Can the Roman Empire ever be revived? If say, Greece and Russia were united into one state? I hate nationalism so much, it's just as cancerous as globalism.
Can the Roman Empire ever be revived? If say, Greece and Russia were united into one state? I hate nationalism so much...
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It's dead and buried.
>Hate globalism
>Hate nationalism
What do you want instead, if I may ask?
And I only think we can through might and control of land, the Roman empire(s) changed so much through history it's pointless to try to rechange in terms of culture, religion or ideology.
If someone managed to control Italy, Greece, Libya as well as a good amount of other parts of the Mediterranean coast I suppose they may officially claim to be the Roman Empire reborn.
Does this make sense?
Only autists want to revive Rome
>What do you want instead, if I may ask?
Pre-nationalist political organization.
All Major European rulers since Charlemange have been autists?
Also many didn't try to recreate Rome you autist
All relevant ones did.
Anglos aren't European btw.
>a ruler from over 1000's years ago
The point is that only autists nowadays still think in terms of empires, and wanting restore 'roman glory' to legimise their empire.
Empires are far superior to nationalism. Nationalism had been the most destructive ideology on the planet, along with communism. Perhaps even more so, since communism is over, but nationalist conflicts continue. Nationalism also homogenizes a national culture, which even where foreign elements aren't killed, impairs the domestic culture. I'd choose the Ottoman Empire over Turkey and the current situation in the Middle East any day.
>it's either nationalism, communism or empires
There's more to life than three options.
I agree though, nationalism is a cancer.
>I'd choose the macro-state that helped with Britain and France to create the clusterfuck of the current Middle East.
Great meme answer.
No, there are other organizations. I'm just saying pooh-pooing empires as autistic is stupid, since nationalism is actually a lot less intuitive to people. There is also the circumstance of having multiple states out of one nation, and a number of other methods of organization.
The current situation was caused by terminating the Ottoman Empire.
Theres a thing called individualism
>What do you want instead, if I may ask?
The current situation was caused by the Ottoman Empire being a failing piece of shit, which it had already stagnated to by the early 19th century after the Greek War of Independence. The fact you thinking perpetuating its continued existence would've improved things with the rampant Arab pan-nationalism is the irony here.
>the fastest way to create an autoritarian shithole
Good choice
>all anarchism is anarcho-capitalism
while anarchists are often the laughing stock of everyone else, an-caps are the laught stock of anarchists
The current situation was caused by shitty partitions.
>an-caps are the laught stock of anarchists
Really not.
It was caused by all of them. Ottomans continuing would not have improved things, and the British and French partitioning and separating Arab nations into various states with their own artificial monarchies made things worse.
this meme is going too far
International proletarianism
>Roman Empire
>Caring what Russia and Greece think
Literally why.
Just become the leader of a country and declare yourself Rome.
That's just cherry flavored globalism you retard
Whoops, I forgot to add this:
The governments of Spain, Turkey, and Italian probably won't mind if you throw them a bone about them being the successors and all or just buy the title.
Why are autists so obsessed with Rome?
The most important ancient western thinkers were Greek
What does that have to do with reestablishing a political entity? Besides, except for the mathematicians, every Greek philosopher became virtually irrelevant after Christianity, save for Plato and Aristotle.
Basis of modern Western civilization is Roman, not Greek. The Romans also are the main contributors to our architecture and laws and the administrative structure of governments; and most modern democracies are closer or based around its elective representative form of government.
Greeks did philosophies and maths, the Romans did everything else.
Post ww2 gangsters try a lot and never learn.
Just let it go user.
>I hate nationalism
Reforming the Roman empire or at least uniting the Latin peoples it left behind is litterly the pinacle of Panlatinism and the wet dream of those that belong to it.
>OP says Greeks and Russians
>Latin peoples
Reminder the Greeks were so bad that they got kicked out of the fucking Latin league for embezzling.
Why do you even bring Russia into that?
If anything It should be Greece+Bulgaria+Macedonia+Albania+Serbia(?)
The Roman Empire finally and truly died with the fall of Constantinople, and the destruction of the line of emperors stretching back to Augustus. Anything claiming to be a "new" or "revived" Rome is a fucking joke.
Successors of Golden horde, literal definition of eurasian and population got nearly nothing to do with roman empire
Irrelevant as fuck
>implying empires would even be liked by the people
There's a reason why nationalism killed the emperor star. Paradigms shift and people want and like different things. We're a bit harder to control than just "hey my dad was leader last. I'm leader now, k?"
>Roman Empire ever be revived?
>If say, Greece and Russia
>neither roman nor human
russians are genetically more turkic than turks
>Successors of Golden horde
hah, don't say that in russia
Kek, sorry but Istanbul belongs to Turkey and will remain so. It's been a better city since they started to properly run things there anyway. Not even trolling, look at the Hagia Sophia tell me it doesn't look better with minarets?
Why? To be fair, there are a shit ton of "ethnic" Russians who have strong Mongoloid features, the Mongols left a genetic legacy over there.
Are you by any chance American?
>what are finno-ugric peoples
>byzantibums faces when it is actually Russia and Turkey that will be united
istanbul second rome
moscow third rome
Really are.
Why are Western cucks so in love with the idea that the Russian shithole is a third Rome and anything more than a shithole?
No the original romans are extinct just lol if you think modern fabios are the same as romans.
>muh cousin of the wife of the brother of the maid of the byzantine emperor once married a russian chief, that makes them third rome yo
They might be a shithole for now but they're working on it, though i do agree that they're smart enough to try not to be a new Roman-esque empire.
Turkey is the Ottoman Empire.
They were always a shithole and always will be a shithole. Trying to pretend they're "Third Rome" and "boss of all Slavs" is just pathetic.
true but meaning of "turk" is belong to all turkics.Gok"turks"
Are you by any chances mentally disabled?
>Who are the Hungarians
They're doing pretty well for the massive sanctions. They literally have the highest rate of education per capita (no, seriously, not even trolling, they do).
Rate =/= quality. Russian degrees are worth about as much as one from the University of Phoenix. It's a diploma mill tactic to make the country look good.
I've heard plenty of horror stories of Russian "engineers" who can't handle basic industry math. Even the Chinese and Indians won't hire them unless they've gone to one of the "good schools."
Russian education is actually extremely competitive. It has to be, since higher education is guaranteed as a right to everyone by the Constitution, so to excel means you have to go up against a lot more competition.
both shitholes
Sounds more like Florida/No Child Left Behind style education where they lower standards so that everyone can pass.
That's not anarcho primitivism
You do know democracies are representative forms of government, right?
No. What little legitimacy of the "WE WUZ ROMANZ AND SHEIT" meme died when the Bolsheviks took power.
Rome is dead. Finland is just a meme. There is no successor. Just let it rest in peace.
Please send help.