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The less you know about it the better
t. Bilbaíno.
Tu as francais, parlez francais!
The seven provinces of Euskal Herria, three of the historic regions part of French department of the Pyrénées-Atlantiques while four are part of Spain, divided in two Autonomous Comunities, the Navarre that comprises the homonimous province and the Basque Country formed by the remaining three.
The Low Navarre has been part of Navarre as the name suggests, so sometimes six provinces are represented instead of seven.
The Spanish part enjoys a remarkable autonomy, while the French one does not, as France is a very centralized country.
The unity of the seven provinces comes from their Basque heritage, the language still brinh spoken in all of them even if its a endangered language.
The Spanish side is pretty industrial and rich while the French one is largely rural and tourism focused.
That makes more sense.
The spanish kings used to take an oath to respect the rights of the basque people to self rule under a holy tree. Pretty based
it should also be parle not parlez
seems pretty dumb
maybe he regrets his rudeness at first and then decides to be kind
Thats how Middle Ages were, Justice was not to ensure that everyone had the same rights, but to treat everyone according to their own right.
Much more cucked than the Spanish side, basically frogs at this point.
pretty dope region. the semana grande festivals are fun, i was just there for them. lots of tourists of course was a bummer. i only saw bilbao and san sebastian, would go back and check out village life and chop firewood or some shit.
like user said about being industrial, portugalete (near bilbao) has the puente colgante which is the only UNESCO world heritage site classified as industrial patrimony of the world. its dope, google it
do they still do this? some special ceremony?
Not really, the kings (Habsburgs)stoped travelling to make the oath, at best, the Viscayan royal representative did.
The Carlist pretender Charles VII, did made the oath under the Oak during last Carlist War, but he lost.
Juan Carlos I visited Guernica and made a speech recognizing the value of the traditional laws but did not really make any oath I think.
His son Felipe VI hanst done anything similar yet.
When the Basque pressident is inaugurated on his office, the ceremony is in Guernica:
Basque Independence when
Never. They are surrounded by two big states that wont allow it.
% of kids studying in Basque.
The colours show dialects.
Estoy un poco tarde
Soy un estudiante graduado en los estudios literarios castellanos, y quiero enfocar mis estudios en la periferia española. Tomaré una clase de catalán este semestre para que tenga conocimiento de esta producción cultural, pero prefiero la cultura vasca más. ¿Es viable estudiar euskara como un medio de producción cultural? ¿Hay demanda para este trabajo? ¿O es mejor que trabaje con catalán y español?
Responde por favor
Inbreds amongs inbreds
cro magnon genetics are also prevalent in the balkans
>be tiny language on the edge of extinction
>have multiple dialects, thus ensuring your eventual abolition
Every time.
How many real countries could you build from a slowly decaying population of 700k whose language is not related to any other and whose borders are almost contained within two more powerful countries?
Better for them to overcome teenage angst and work along the other spanish communities for everyone's betterment
La producción catalana es mayor, Cataluña está más habitada y la lengua está más extendida, además Barcelona continúa siendo la capital literaria de España.
Por lo que probablemente sea más fácil combinar el catalán y el castellano.
Eso no quiere decir que no haya producción cultural en euskera, pero es sin duda bastante más reducida. Claro, que eso puede significar que tengas menos competencia en aquello a lo que quieras dedicarte.
La decisión está en tus manos, espero haber sido de ayuda.
Sí, muchas gracias por tu ayuda!
De nada.