/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Miss Cat Junior edition

MHXX is due out for 3DS in Japan on March 18. Demo out now!
MHGen to MHX save transfer: pastebin.com/Z1PPuX5F
Opening: youtube.com/watch?v=30ikOWOgUvY
Trailer 3: youtube.com/watch?v=MnpNGzNoOY0
TV spot: youtube.com/watch?v=uz33yhYo-pU

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Passcode: 7243 (rage)
In Generations, Objective: Gathering
In 4U, Target: Fishing
In 3U, Help! A, Lobby 9

Tags: Milsee, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/

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>chink stream showing G2 having gathering/delivery quest


Where the FUCK is XX

xx looks great

>great thunderbugs
>no yama

>can only play well when I have my buttplug in

I wish I was kidding. What is wrong with me?

I can be the Yama you want, bb

Nothing wrong with being a qt3.14

where is the stream?
also chink is for the chinese and nips is the japs

this site is a chink site

I want to watch Gammoth put Miss Cat Junior into a mating press!
Golly gosh, I sure hope that meme's allowed in here ;w;


should i start playing x with the translation in preperation for xx and how easy is it to transfer x saves to xx?

I cant wait to see the resurgence of Meowstressposting


g rank rathian has dreadqueens ground 360 and a charge fakeout into tail flip

pls help



>chinks waste 5 dungbombs trying to hit great maccao

That explains the gameplay of MHO

Just bought a New 3DS. Should I wait for the upcoming game, or start playing one NOW?

Never played a MH game before.

If I'm going to do the Naked and Afraid quest, should I CB, if so, Impact or Elemental, or just go IG?

It literally asks you when you start up the game about importing. From memory, when you click new game, it'll look for X data and prompt you if you want to import it.

What's a good solo Horn to use at HR3 in Gen? I already have the Steve one, but I'm hoping I can get a good Attack Up Horn.

The upcoming game MHXX is an expansion of the previous one MHX.
You can start playing MHX and move your save to XX.

>transmog added
>G rank armor only
Should've known

For CB, Teostra's Striker will do the job for Naked and Afraid

I have asked this alot, no one wants to answer anything about it

The upcoming game isn't going to be in English for a while. Get 4U or Generations if you want to import your save into it later.

it's any rank but the feature unlocks at G rank

Thanks. I did two quests. I collected some mushrooms and killed some small dinosaurs (maccao, I believe?). I hope I can get to those grandiose battles soon.

G rank nargacuga now has Green narga moves and AI

>G rank Narga now has moves and AI you'd expect of a G rank monster
About fucking time. It feels so awkward to see Narga do a single tail slam inside rage mode.

>Didn't put subspecies in the game
>Puts their moves on the regular ones instead
Oh boy get ready for Not Azure totally red Rathalos world tour or totally not raging Brachydios

I cant wait to see G-Rank Silverwind, desu

only thing he doesn't have is double hop

Did you expect anything more from a game that is taking all of its cues from Frontier now? Mainlinecucks BTFO for the next century.


>triple slam
>triple hop
>triple spin
screencap this

anyone got a link to a pre patch MHX on v10 and a 1.2 patch

>No dashing at you with a thousand cuts

Keep at in user! You'll get there soon. Do the key quests if you wanna progress to the bigger fights a bit quicker: mhgen.kiranico.com/quest/village (Marked with a literal key in the left most column)

How many of you actually played Stories?

>normal species get subspecies moves
subs will never come back

Waiting for full translation.

What is the best game and why was it Freedom Unite?

found the grandpaposter

I wish we got the more varied subs.
Azure los can stay gone, as can Black Gravios, but Glacial Agnaktor was a really neat take on Agnaktor's gimmick.



Go to sleep before I put you to sleep myself GRANDPA!

It was actually bearable for a pokemon ripoff.

G agnaktor will probably get the double slide

>Mainline is slowly going Frontier

>360 degree windblades

>n3ds monster hunter edition started to flicker around the border of the screen
damn man this is unplayable now

>Monster AI is limited, which isn't a bad thing if you want to learn headsniping
>Garuga and Kush were actually fair fights back then
>Teostra wasn't a hyperaggressive fucktard that exploded if you didn't stagger him in time
>Lunastra and Hypnocatrice exists
>Rajang could be defeated by walking right and his blankaball was gimped

Buy a new screen and replace it.

>stand near his rear legs
>never get hit

How would you feel if the Mainline ever goes near-Frontier levels?

We already are. Gen is already Frontier lite.

As indifferent as I was to Alatreon's elemental powers

>can't transmog wroggi armor

i think the word is ecstatic

>tail flicks anyone standing behind into the windblades

>windblade vacuum

Is there an answer for the most important question yt "how many pages does the item box in XX have"?

unknown, 14 right now but you can unlock more progressing through high rank village

Yet another game series ruined.

item box pages is another relic of the past that will soon be destroyed come mh5

>it's a mini amatsu tornado with virtually no charge time

sounds like it would be easier to adept/brave gp than the actual amatsu tornado



*throws temper tantrum*

do it then kid

Grab a time machine you nincompoop and travel to its NA release date like me.

I promise, I'll stop beating my meat to Gore Magala if they localize XX

>tfw no Shaggy Musume set to transmog into


What do you think Freedomunitedude is doing now? He's basically a demigod.

Sure you will.


Where do I get the most recent MHX .cia? According to the pastebin I need to reinstall it to safely transfer my Generations save back.

I want to fuck Girl Magala so bad
Long black hair, purple/pink/red eyes, dress, ZTR

UNF, just UNF

Doodle, please go

I guess so.

Download MHX from freeshop. In the pastebin the first link is the cia patch and update, you install that and it updates + patches X.

I mean, in the pastebin, the part to do with Gen/X save transfers.

I guess I should cancel the MHX update that Freeshop automatically queues up when I try to download the game then since I'll be installing it manually?

I guess? Idk, I never had it trying to auto update it and I only downloaded it yesterday.

>(temp fix, no quests)

MHXX sales are going to flop, right?




Why do you want it to flop? Because MUH ANIMU?

Don't you get the meaning of the monkey's paw user?

If it flops we might get a proper monhun again.

By proper, you mean what?

g senator has new jumping move