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User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)
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>FAQ and What to Play
What to Play?: pastebin.com
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>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)
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anyone play cogmind these days?
Gibbed [ X ]
Just need to survive Nodens, Shuma-gorath, and Echizen, then it's big boy time.
I tried and died immediately. The Simpsons have taught me that if something's hard to do, it's not worth doing.
this is true
bard is a pretty shitty class for most of the game and skeleton is a real bad race to pair with it since bad starting stats mean your melee (aka main source of damage) will be terrible for a very long time
you can use wrecking note to pretend to be a blaster caster for a while but it doesn't exactly scale well, and soul shriek/doomcall are too mana-expensive to use as a primary offense
eveeeentually at level 45 you get to become a blasty dude again with a 100d10 sound ball spell
Professional doubleturner Nodens down alongside Echizen who he summoned. Plenty could still go wrong, considering my inferior speed.
What commercial roguelikes do you most regret buying?
Christ. Duelist, man. Haven't killed the Unicorn in awhile.
>buying roguelikes
I have only bought OWH, OWH+, Hoplite, and Hyperrogue and I don't regret buying any of them. They are all very cheap for the amount of fun I've had with them.
>when ya phase charge through the atoms of a closed door to reach a target, effectively achieving passwall
Serpent tomorrow. I have a feeling it's gonna be a bloodbath.
I want to see a duelist using the blinkcharge to bully melee chumps like Destroyer or Wahha-Man
I tried it once but it was just so unsatisfying that I dropped it.
I'm glad I didn't pay for it.
Wahha was totally obliterated, I'm not sure I even had to heal
the Destroyer was, well, duelists fare far better than many other characters, but he's still a big pain with the whole nearly 30,000 hp thing
Destroyer on archer with a -TO is hilarious
you just shoot at him as he approaches then teleport him before he reaches melee range, pick up the arrows off the ground, and wait for him to dig back to you
Dredmor. Between the busy tiles, animations, ... unique stat names, and drag and drop interface, playing it was draining.
>busy tiles
things that arent ascii are worse than ascii if you arent a shitter (and arent playing crawl)
You are looking at non-ascii content right now. Can your 2 (two) int brain still safely handle and comprehend this otherworldly visual content?
Maybe busy isn't the right word. The aesthetic makes it difficult to parse groups of enemies, especially when they're all moving. It's like trying to read something that's slightly out ot focus: doable, but annoying.
i can't handle nonascii cdda actually
just the thought of having an 8-tile-wide viewport in a game where your viewdistance is 70+ fucking tiles gives me conniptions
Smallest tiles are like 10x10
yeah but at that point they're harder to distinguish than ascii so it's not like you're gaining anything unless you're just afraid of the alphabet
plus tiles can't have separate foreground/background colors IIRC so the little 10x10 tileset (which uses the same recolored zombie tile for almost everything) is pretty bad for differentiating certain zombies that are easy to tell apart in ascii
>Tfw you've taken a long enough break from cata DDA that you can come back to it and have actual fun with it without worrying that the balance is fucked and there's no rewarding lategame awaiting you
The game is so comfy when you're in that zone of putting together an incredible base/vehicle/equipment loadout
Now I just need to get back into Stone Soup. Has anything interesting been added in the last three months?
uh, scarves?
oh yeah and silgod
What does /rlg/ think of this melee combat system:
>have many attacks depending on body parts, equipment, wielded weapons
>each attack has some damage, time cost, extra effects
>each time player attacks, every attack gets some random variance to its stats
>then the best (by some measure) attack is picked automatically
well it seems like
>have many attacks depending on body parts and shit
kind of gets overwritten if only the best attacks ever get used
you're never going to use that cool tentacle slap attack if you've got a +10 ultrasword of everythingslaying in your hand
also having different time costs that the player has little/no control over is a bit weird and awkward
If it hasn't been programmed as part of a functioning roguelike it's unequivocally shit.
>kind of gets overwritten if only the best attacks ever get used
Not if the variance was high enough.
If you rolled really low on the Dickpuncher mace, you'd get a jackboot kick or tentacle slap.
>also having different time costs that the player has little/no control over is a bit weird and awkward
OK, that's a problem. Not sure what to do here.
Dorf Fortress has something similar and DF in adventure mode is a roguelike.
>"best" picked automatically
sounds like some low headroom no brainer otabfest ala Dung Crap: Shit Stew
if the variance is too high then you risk the optimal strategy just being "grab as many shitty weapons and extra limbs as you can, ONE of them will probably roll high"
then again that could be sort of cool, with the player's power progressing not from finding better loot but from mutating more and more tentacles to slap shit with and hands to hold crappy daggers in
Most roguelikes depend more on your setup than selecting specific melee attacks.
For example, PCB monks, DCSS everything melee, Brogue everything melee.
Here you'd have to design the character rather than pick each attack. For example wear spiked gloves (better punch but worse weapon attack), buckler (weak punch but good defense) or nothing (better accuracy).
What if the variance was partly shared by similar parts or parts in some category?
Say, one major variance rolled for body part, then minor ones for every attack in it. So a leg gets +/-30%, but kick and knee both only +/-10% after that.
Though it does sound a bit complex and tentacle rape monster could be a valid (if gimmicky) way to play a game.
Well, it looks like clouded ninja'd a certain someone out of their first warrior mage win on the ladder. Bad form, man, bad form. Also balrog is baby mode, play real races please.
calle tier post
>in random volcano dungeon
>kill nar the dwarf
>He drops ring of dwarves
Is that hard coded like smeagol and the one ring?
Yeah but any dwarf unique can drop it.
Are there any roguelikes that actually use D&D style dice rolls to calculate hit/block chance?
I'll show you Calle-posting
incursion is heavily based on the dnd system
Will never understand why quentin hates nintendo portables so much.
He prefers the vita, although he'll never admit it.
>talking to women
opinion discarded
You mean
>talking to women in /rlg/
Women in /rlg/ are of the least bad kind: they're all male.
It didn't sound very DDAistic, but then
>live in cave
>biggest problem is electricity
>wants to avoid noise from generators
>use bicycle+alternator
This is getting comfy
Just imagine that the people are actually Zs. >can go outside only when it's night
>plants a small blueberry orchard
>stream down the cave for clean water
>Just imagine that the people are actually Zs.
Knife spear
It's so sad.
Just imagine that the people are actually the evolution to Hulks PK added in his mod, and you can't use martial arts and have modded out survival gear.
O pseudoposchengband-R gods, please just set sell limit caps of all stores to 30k gold (or enable it as a birth option).
I'd remove sell limits altogether.
Dig holes fucking everywhere
>dig holes
That would arouse the suspicion of the Zs hordes though
Nothing wrong with that
/rlg/ drinks soy milk!
/rlg/ is healed back to page 0!
>playing QFtU
I enjoy cheesing Enchanters. Unhappily, the UI is incredibly terrible so I stopped playing several months ago.
Electricity is the least of your worries while living in a cave
clearly, you haven't read the whole thing.
I wish I was living in a cave.
Have you found any good randarts today, /rlg/?
A pair of antennae grows on your head! The +2 helmet "Pewiss Lish" {*Contam rF+++ rC++ rCorr} falls away! You feel fantastic !
>drinking benemut
gotta go fast
also check em repeating digits
I don't know what's worse, that you don't know what dubs are, that you think 60 K turns as a 3-rune Mi is fast, that you are trying to check something that doesn't exist or that you posted this here.
>1 hour to 3 rune
>not fast
get your stick out your ass
Is Cata DDA dead? Site's been down for days.
1. its about realtime not turns
2. repeating digits meant turn score
3. kill yourself retard
just cache the page.
Good idea, actually.
This. Otabbing with a minotaur is not in the very least interesting or even postworthy. You need to spoiler that filth
lets see your 1 hour realtime win fuckboy
What would a rewarding lategame look like, in your view?
Chill boyo, your 2int brain can't handle all this salt.
You don't even have a 1 hour realtime win. That's 1 hour AND 49 seconds noob.
Hey guys, I mentioned a couple weeks ago my Dreamhost hosting was probably going down since they raised it to $70 and I've not got a lot of spare cash this year and suggested folks start migrating over anything that wasn't moved yet, I guess it might have been. Actually kind of figured everything was already moved away to be honest so I didn't worry about it too much. If you guys want a copy of the last db dump or something let me know and I'll see what I can do about grabbing one
Doesn't every single *band do that?
>Been travelling the world for the past 6 months with no job. It's been awesome.
Summoners are kind of fun. Any advice for how to get this char to survive? I've only ever won once, it was a 3 rune formicid fighter.
also is guardian golem worth it? I recall it being not that useful and actually sometimes harmful due to the exploding thing
Guardian golems are the best summons of early game summoners though.
>find an early amulet of regen
devs pls remove
First Hepli-something win, using Polearms and a Knight ancestor works wonders.
how do you feel?
just kidding I still haven't won every species and every god yet
doesn't count
>heh offline wins don't count
Nice meme.
They really don't.
Of course, beating a game doesn't count unless you do it online.
Well... yes.
The temptation to savescum is too great, user.
For you and the other fools who post that tired meme, probably. Do you also feel the need to cheat in every other game?
I've played roguelikes for nine years on and off, starting with NetHack, and not once have I savescummed.
Well, yes. That's how it works. Have you not been paying attention?
>weird guy in starting town actually has one of the most powerful swords in the game
I miss the "showing them online" meme.
Even the more cancerous reincarnation - "fags got told".
>then the best (by some measure) attack is picked automatically
I was going to make fun of you for your overcomplicated system where one choice would obviously be better than the others, but then I read the last entry and I have to wonder what your thought process is.
>I've played roguelikes for nine years on and off, starting with NetHack, and not once have I savescummed.
I don't believe you.
You're lying.
I know I used "variance", which is a hard word for non-whites with no education, but you should learn some basic statistics even if just not to suck at roguelikes.
Just throw a grenade at it or something
isn't that how elona works