I start, without fail, DK still doing Jawa movie jokes
Holy fuck.

thats been happening on just that planet for at least 3 or 4 years



>Republic wagecucks believe working yourself to death and still be in poverty is better than slavery

is this a /swgg/ prank? help

yeah thats me wanna erp?

who knows

lots of people have smacked me on the rear lately, not sure if its some group of people memeing or all ERP intros are the same

Is there at least one populated server for battlefront 2?

Beep beep motherfucker, Galactic Police still alive and kicking. I need your license, your papers and your waifu.

But you're mai waifu

[blushing officer noises]

you're a shitty cop, you missed the loli fucker last thread

Oh shit, I didn't even see that. That's a hell of a coincidence.

>you can't be a brown sith qt with a triple-emitter lightsaber holding an orbital strike satellite uplink in the hilt

You don't need to see our licenses.

I don't need to see your licenses... BECAUSE YOU'RE ALL HEADING STRAIGHT TO THE SLAMMER!

Swat team! Swarm, swarm, swarm!

I can't decide if I want to play a male or female Sith Warrior.

+ Better VA
+ Romance headnoodles
- Male model is blocky
- Not a qt

+ Female model looks better
+ Female armors look better
- VA not as good
- Romance potato (female)

What do? This is the character I'm doing everything with and taking into the xpacs.

>not sexually bullying quinn by fucking pierce loudly in the crew bunkroom



The only things justice fears is lukewarm coffee and a lack of handcuffs, shit heel!

>pureblood sith
>burning coal

And a closet donut shop?

Best series of expressions ever.

That is the horror of every officer of the law.

You don't understand the horrors I've seen...

I once had to look up a Rodian's ass on a drug bust. I'll forever have nightmares no amount of Sith torture could bleach from my mind.

I'm gonna have to report you, officer, for verbally threatening me and how it left me scared for my safety.

>sprinkle spice on suspect
>hit the floor and shout in radio
Officer down!

>This is the state of republic's law enforcement

ayy lmao

What server?

Harb, why?

Character name?

fuck the police

Almond Amaretto

really activates my...

you know what? Forget about it.

Alright, just stuck you on my ignore list, thanks

I can't find you. I want you to arrest my character for the memes.

>When you fuck up vanguard so hard his tank spec has more dps than his dps specs

No problem. I have 30 more where that came from.

I'm on my Assassin, I'll log in a moment.

>I have 30 more where that came from.
Give me the names of them, too. I think I have enough room on my ignore list

I'll be outside the Senate tower.

>Railroaded into being rebel scum and leading some alliance I don't give a shit about
>At the end become the dumbest motherfucker or an emperor that still has to do everything by himself

Should have just used the alliance to find waifu and leave all that shit behind.


>There are Jedi who formed attachments

Who /alwaysready/ here?

>There are jedi who didn't form attachments

It's all about muh grey now, grandpa.

Next at 11: Smuggler arrested outside of Senate tower for loitering. Was he planning something larger? Stay tuned.

looks like you're always ready for dick

>Starforged Blasters
Kys. You could be using any number of better blasters.

I'd rather handle your blaster, user

I really hate what that did to the game. Must burn down Zakuul and all of KOTFE

It's not for mandos.

D-don't remind me, plasmatech gets out dps'd not only by sorcs, but also by our own tank spec in dps gear. I don't get why this is being allowed to go on, when mercs were "bad" they still had ops group spots as dps. But all this just confirms my suspicion of bias for mercs and commandos due to Charles" I love watching Koth fuck Lana and Elara while I play my commando" Boyd's influence on class balance even though he is a story writer and not a combat dev. Go watch the video where they unveiled the new 5.0 abilities and you'll see his face light up when they get to all the overpowered commando stuff.

>Merc gets a bubble that reflects damage and heals him
>Sorcs get a fucking melee attack

What the fuck man.

>tactics rotation only works once and then like 10 second cd and plasma cell gets replaced by literal trash
>Plasmatech is useless against multiple targets
>Shield spec gets his ion wave upgraded into the hand of fucking Pence and ion cell makes hammershot actually viable

Should I just sell out the Revanites or what?

I want to burn down those coddled babies but what would waifu think of that. It's the only reason why I've held back against them.

>Thinking about playing and have a few questions.
1. Is f2p playable? or will I be miserable.
2. Can I have lesbian romances? I only care about qt girls. I don't want any gross boys in my story.
3. Is pvp fun?
4. Does anyone actually care about endgame? or does everyone just play for the single player story?
5. Can I have waifu?

1. Probably. There's an exp event though, so it might be less awful
2. There's one gay planet and a potato for people of your tastes
3. If you're a non-force user
4. People kept whining about lack of raids, so maybe
5. See 2


>1. Is f2p playable? or will I be miserable.
Playable but I'd recommend subbing once to access expansions.
>2. Can I have lesbian romances? I only care about qt girls. I don't want any gross boys in my story
Only lesbian you'll get is a nigger lover and f2p can't get to her because she is in the expansions.
>3. Is pvp fun?
Pvp is shit and those babbies have ruined half the classes in the game.
>4. Does anyone actually care about endgame? or does everyone just play for the single player story?
You don't even have to do end game ops to get top gear, it's now locked behind EXCITING RNG.
>5. Can I have waifu?

Hows the SWG emulator coming along, are the servers busy or is it a ghost town?

Some dude asked me to.

considering what they turn into, yes

Yes. They're the reason why we're getting all of this grey nonsense ruining our space medieval story of knights and wizards.

is the galactic star fighter que dead now or could i boot up the game and still play a few rounds?

AM, because it's too late right now and thinking up a good story will be easier while I'm staring at a phone all day.

1. F2P gives free access to the vanilla story, but if you want to do the newer stories or multiplayer stuff you should sub for one month.
2. In the vanillas story? Not sure. But there is one in the new story.
3. Yes, I like it. Lots of different scenarios which are unique in their own way. Ther'es also galactic starfighter which is one of the best space-combat games I ever played.
4. The endgame is great for new players, lots of Flashpoints/Uprisings/Operations with PvP/GSF to spice things up. There's also crafting you can (and probably should) get into.
5. Yes, every class has at least one waifu and they can even get jealous of other romances.

Done. Feel a little bad about screwing over the pureblood, she was so thrilled when I gave her that mask.

>what would waifu think of that. It's the only reason why I've held back against them

Good to know I'm not the only one.

>Try playing GSF
>Always like 3 turks sitting at the edge of the map with railgun gunship

>flirt with a guy at the cantina
>tells me I must be faulty and should deactivate myself

Either get a gunship yourself or flank them with scouts.

Also don't play strike fighters.

I completely 100% forgot this existed. Is it active?

Why do you have Satele's lips, robot?

To aid in seduction and gratification I suspect.

Just come out with the truth. You're actually her pretending to be a pleasure droid.

I'm going to bed, don't let it die.

Sleep tight, animu girl. The thread is in good hands.

Sleep well, cute loli dragon.

M8 that's Alliance Police

Or perhaps she's made by some stalker who wanted her to look like Satele for reasons?

1. Yes
2. You need to pay for that goyim.
3. Can be.
4. Yes
5. Yes

>tfw made 8 mil in the past hour
Should have thought of this sooner

Pic related

Also got a stalwart pack and a fancy reveler's set from one of them

thanks for telling us your name, Eroxia