*blocks your path*
Repost cuz i'm a RETARD
What champions have you hit lvl 5 mastery or above on, /lolg/?
I want to hug Nami!
Reminder that duskblade sets a dangerous precedent for Lethality based damage ratios
*goes the other way*
>lost my promos to G2 twice in 24 hours
>tfw you'll never bully Nami about her fishy odor
>every single game im in someone AFK's
Fuck this shitty community
her base model is so ugly, no wonder people only use skins for her
>wanting to join that team
i want to fug nami
xth for Syndra
Do you think they will do the same for magic pen?
i realize i love to botlane but i won more games as jungle.
No because magic pen only comes from guise and sorc shoes, it's less of a "proper" stat than Lethality currently.
Which leagues are flat aside from jinx
give nunu,jax and malphite some new ability icons
I wanna elevate Jinx
How do i not get angry at this shit ass game?
5 losses streak and it's only getting worse
i swear to god i'm about to break my fucking monitor
Will we ever get a good tank MR item that isn't Spirit Visage?
>kayle goes seasons without any serious touches sitting at a healthy 53% winrate top lane consistently
>is just a ranged, better, version of tryndamere
>uncomprehendingly oppressive to lane against as a melee with her massive base damage and utility
play a better game
there's none, which is why so many mages have been taking turns to be utterly cancer in the last year, and they all had the same thing in common: they can 100-0 tanks with ease
i've been bitching for them to bring back force of nature, it's bullshit that you have to pick visage even though you're not a 'heal' tank, and banshees is a fucking bad excuse for an item
I'm not sure why Riot ever though Jax fishing would get across he gets more attack speed with consecutive auto attacks
his old passive (with the same icon) was a vlad-tier passive that gave him, uh... health when buying ap and ad?
let me check a second
I wanna give Lulu ALL the headpats!
>most useless passive on an item
Oh man, sure glad I blocked that poke that will be thrown at me several times before the shield is back up
Banshee's is shit. Good amount of MR but the HP is so low it's laughable and all the power is packed into a 40 second passive it's fucking worthless.
Oh yea, forgot about that. But still, the icon never made sense.
>smurf account got permabanned for the shit i say every game on my main account
fug :DDD
im not even mad but holy fuck that couldve been my main with every champ/rune/runepage, blessed af
That's how it worked for me tho, granted, the smurf account got chat restricted 3 months ago but i said the exact same shit i say every time im smurfing through d5, this time i got permad tho
>support lux is bad
xth for most lovable wife
Low elo player builds Sunfire, Visage, Tabi, Randuin, Banshee's
>"Ok, I'm really fucking tanky now."
High elo player buys a ruby crystal
>"Ok, I'm really fucking tanky now."
>Weapon Mastery (1st I) Jax gains (+ 15% bonus AD) (+ 15% AP) from items he purchases.
>Equipment Mastery (2nd I) Jax's prowess with weapons and armor increases his fortitude, gaining (+ 300 per 100 AD) (+ 200 per 100 AP) bonus health when purchasing items.
those were his two previous passives
but yeah still he's just fucking fishing, not buying stuff
We need an sjw tumblr friendly champion if the game is to survive! We need that audience!
I suggest something like this
> pic related
>anyone builds tabis
>ok im really fucking tanky now
>ONE game
>in Normals
>in a MMR that is most likely equivalent to silver at most
congrats, I can win games as full AD Shen in an higher elo than that, and it's still shit
>shaved sides
trash it
Taliyah, also the majority of tumblr likes the female cast Like Quinn, Lux, Fiora, etc that audience has already been established.
Music based support like Lucio when?
mad babbies that got carried by a support lux
I hope Riven gets reworked/updated into less of a "feast or famine" bruisersassin so I can play her without stressing about having to win lane or get shit on.
what champions have been nami'd and which have been olafed recently?
*dives in your team and dies*
have you not played the game since sona was added you fucking inbred cuck?
How is Taliyah SJW? because she's brown? Also we already have Vi
yeah but where's our King champion with a ultra longsword, bare-chested, and that just doesn't fucking die?
>tfw see your LoL 'friends' queue up for normal and don't invite you
Time traveling quirky character when?
Masculine pink haired female character when?
Large male character with huge shield when?
Namiying: Buffing an average champion until it's broken
Olafing: Destroying a champion in order for it to never be played until you figure out what to do with it
Is there a better feeling than completely dumpstering a ribbon main?
nami'd - shit but then buffed until ultra cancer
olaf'd - complete cancer that gets nerfed into the trash can permanently
There are many.
reminder that you can build hurricaine on vayne if you really wanted to
when do I rend the baron?
like I don't wanna leave it at 10 hp and have it get stolen but also can't rend too late or they can outsmite
Streamers /lolg/ follows?
I'd say jhin and varus are nami'd but only because of the items
and Aatrox definitly got olafed, not that he was strong but now he's just even worse
estimate your damage and tell your jungler to smite at x health. seems like kalista generally does around 1k damage to baron, do the math with smite
>invite someone from friend list
>they don't respond or say they can't
>queue up without them
>queue with someone from friend list
>feed out the fucking ass or be completely useless every single game no matter who they play
>rage in party or all chat
>don't have any sick bantz to make up for it
>queue without them and don't invite again
if a friend makes the game actively less fun to play and drains the enjoyment factor then they aren't worth playing with
Why do my posts only get 0-1 responses? Notice me. I went through the trouble of saving a reaction image of my favorite anime girl for every situation.
noticed kohai.
Ryze has been olafed, again. I swear, riot will never learn that his "identity" is cancerous as fuck
depends if you're elf or not if you aren't then fuck off and stop using g her images and get your own gimmick. if you are then hello :3
>Support pick nautilus
>Literally unable to do anything because only thing he can do is to hook someone and then get ignored
>For some reason as adc Im responsible for some passive fuck doing nothing
comfy smooches~
you're boring
Why the Janna picture though? What purpose does it even serve?
Loves the attention.
When's ahri getting nerfed?
are you new here?
not responding at all is correct, responding and telling them to fuck off still gives them the attention they seek.
>tfw funsucker is back in the meta
Shit your bad. Jesus people on here are like stray fucking cats begging for food.
under normal circumstances I would pity them but instead they choose to come here and be annoying so I end up just disliking them.
there's always a new one every few months too.
I want to look EXACTLY like shyvana!
l try to be as nice as possible: l never flame, l try to remember things someone tells me about his/her life to later ask how is that going, flatter when someone makes any small good play, always stay positive and try to encourage teammates when losing. The only thing l expect is to get some niceness in return. lt pisses me off so much to see that the ones that people seem to care more about are the 'cool bully guys'
You NEVER invite me
shut the fuck up jerk
oh that sucks them in that case t y to make new friends that won't treat you like garbage
i feel the same, if someone gives me crap in game i block them immediately and move on. games are supposed to be fun not drama because of online personalities. that being said there are a few cool people here to play with if you bother looking. ill add you and play some normals since i usually spam queue with a friend or two most days
just msg me if you want to play? usually when i log on i message the ones I usually play with or they message me and we spam queue
I'm new (a few months). have lvl7 tokens for Brand but no blue essence. rate my cancer
you can buy champ tokens in the store for 1700 IP which you can disenchant into blue essence
oh right I forgot about that, but is it even worth it? I only have 2700RP right now (just got Syndra)
You look like you enjoy giving people a bad time. Stay out of my bot lane please. And yeah look into the 1700 tokens for blues its easy to come by. I'd say they're worth it, the expense aint too bad.
>Everything got nerfed so let's go back to playing obnoxiously cancer champs that have never received significant nerfs again
Ahri Lee Ezreal every game let's go baby
When are we gonna do filename related? just dont zap me too hard
Buy me Aether Wing Kayle.
why can you see how many chests you can get but not how many key frags
>It's a "Lucian does his cookie cutter combo on anyone the moment they come near him regardless of how strong he is" episode
I swear only fucking monkeys play this champion
>riot removed ward hopping from every champ except jax and lee sin
>they'll eventually take it away from jax in his rework
>riot will never EVER remove it from lee sin and he'll always have his bullshit mobility aids