>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
>Links and Resources
>Fire Emblem Heroes FAQ and links
>Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia @ PAX East
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Tharja a best
Pump and dump Nino!
Which units are these?
Linde and Klein seed where
Please don't talk about Nino that way.
Time to go back to waifuposting until Echoes releases, I guess.
RIP Heroes
this inheritance shit is bananas
So what skills for Narcian for SSSR tier?
Kys for being this retarded
>only one Odin
>want to give his stuff to both Nino and Ursula
>not julia
I will after someone tells me which units are those
Do I really have to take a silver sword+ from a 5* to pass it down? I can't take a silver sword from a 4* then upgrade it to a + later?
Give his weapon to Linde dumbo.
Once again, mobile gaming has revealed its inferiority.
No. Sorry user
I don't have Linde and don't care about her much neither
>Blar weapon
>On a Gron user
Have you considered looking up infantry and cavalry
Yeah...I just want to play around with any units I got. Now I'm going to have to burn a lot of units just to give the better ones the optimal sets they need.
They need to put in some limitations in this system or otherwise the powercreep gets out of hand.
Moonbow ma nigga.
And here I was enjoying heroes.
Man, they gave Odin good everything except stats. Now he gets to drop to F tier.
I'm sure he's not the only one with Moonbow, save him for other blue tomes. That's like sending Hector home for Spur ATK, blade tomes are actually rare.
>inherit Glowing Ember/Bonfire for Fae
>don't have enough SP for Bonfire
>go to tenth stratum, three units are blue
>it's god empress Effie and her two Gwendolyns
>everyone but Fae gets btfo
>Effie is overwhelming her even with a disadvantage
>Glowing Ember activating is the only thing that lets her stay alive to trigger Renewal
>get out of there with a victorious Fae
Already liking this update
I too was enjoying it up till 6:59 GMT
C'mon anons, surely you can think of something to make Narcian better?
Still better than Henry.
>They need to put in some limitations in this system or otherwise the powercreep gets out of hand.
Atleast arena is being reworked.
So just making sure:
You can inherit skills as many times as you want but only three at a time, correct?
Are tiers even a thing anymore?
Odin becomes the best skill fodder now. His rank will rise to make him good for skill transfers.
Actually several units will rise up to be good for skill transfers only.
Yeah but, the gaps have risen significantly.
Yes, but Arena is changing so I'd becareful about too many skills since upodated arena matching will factor in how many skills unit has learned+inherited. Not sure when this Arena update kicks in.
Who thought this was a good idea
Renewal 3 from 5* Jakob to Sharena yes or no?
>tfw I rolled 5 (FIVE) Odins 2 days ago when I was rolling for Ninian.
I knew this fucker would come in handy eventually.
Aw shit, I hope I have a sword breaker on me.
I love Ryoma!
Yes / No?
Good to know, thanks.
So, I can't figure out how to give moonbow. Its only letting me give new moon. Help please.
Not bad. I was thinking of Vantage but that's hot. Maybe even throw Atk +3 (gordin) instead of Def +3
Odin must be 5*
Have fun.
I've never been so unenthused about rolling 3 5*s
What's the point of even playing this any more?
I already had a mediocre team at best, only three 5*'s. Now it'll go from difficult to literally unplayable.
I was actually considering putting some money into it. That sure as hell isn't happening now.
Wait, so units have to share both movement type and weapon type?
Well, RiP my Ephraim setup. God, this sucks.
Found a copy of Fire Emblem: Radient Dawn at a yard sale for $10, how'd I do and how is the game? Never played a Fire Emblem game before.
No, /feg/ is retarded.
Wait till Arena rework kicks in, all the unlucky people like us will only match each other. All the lucky assholes get matched with each other only. All the whales get matched with each other only. Scary thing will be in people trying to cheat this by including low rank and level units with a godtier ones.
>only inheriting one skill
A waste. At least inherit Seal res.
Based on what the April notes have explained, Arena matching will be changed to reflect skills learned and shit. So you can fight on relatively even levels.
Why are you posting from another timeline?
I can give Shiida's darting blow to anyone.
Nice bootleg.
Give me your Catria. Or your Cordelia for the Brave Lance+.
Gave mine drag back for nino shenanigans
start of a great meme team
You can forge wii games?
Moonbow is 4* for Odin. Maybe you're thinking of Defiant Atk 3 or Beyblade+, which do require 5*.
>free skills galore
Count your blessings, you lucky fuck.
You'll be glad you got those fliers for the bullshit tenth stratum quest,
for the 10th floor quests do i need to have 4 units or can it be done with 3?
Doesn't matter because
>people trying to cheat this by including low rank and level units with a godtier ones.
I already deal with it enough now, two absolutely broken units thrown into a mix with some level 1's would still likely be enough to break an Arena streak.
How to make Selena great now that we can inherit skills?
What does Hector want in his B slot?
>tfw enough Nowis to pass Lightning Breath to Tiki and Fae
I feel like this is something they should have saved until the game was nearing it's end and they had most/all of the existing FE units in the game. Dropping it in now feels like nothing more than a rushed whale pandering move.
My main team is Hector/Taco/Tipper/Lucina and even with that I just don't feel like playing now, this doesn't make me want to drop hundreds of dollars for more vantage slaves and shit.
Yeah, now she can get ground down for Triangle Adept.
You don't.
Inherit skills made literally everything without god tier stats and/or exclusive weapons even worse.
thank god i didn't spend money on this shit
Any units with death blow 3 at 4*?
>10th Stratum flier team
>10th Stratum armored Team
>10th Stratum cavalry team
I don't even have enough for a full party
>not using Nowi in the first place
+spd Nowi is a godsend, but I understand the urge of giving everyone distant counter. LoliTiki is now even better.
>gave eirika defiant attack and dragons gaze
She will be strong
What's the best game to start this series with?
Wait so inheriting skills lets you have more than 3, so do you get your skills replaced, or can you have more than 3 now?
So the tier list basically has to be rewritten, right?
How much better is lightning breath over flametongue?
So are feathers worth way more now?
Yes. Some users can pass their niches to characters with better stats.
Blazing Sword or Path of Radiance
Awakening is a good place to start too, as much as I hate that game
Much more
Blazing Sword/just Fire Emblem for the GBA
easy to emulate and starts off with a tutorial to introduce the gameplay
Thanks for ruining the game, Anna.
>Healers can't inherit Poison Strike
fug :DDD
Pretty much, some cool niche units that had viability are now unusable while some not very good units have become god tier due to skill inheritence. Most of all broken units have become even more broken. Enjoyy. Enjoyy. Enjoyy you're lifetime.
Yeah if they lack one. Not fucking replace everything with Blade Tomes, Counter, and Vantage you stupid jew bitch!
but they can inherit Savage Blow
Same here. Arena matchups will be hell now.
I'll still spend my b-day money to get some orbs waiting for a Linde banner so I can blow out all of my orbs to get her. I currently have 53 orbs now.
Not exactly since there will be two different metas now when the arena split happens. Those who have +10 units with all the skills in the world on their units and those who keep off of that and not skill inherit or do minor inherits.
Poison dagger says hi
Please respond.