Why are there so many crazy chess players?
Does chess make people insane, or are insane people attracted to chess?
Why are there so many crazy chess players?
Does chess make people insane, or are insane people attracted to chess?
Higher intelligence leads to crazier minds
Chess requires high intelligence to reach competitive level
They attempt to be interesting people once they know people are watching them.
All high level chess players are autistic
Smart means more complex brain means brain has higher chance of malfunctioning.
>Nordic people raped and stole from my ancestors, and its nice to see Paradox continuing this tradition
>with me.
>fitz will never ever make videos again
Kill me now
>Does chess make people insane, or are insane people attracted to chess?
More like, being insane does not disqualify you from being good at chess, unlike almost everything else.
the brain has to be bent to think in terms of very extensive amounts of complex branching probability. it can be done, but is extremely stressful psychologically. they're thinking hundreds of steps ahead. they can't turn it off on a whim, and the patterns repeat themselves in their heads. humans weren't evolved to use their brains like that.
it has nothing to do with smart people being insane. bending the human mind to that kind of task is stressful. the other answers here are wrong.
>Why are there so many crazy chess players?
Is that actually true?
yes. imagine the most complex pattern you're capable of internalizing (it's probably less than a single chessboard) now having you run it optimally, in a competetive environment, and all you can think about is that same pattern, over and over and over
it would drive anyone crazy
>>Is that actually true?
evidence. Is there a higher percentage of clinically insane people under professional chess players? Not autism and so on, we're talking being full blown bananas here.
>arguments for why the premise is true
that's not how this works.
Not really, no. They're no more "insane" than other leading sports or minor celebrity figures.
It's just that you hold anyone up to that kind of close scrutiny, and you'll see minor idiosyncrasies, which more or less everyone has. You only have 4 or 5 major crazy cases in chess, and quite a few of them are late 19th century guys, a notable number of whom had syphilis. (Morphy, Steinitz, and Pilsbury all being salient examples)
no one is going to fucking do a 1k sample size peer review on insanity in chess you fucking idiot
the lifestyle for a chess player involves obsessively thinking about patterns that would be inherently classified as a mental disorder by any clinician.
it's self-induced psychosis, completely in line with similar conditions. the only difference is this one involves chess, you fag
>it's another let me pull shit out of my ass without evidence that sounds about right superficially that other uneducated people like me will accept as fact post
ah, right, smart people are just inherently insane. you're right. I mean, it's not like you're stupid enough to have asked the question in the first place. clinicians=totally stupid
ahhh, okay, so everybody who likes to think about what are essentially mathematical patterns of a certain complexity is clinically insane.
Well great, we've just declared all people in the natural sciences, probably considerable parts of the arts and other groups of the population in general to be completely bonkers. Obviously these people belong in mental institutions, I suggest we get on that.
>tfw fitz escaped the suffering that is modern vidya
>tfw you can't escape like he did.
People in maths DO have very high rates of insanity. The difference is that people working in maths or physics work on broader problems with open ended solutions, or their formulas might be 100 pages long.
Chess is a very simple pattern in relative terms. If I forced you to look at tic-tac-toe patterns all day every day, without end, you'd go insane.
This is a documented phenomenon with a variety of digital media, video games, and professions. When people close their eyes they still see the patterns because it's been so drilled into their brain.
Stop being an idiot.
> chess doesn't require high intelligence to compete
Well I guess that's why the females compete against the males and win
fitz is just a worse mecha
(lol jk I love both of them don't worry)
>When people close their eyes they still see the patterns because it's been so drilled into their brain.
>been playing so much hotline miami 2 as I try to A+ every level
>whenever I closs my eyes I see sequences of the thousands of gangsters I've killed
>I'm literally becoming like the characters in the game
Very few are, please stop posting.
according to the other guy, you're crazy.
Chess is a high mental stress game.
This in sustained bursts of several years of constant play can do things to an already taxed mind.
Also yes, the gave draws a significant number of people with above average intelligence to it's highest levels of play. The traits that make possible cognitive performance at that level for that length of time are highly correlated at a genetic level for some players with schizotypal disorders, schizophrenia, psychopathy, etc.
>Smart means more complex brain
"Smart" means a structurally, bio-chemically, and metabolically efficient brain capable of differentiated and honed constructive action potential reaction impulses at a rate higher than the population average.
yes they are all severely autistic
>smart brains are metabolically efficient
you realize that the primary factor in cognition is the length of neuron chains, which is primarily enabled by structural complexity and size, right? a strong secondary factor involves SNPs specifically enabling those long chains.
has nothing to do with metabolism or whatever the fuck else you said
do it faggot
>the length of neuron chains
>structural complexity and size
literally impossible without metabolism and homeostasis
the brain is an organ dependent completely upon the performance of the heart, lungs, digestive tract, and PNS.
>has nothing to do with metabolism
you are retarded and do not know how neurons actually function
You will not attain peak cognitive performance if you have a diet deficient in essential salts, sugars, and fat (necessary for neurogenesis and repair), or a body incapable of metabolizing these components.
>People in maths DO have very high rates of insanity.
And what are those rates, specifically?
you're a retard. virtually everyone in a first world country gets adequate nutrition, and small variations in metabolic efficiency cannot effect the large differences we see between 100 iq and 140 iq individuals.
it's neurons, you retard.
I swear to god, you fucking kayle salad anti-gluten idiots make me want to quit this fucking board, alongside the subtly anti-evolution people.
Is it jews in the water or jews in the air that make chess players go insane?
>virtually everyone in a first world country gets adequate nutrition
omfg do you not live in America?
Literally half our population is malnourished/obese.
Besides this, neurons do not work properly if your body is low on salt to break into THE IONS FROM WHICH THE ELECTRICAL IMPULSES THAT SEEMINGLY FAILED TO PRODUCE THOUGHT IN YOUR CASE ARE GIVEN RISE, glucose to ATP these reactions, and fat/protein with which to synthesize fresh neurotransmitters and grow out new dendrites.
Seriously, it's like you aren't getting enough fucking potassium in your diet. Eat your fucking banana monkey boy.
It's the jews in the russian lighting and water.
>Chess requires high intelligence to reach competitive level
Not really. Most gm level chessplayers have played since childhood. Remember that chess is only 8*8, play it long enough and you'll have almost everything figured out.
You have to be autistic to enjoy chess.
>play it long enough and you'll have almost everything figured out
maybe a two or three openings beyond 20 moves into an accelerated endgame, and several to ten and an accelerated middlegame.
but certainly not most of it.
>chess is only 8*8
multi-dimensional chess would like a word with you.
I hope you're not implying that Bobby Fischer did or said anything wrong.
bobby fischer was right, but he still went insane regardless
playing since childhood doesn't mean that it doesn't require a high iq in order to keep track of extremely complex branching
because it does, you idiot.
no chess grandmaster is below 140ish iq
>One epidemiological finding is that people diagnosed with schizophrenia are more likely to have been born in winter or spring[42] (at least in the northern hemisphere). However, the effect is not large. Explanations have included a greater prevalence of viral infections at that time, or a greater likelihood of vitamin D deficiency. A similar effect (increased likelihood of being born in winter and spring) has also been found with other, healthy populations, such as chess players.[43]
Really makes you think...
>Higher intelligence leads to crazier minds
It's pretty obvious that's the case though. Increasing mental complexity = increasingly many ways for mental collapse to happen.
that's literally not how it works though.
for 99% of mental problems incidence increases with lower iq.
only very specific types of disorders are increasingly likely among smart people. to a low iq idiot though, everyone sufficiently smart appears crazy.